View Full Version : Anaphylaxis?

16-10-19, 12:12
I want to preface this by apologizing for my sudden frequent posts.. my anxiety has been through the roof again lately and i just really need someone to help me reel it in right now..

When I was 17 I had a bad allergic reaction to an antibiotic that I was taking for a really nasty ear infection. My throat got increasingly sore as I took the pills for like a week, and it became almost unbearable. But I kept taking the pills because they were getting rid of my ear infection and I had no clue that my throat issues were connected to the antibiotics. Eventually I complained to someone about it and they looked in my mouth and said my throat looked like it was closing up so I went to the hospital and they told me I was having a "mild" anaphylactic reaction (is that even a thing?) and gave me a pill to stop it.

Now I'm 24 and I got a really bad bite (from what I assume was a spider) on my leg the other day. It itched and burned but it didn't seem too concerning so I put some antibiotic ointment on it and tried to forget about it. Today.. Day 3 (I think) after noticing the bite, I woke up with a bad sore throat that got increasingly worse throughout the day. Now it's 4am and I cannot fall asleep because I can barely swallow and my sinuses are killing me. This feeling is almost exactly like the way I felt back then when i had that allergic reaction so I'm freaking out over here thinking I might be having a bad reaction to that bite and that I'll die if I fall asleep. My husband has to get up in an hour for work and I'm trying really hard not to make him take me to emergency room right now.. I was doing so well and it's been so long since my last hospital visit.. but this has me really freaked out..

Also my husband has been having some sinus issues lately, but he insists that he hasn't experienced a sore throat.. so i don't think it's the same thing he's having..

16-10-19, 13:03
update.. probably gonna head to the ER.. I'm in such horrible pain I can't sleep at all and I'm crying. Even if it's not anaphylaxis I need help.

16-10-19, 14:29
Does it warrant ER? Can you not see a doctor or are they not open at the moment?