View Full Version : Hugs requested, please?

16-10-19, 17:25
Today, some twit at work - presumably a student - decided to use pepper spray in the atrium. I work in an adjoining room (the library), and the double doors that connect them are almost always open.

As would be expected, I started coughing, hard, and could barely get my breath. Even after I went outside for fresh air, every time I went back in I started coughing again - presumably I'm extra sensitive to it. We called my manager, at the other site, and I explained I wouldn't be able to work in that atmosphere for another two and a half hours. She made light of it, even though I could barely speak for coughing. Finally, she agreed to contact her own manager, who immediately involved the manager above her, who sent me home.

Home now, showered and washed my hair, but my chest's still tight and I'm still feeling pretty upset about the whole business - especially my damned boss.

16-10-19, 19:00
Gentle hugs blue, that sounds absolutely awful! It’s shameful that your manager made light of it like that, but I’m glad you were able to go home.

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16-10-19, 19:16
Sending you hugs :hugs:

16-10-19, 20:55
So sorry to hear that ! Your manager sounds like a right fool for trying to make a joke out of something like that- sending lots of hugs your way x

16-10-19, 21:01
Your immediate manager sounds like a right *****.
You’ve had trouble with her before haven’t you? Hope you can relax tonight...

16-10-19, 21:06
Hmmm heard of your line manager before, from other posts about her behaviour. What on earth is she thinking making light of someone wheezing and coughing from a noxious substance !? Formal complaint !

16-10-19, 21:32
Thanks for the support, everyone. Still feeling a bit rough, but better than I was.

17-10-19, 01:14
Perhaps you should ask to be supplied with a gas mask if this is the glib attitude taken by your "manager" to such serious threats impacting your health :lac:

Hope you feel better after a good night's rest.

17-10-19, 02:21
Sorry to hear about this, Blue :hugs: It sounds like at least your manager's manager's manager has a clue about staff welfare. (imagine if something really serious happened, would they need to consult the Prime Minister or something? :shrug:) Imagine they had someone with a chronic breathing condition in this scenario.

Chalk it up to a manager being an idiot and once back at work hopefully you will be back into the routine and it will soon pass. Relax tonight and try to stop yourself being wound up about what has been caused by others, you have done nothing wrong or unreasonable and it was their decision to send you home when all you asked for was a couple of hours to get the room cleared out.

Pepper spray should be seen as a serious issue by the other too. Deploying it outside of a self defence situation is hardly going to impress the police. Anyway, pepper spray is illegal in the UK so they should be taking it serious if someone is bringing an offensive weapon to work.

17-10-19, 04:55
Feeling better this morning, luckily. Still got a bit of a cough, but plenty of hot drinks should keep it manageable.

A bit concerned that I might have exacerbated the symptoms by worrying about them at the time - I seemed to get hit worse by it than most people - but I was in it for longer than most of them because I couldn't just leave the area. Besides, I don't think anxiety was a completely irrational response to this situation.

17-10-19, 05:15
Hugs Blue

Teaching is a tough h
job yous got my respect


17-10-19, 05:31
Thanks, Charlie! I don't teach, but I work in the library and I do a lot of student IT support.

I live and work in a rough area by UK standards, but this one did shock me a bit.

17-10-19, 05:56
OOoo, you could make up a fun story to tell people about it...like you got in a bar fight or you survived a riot ;)

17-10-19, 06:40
Hi Blue

It's still great yous use your IT skills for education and not for Citibank

From what I understand of IT support it's kinda teaching anyway on a one to one basis.


17-10-19, 06:59
Thanks! Yeah, I've known since I was a kid that I didn't want to do a job that was just helping some big company make money.

I do a lot of training, yes, both teachers and students - it's my favourite part of the job :)

17-10-19, 07:21
I’m glad you’re feeling better. I hope today is ok. Hugs x

18-10-19, 05:40
Good that you are feeling better.:yesyes: