View Full Version : Giving up alcohol - weight loss

17-10-19, 13:36

Has anyone found they have lost weight from stopping drinking? I haven't had an alcoholic drink for over 8 weeks and have lost almost 2kg. I was drinking almost every day (couple of glasses of wine, or g&T or a few beers) for a good few years, but have now completely stopped. This is mainly due to starting Sertraline.

Ridiculous as it sounds, the weight loss is triggering my Health anxiety as I know weight loss can point to underlying illness but I'm trying to tell myself it's almost certainly down to not drinking or binging late evening after a drink.

Would be very helpful to hear if anyone else has had weight loss when knocking drink on the head.

Thanks in advance,


17-10-19, 15:36
Of course you will lose weight if you stop drinking as alcohol has a lot of empty calories.

17-10-19, 18:47
I'm surprised you've only lost 2kg tbh.

17-10-19, 22:26
A really big well done on giving up alcohol! Being an alcoholic myself (I’ve wished up now, but I’ll always have that inner alcoholic!) it is extremely difficult to do. Although your drinking doesn’t sound like it was at hazardous amounts, it’s always best to have a few alcohol free days per week.

hopefully you’ll find your anxiety improves now, because although alcohol numbs the anxiety when you take it, this certainly isn’t the case when it wears off.

Congrats once again :)

18-10-19, 02:22
I am desperate to give up drinking! I have piled weight on over the last year, went from a size 10 to a size 16 and I am furious with myself. Its stopped me training and contributed to a huge spiral with anxiety. But on the other hand it helps me relax, but I know it isn't the answer. How did you guys quit / cut down?

18-10-19, 02:26
And Dan21 - yes you will lose weight, drink is full of calories. A bottle of wine is literally near 1000 cals. When I was in shape I only had 1400 cals in total per day. Right now I'm drinking my intake in calories before I eat. You will certainly lose weight if you cut drink, well done for doing it!

18-10-19, 04:03

Has anyone found they have lost weight from stopping drinking? I haven't had an alcoholic drink for over 8 weeks and have lost almost 2kg. I was drinking almost every day (couple of glasses of wine, or g&T or a few beers) for a good few years, but have now completely stopped. This is mainly due to starting Sertraline.

Ridiculous as it sounds, the weight loss is triggering my Health anxiety as I know weight loss can point to underlying illness but I'm trying to tell myself it's almost certainly down to not drinking or binging late evening after a drink.

Would be very helpful to hear if anyone else has had weight loss when knocking drink on the head.

Thanks in advance,


I've also given up alcohol (I never drank a lot anyway) and sugar and I've lost 2 kgs as well. Alcohol is full of sugar, so that will be why you are dropping weight.

18-10-19, 15:38
I know where you're coming from I was in prison for a year and a half and you only get one hot meal a day and when I went to see the doctor he said I'd lost over a pound and he was like that's really good well done and I was like I want a blood test because I was convinced I had cancer or something. Alcohol is ridiculously full of calories like you wouldn't even believe! A glass of red wine is equivalent to 2 big macs lol. Honestly don't be worried but good job on quitting booze give it a few months and youll deffo feel better anxiety wise.