View Full Version : URGENT - scared and don't know what to do

18-10-19, 12:07
Hi, this is a genuine post I know it probably doesn't sound it and sounds absolutely ridiculous.

About 15 minutes ago I was eating some lunch and I had some grated cheese on a cracker. For some reason as I was about to take a bite, I sniffed and a piece (maybe more than one) of cheese went up my right nostril. I am now terrified that it's going to go into my lung and and caused me to suffocate. Can this happen? It was quite finely grated. I know it's probably sounds like I am making this up I promise you I'm not, I'm really scared and don't know what to do. I am now convinced that I've got pain in my throat and I'm sure I've got a bit of a cough that wasn't there before. Somebody please help!! 😕 I have blown my nose a couple of times and one small piece of cheese did come back out if but whatthere is more and it's going to kill me.

18-10-19, 12:10
No this can't happen - you will be fine.

18-10-19, 12:13
Thank you - it's crazy how our mind runs away with us especially when at home alone!!

18-10-19, 12:48
Its no different to when you sniff and snot goes down your throat. Dont worry about it.

18-10-19, 14:56
You are mixing up different systems here, think of the anatomy of the nose and throat (look up a picture if you need to). The nose has pollen, dust and hairs go up into it the whole time, so a weeny bit of cheese (and it could have only been miniscule to actually be snorted up) won't do you any harm at all. It will either come out downwards to the end of the nostrils, or will go backwards and down the back of your throat and be swallowed. As someone else said, no different to all the rest of the mucous and pollutants that are inhaled via the nose every single day. If cheese had gone crazily up your nose and whizzed towards your windpipe at an incredible velocity lol, which I honestly can't imagine is possible as the nose is designed to stop this happening, then you'd be doing the natural human body response - coughing and clearing it from your windpipe. So, basically, nope it can't happen.

19-10-19, 23:45
This i suppose is similar to when your in a swimming pool and water goes up your nose and down your throat you will be absolutely fine. I once accidentally got chili up my nose i was convinced of all sorts but it shortly passed and i was left unscathed just a lesson learned to wash my hands after touching fresh chilli and then my nostrils.