View Full Version : Can You Get Sepsis or Serious Infection From A House Cat?

18-10-19, 22:30
I know I probably sound ridiculous, but the other night, my cat scratched around my eye area after I bent down to move her (clearly not happy having to move her off the bed), now it wasn't bad, just a scratch above my eyelid and under it. Bled very little, and I cleaned it was water and put some antiseptic cream on it.

Now, I suffer with really bad anxiety, health specifically and my depression has been quite bad at the moment too. I'm 32 woman, hypothyroid/pcos. I don't drink or smoke or anything.

Last week or so I've had stomach cramps and loose bowel movements, then too hard so as I said in another forum, maybe that's IBS related to other issues.

I have been taking Propranolol for the past year for anxiety, but for the past few months, I've reduced to just 10mg a day, and past few days been taking it every 2nd day, cause I eventually want to come off for good unless I need it. Anyway, I had bad stomach/bowel cramps and toilet troubles tonight (not terrible, just loose), I felt cold earlier, and warm tonight, not sure if that's due to tiredness as I have a bad sleeping pattern anyway, or if its coming from a bacterial infection? Stomach or if that scratch from my cat has caused a serious infection? She's a house cat, so she doesn't go outside. She had a bad infection/or cold or something about a month ago, but she got all the medication and antibiotics to clear that up when in the vets, and has been all better since.

I know I'm rambling, but I have a huge fear of Sepsis and infections, and getting a scratch or stomach bug/infection anything makes me panic that it's something deadly serious like Sepsis.

So yeah, I've been worrying about my messed up bowel movements and the scratch from my cat, and about Sepsis from something like that?

18-10-19, 23:59
Socrates, our Pixie Bob is going to be 9 years old next month. I've had him since he was 8 weeks old. He's now around 17lbs and a strong muscular boy. I can't count the number of times I've been scratched and nipped over the years. He's the sweetest cat ever but he can get feisty when he's playing or pissed off and he's drawn some blood ~lol~ If I get a scratch or nip that bleeds, I do the same common sense thing. Wash it and put an antibacterial cream on the scratch or bite. Haven't gotten an infection yet :shrug:

Think of all the millions of cat owners that get scratched or nipped and the number of related very serious complications. The odds are beyond astronomical!

Speaking of the little devil... He just jumped up and curled up next to me wanting pets and scratches :D

Positive thoughts

19-10-19, 00:53
I know, I'm usually fine about these things, as I've been scratched more times than I can count, but this time when it caught around my eye, because I wasn't feeling great with my stomach and bowel issues, I started getting really panicky and putting it all together and putting myself into this state.

I'll try calm down a bit about it, I think I'm just feeling a bit off with my stomach cramps and stuff, could be ibs or something, so it has me more anxious and panicky than usual.

Thanks Fishmanpa, I knew it might have sounded a little ott, but my heads a bit messed up at the moment, and not feeling great so it all got on top.

Btw, Socrates is a great name for a cat!

19-10-19, 01:14
The name fits ;)


Positive thoughts

19-10-19, 07:19
I have two cats and a dog. Can't even count the number of times I was scratched or bitte. Nothing ever happened. You will be fine.

19-10-19, 10:35
Ohh he definitely fit the name, your only missing a crown now! He's wonderful, beautiful markings. That photo has made me smile, thanks Fishmanpa!

19-10-19, 10:37
I know, I'm just having an extra panicky time, and I become very hypochondriac when this happens. Sometimes I can handle things very well, other times it seems to becone overwhelming to the point of sheer panic. But thank you, I've seemed to calm down a bit today so hopefully I can start mentally challenging this behaviour and getting better.