View Full Version : hey i'm new!

25-09-07, 00:28

My name is Chloe and I'm new to this site. I've been through a lot of things and would like to share my experiences with people after hiding them for a long time.

I have an abusive relationship with my parents; for most of my life they have been emotionally abusive towards me and I have found this hard to deal with. I have had battles with self-harm; I had an addiction at one time which was difficult to overcome and although I feel now that I'm more in control I continue to have urges to harm myself. I also have problems with anxiety and feel as though I have to deal with everything by myself and be as strong as I can; I am a perfectionist and hate to admit that I have weaknesses; therefore I tend to bottle things up and let things get out of control in my head.

I had a year of counselling which really helped me understand the feelings of panic I had and really helped me to see what an outsider thought of my relationship with my parents. This helped me a lot but I still feel lonely and unsure at times; often I feel as though I can't cope.

So that's me in a nutshell! That took a lot of guts so please be nice to me :)

Chloe xx

25-09-07, 08:01
Hi Chloe,

A big warm welcome to you hun. xx Everyone here is lovely and will give you great support. xx

25-09-07, 08:36
:welcome: You have come to the right place for help, support and friendship :)

25-09-07, 08:56
Hi there Chloe:welcome:to you!

Well done for writing all that down:hugs:

No need to feel lonely - we're all friends here, and now we have a new one:)!

My, you've had a lot to cope with - but you'll find plenty of help and support here.

Pleased to meet you!


25-09-07, 09:44
Hi chloe

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


25-09-07, 10:37
Hi Chloe

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

25-09-07, 10:58
Hi Chloe and welcome to no panic.There is lots of support here for you and friendly advise.Well done on coming on here and opening up to us.:hugs: :hugs:

The Fool
25-09-07, 12:14
hi!!!! well im 13 and im pretty much the baby or the site but i finallly found a place were i fit in so you will for definate fit in here to and dont be shy let out allllllll you troubles cuz really were all the same here right?

miss motown
25-09-07, 12:35
hi chloe a warm welcome to you hun youll get lots of support and advice here hun so welcome aboad,

25-09-07, 14:26
Hello Chloe,

Welcome to the site. I am still fairly new here also, but I have made alot of friends here. They are always here to listen and offer hope. I hope that I may be able to help you. If not I know somebody on here can.

Keep your chin up and hang in there. We all can get better if we believe in ourselves an those who offer us hope.Take care and looking forward to talking with you.

:welcome: :hugs: Tina

25-09-07, 16:19

25-09-07, 17:56
Hi Chloe :D

Welcome to NMP, good to write all those things down, you will meet lots of good people here.

Lou x:yesyes:

25-09-07, 19:36
Hi Chloe

:welcome: and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

25-09-07, 21:02
Hi Chloe,

Welcome to NMP. You will find many here who can relate to what you have posted. You will also find tons of support here. So glad you are here.



25-09-07, 21:23
Wow! Thanks for all the replies! :yesyes: Its great to be here. I'm looking forward to talking to everyone.

26-09-07, 00:23
Hi Chloe and :welcome:

It certainly did take a lot of guts and is a brilliant first step. :hugs:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)