View Full Version : Left supraclavicular node!

19-10-19, 14:34
So two nights ago I found a tiny “dot-sized” left supeaclavicular lymph node. It’s in that hollow area a little above my collarbone. It’s creepy because you can’t feel anything in that area except this tiny thing. When I lie down it becomes more prominent. It really is quite tiny. I think it’s movable? But you know how they say that you shouldn’t be able to palpate ANY nodes in this area? And apparently any size is abnormal? Well, I literally froze when I found this. My heart was racing and I literally had to crawl out of bed because I was so scared. Is this worth going to the doctor for? I do have a very prominent collarbone because I’m fairly thin. Could it just be that? Has anyone ever had a left supraclavocular node they could feel and turned out okay? Pls help!

19-10-19, 14:35
Also I know some of you may say that dot sized is too small but because it’s firm enough to be felt I am very concerned. There is a reason it can be felt and others can’t be

19-10-19, 16:33

I'm not a doctor so obviously I can't diagnose you but once I had a freakout over a lymph node on my neck (not supraclavicular). I went to the docs and he said it was fine but checked all of my nodes. He put his finger on a node in my supraclavicular area and said, "oh I can feel one here. See you have nodes throughout your body that you can feel. You're fine." My point being, you can feel a supraclavicular node and be OK.

Best Wishes