View Full Version : Referred under 2 week rule - possible skin cancer

19-10-19, 16:18
Please don't read if easily triggered

I'm in bits over a suspicious lesion on my arm.

I went to the GP about it on Wednesday. He said he wasn't overly concerned, but we spoke about melanoma (he brought it up) and he took a photo and sent it to the dermatology clinic and he said if they wanted to see me they would get in touch. I didn't think anything of it despite my well known HA. Well the next day they phoned, they want to see me and I have an appointment on the 30th under the 2 week rule. Cue full on panic.

I've had it for a few months but as it is by my elbow I would glance at it and thought it was a blood blister and would ignore it (it is a dark-reddish mark)
It has got slightly worse and is raised and a strange shape.

I am pale and don't go out in the sun or use sunbeds.

I don't know why I'm posting I just feel rotten. I didn't think out of all the cancers this would be the one.

19-10-19, 17:32
It doesn't mean you have cancer though - they want to check it out and do tests etc.

19-10-19, 19:24
Nicola is right Carrie, it's a precautionary procedure. :hugs:

20-10-19, 01:03
It's hard to tell much from a photo alone, so they will want to see you. It doesn't mean anything will be wrong. Skin does weird things. I had a shiny red bump on my shoulder come up out of nowhere about a year ago, and since I had basal cell cancer previously, my derm shaved it off to check it. It was fine, just one of those weird things.

20-10-19, 09:05
I wish you all the best with the tests. Just as a reassurance I had a similar issue with a mole on my neck they assessed me within the two week rule and then they removed it and an area around it again I had to wait for tests I was 24 bordering 25 at the time and I was petrified. I got the ALL CLEAR. Until they tell you something is wrong take it as precautionary and if something were to be awry they didn’t neglect you. It is literally standard for skin complaints. We are here if you need a shoulder to lean on. I wish you all the best and let us know how you get on.

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20-10-19, 12:09
I been referred under the two week rule for something else a few years ago. better safe than sorry.

20-10-19, 12:16
I’ve also been referred under the 2week rule, at least everything is done quickly. Even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time x

20-10-19, 15:42
Thanks everyone.
The more I look at it the worse I feel. It’s definitely gotten worse over the last couple of weeks and I keep thinking ‘oh god, why didn’t I get it looked at sooner?’.
It doesn’t help that I showed a friend and she said ‘oh god that looks awful I’m so sorry, you’ve probably caught it early though’. That really didn’t help.
I’m dreading the next 10 days plus the appointment.

21-10-19, 04:36
If its skin cancer it doesn't mean a death sentence my husband just had some cutout and he is fine and healthy, I am not saying yours is cancer.

21-10-19, 08:24
My advice would be not to show the lesion to anyone other than the dermatologist when you go on the 30th. He/she will be the only person qualified to make an accurate diagnosis and anyone else won't have a clue and may make stupid comments like your friend which really don't help.

The 2 week referral system doesn't mean "definitely cancer" but getting assessed quickly does have its benefits in that you won't be left in the lurch worrying for months wondering if there is a problem. I've had quite a few of these fast track appointments and my son is getting an oral lesion biopsied on Weds after following this pathway.

I'm so sorry that you are in this situation, Carrie and I hope you get some much needed reassurance when you go to your appointment. The waiting is the worst bit-maybe you could go on the cancellation list if there is one for an earlier appointment if the 30th seems too far away? x

22-10-19, 17:55
Thanks everyone and thanks Pulisa :)
Because I’ve been examining my arm so frequently the lesion now feels itchy ...
trying to ignore the intrusive thoughts. Hard when you have HA.

My other dilemma is telling my boss i need the time off to attend the appointment which is adding to my anxiety. I am due to have a quarterly meeting with him on the 30th so the fact I need to rearrange this won’t go down well at all. He is not very understanding about medical issues.

22-10-19, 20:25
Too bad, Carrie. Your health comes first over quarterly meetings which can be rearranged. If it were his wife/loved one he would be understanding?

Can you put a plaster over the lesion to prevent you examining it?