View Full Version : Globus sensation?

20-10-19, 12:00
I think I've got this but I'm not sure. It started last weekend when my glands swelled up. They've gone down now but it's like a clicking in my Adam's apple when I swallow. It's at the front and mostly on the right hand side however it's happening a bit in the centre and left side now. It doesn't affect my eating or anything just uncomfortable. When I've been less stressed I sometimes dont notice it or it goes away. I've read somewhere it can be due to tight, tense muscles in the neck.

24-10-19, 08:09
Recently mentioned this to the doctor when reviewing my bloods which were all clear including blood count and thyroid (which rules those problems out). She said give it a few weeks to see if it settles mainly because I've been so stressed. Its hard not to think about it though when your throat clicks when swallowing. It seems to be worse in the morning and when dehydrated I think. Hopefully it resolves on it's own.