View Full Version : Anxiety dreams

21-10-19, 09:41
Has anyone else suffered with this? My dreams are absolutely bizarre. It puts me off going to sleep sometimes and I’m not sure if it’s the cause to the instant anxious feeling I have upon waking.. when I say bizarre I mean truly extremely odd so they stick with me!

I’ve met people who have funny dreams sometimes but not to this extent, I don’t even like describing them anymore lol

21-10-19, 12:22
I get very, very vivid scary dreams. I wake up crying most days, my dreams get super scary

something that has helped me is when i wake up the first thing i do is write down the dream. Then i write how i felt when i woke up. Describe everything you can about the dream, any people you know, any colours or places you see, just every detail you can. then after a few weeks of writing down your dreams, you can read them back and see if there is any pattern. Coincidences between dreams even if its as simple as a colour. It can help distinguish why you’re having those dreams, because they usually come from Anxiety or maybe its just an overactive imagination.

Try using a lavender pillow spray, its helped me so much with relaxing before sleep and that usually calms down my dreams too.

hope you’re okay!