View Full Version : Back aches when breathing

21-10-19, 11:51
Yesterday I had a low grade fever but now my temperature is normal. And recently I've been feeling this tightness in my lungs with a slight "mucusy" feeling. I figured that I must have contracted an upper respiratory infection from a family member who had one and I'm going thru a course of antibiotics rn.

However one of my symptoms is mid back aches when I breathe in deeply. And tonight I only got about 2 and ¹/2 hours of sleep because of it.....

I think I have a Pulmonary Embolism. Back pain when breathing deeply is a common symptom of it and it seems to get worse at times when I lay down flat.

21-10-19, 11:57
Or maybe you just have a low-grade chest infection?

21-10-19, 12:08
Or maybe you just have a low-grade chest infection?

The back pain has been going on for a few days now, so I suppose it's possible that its either that or I pulled my back doing something...However I'm honestly terrified that it's still PE because it hurts when I breathe...

21-10-19, 12:14
Far more likely to be something harmless, I promise.

21-10-19, 15:22
I feel like nothing is helping. Heating pad is only working temporarily but the relief goes away seconds later. This has to be a PE.

21-10-19, 15:25
Why does it have to be? How have you gained the specialist knowledge to come to an accurate conclusion?

21-10-19, 17:09
A colleague of mine had a PE recently. Are you struggling for breath even after a short walk? And I don't mean a bit out of puff, I mean gasping between words when you speak after some mild exertion? Because he was.

21-10-19, 19:56
Flu and all URTI can cause pain when breathing, I currently have the same and also i dislocated my rib so i have double the pain and cant lie comfortable. I think if you only have when your breathing its defo your lungs are just a bit sore, plus depending where you are the weather has gotten colder recently. Our lungs like warm, unpure air hence why with breathing techniques we are told to breath through our nose and out our mouths as the air from our nostrils are warm and moist, our lungs like that. Get some eucalyptus oil, and put in warm water and pop a towel over your head (if not too claustrophobic) and inhale (the steam not the liquid!!!) it will help.
Get well soon x

21-10-19, 22:15
My low grade fever is back and I don't mean to turn this into ANOTHER rabies thread but I think I might have the beginning prodromal symptoms....

22-10-19, 01:39
My low grade fever is back and I don't mean to turn this into ANOTHER rabies thread but I think I might have the beginning prodromal symptoms....

How do we go from PE to rabies...both of these seem pretty far fetched

22-10-19, 01:58
Lots of coughing can mean back ache. The muscles around the ribs can be sprained.

With chest infections you can also find this.

15-04-23, 22:59
I have this now - did you find out what it was and when did it go? I have it in my chest - right side ... upper chest when I breath deeply!