View Full Version : More Concerns about Colon Cancer

21-10-19, 22:18
So I'm writing this because I found out an acquaintance that is younger than I am had similar symptoms and ended up being diagnosed with cancer. I am a 50 yo Female. I constantly have blood when I have a bowel movement. It usually is on the toilet paper, in the toilet and on the outside of the stool. Some days it is everytime I have a bowel movement. Other days it's on the first one and then if I have multiple ones there is no blood or just on the toilet paper. Sometimes, it's nothing. No blood at all. I have lost about 10 lbs over the last year, but that is due to eating patterns. For a while I was having some bad indigestion and would alter my eating. I still get it every so often but not all the time. I alternate between regular stools, hard stools and diarrhea too. I figure it's mainly based on what I'm eating and how my stomach deals with it.

I did have a colonoscopy but it was probably 5-6 years ago--because I was having the same symptoms- and they said everything was fine. No poylps, and they took a sample of the lining to test and everything was fine.

So with that said, I am just freaking out because I am still having symptoms and then I heard about this lady that now has rectal cancer. I've contact my GP to see about seeing a GI/getting another colonscopy but haven't heard back yet. I'm very nervous...HELP.

Oh also, I have external hemmoriods and I'm pretty sure I have intermal ones too. The doctor who did the colonoscopy said well it all looks fine etc so i'm assuming it due to hemmoriods.

21-10-19, 23:28
Oh also, I have external hemmoriods and I'm pretty sure I have intermal ones too. The doctor who did the colonoscopy said well it all looks fine etc so i'm assuming it due to hemmoriods.

Well there you go! Having had a colonosopy 5 years ago, you're about due for another. It's every 5 years after 50 I believe (reminds me, I'm due...Ugggg). Could be you just have a couple of nasty hemmies that need some treatment. It's not sinister IMO but if they're bleeding as much as you say, it's worth asking the doc for some help to calm them down.

Positive thoughts

21-10-19, 23:30
Sounds like piles to me as well that can bleed a lot.

22-10-19, 00:02
Thank you both. I'm going to get an appt set up with my doctor to get another colonoscopy scheduled--hey I need a day off of work to relax anyway..ha ha! I'm feeling a little less freaked out now. I keep telling myself my symptoms havent' changed and they didn't find anything on the first go around so I should be ok. Fingers crossed!

22-10-19, 00:08
Do they just let you ask for one as they don't here?

22-10-19, 20:32
Well, I am 50 so I think they would recommend getting one anyway. Plus I have symptoms so I do believe that they would ok having a scope done. I know when I had the first one done, they did it because I was bleeding and freaking out so the doctor ok'd it. I know of someone that is younger than me and started having bleeding and stomach cramps etc and they kept telling her no need to have one because you are young and it's probably just hems but she decided to push for one and turned out she had cancer. It was rare as she is young, no history of family cancer etc. So that is what started my downward spiral into thinking oh no, I haven't had one in a while and i'm still getting symptoms. What if something changed or they missed something. I'm still waiting for my GP to get back to me on setting up an appt.