View Full Version : Really freaking out :(

22-10-19, 19:25
My health anxiety has returned after a while of keeping it under check. I feel unwell all the time anyway due to having an autoimmune thyroid disorder, but now I'm freaking out about muscles feeling weak, etc.

It got triggered again after a terrifying optical migraine in which I lost all my site. My anxiety is through the roof. And I don't know how to make it stop 🙁

22-10-19, 20:57
Sorry that you’re going through a bad patch. Those migraines are awful, have you discovered a reason for them yet? Mine used to be from glare or bright lights after coming in from the dark. A friend used to get them after drinking orange juice.

Have you seen a doctor about your anxiety or do you ever use mindfulness or relaxation methods?

22-10-19, 21:09
Thanks replying, I'm really freaking out I have MND or some other neurological disease 😔
I tried doing mindfulness but because I always have weird physical symptoms from my thyroid I never feel well so my anxiety comes back.

23-10-19, 03:24
I’m so sorry you’re going through a rough time! Optical migraines suck! I also started getting them and they can be terrifying, however they are usually benign. Have you gotten them before? I actually posted a thread on visual migraines a month ago and a bunch of people responded to that. Perhaps it can offer some comfort?