View Full Version : Psychosomatic Reactions

23-10-19, 16:44
Hey! So, I had a question for y’all: does anyone have any suggestions on how to control/stop psychosomatic reactions?


My family goes on a lot of car trips. I used to be able to read, play on my phone, etc. in the car with no repercussions. One time, however, my sister got carsick and threw up. I was terrified, and ever since then I haven’t been able to read or text or anything in the car (besides nap, converse, and play music) without worrying that I’ll get carsick and vomit. I have no history of carsickness, ever. The worst that would ever happen to me was that my head would get a bit fuzzy. But since the day my sister got sick, I’ve had a psychosomatic reaction of dizziness, strange feelings in my stomach, etc. every time I try to read or text in the car.

Does anyone have suggestions for how to fix this? This has been a problem for...gosh, three years?...now, and I can’t seem to get it under control. Thanks! :3

26-10-19, 05:36
I would try reintroducing these things gradually. For instance, when you are in the car, try reading or texting for just a couple of minutes. Maybe just even one minute. Then take a break, maybe a few slow breaths, let yourself relax. If you feel a little dizzy or nauseous, wait till it clears. Let yourself see that you are not going to actually get carsick. Once you feel ready, read or text again for another minute. Once you're doing OK with one minute, make it two minutes. Go slowly. Focus on what you are reading or writing, and not on your bodily sensations. After a few trips, hopefully you will find that you can read for longer periods of time and still feel fine.