View Full Version : Mass in lower right quadrant

24-10-19, 09:39
I included this symptom in a previous thread but this is now my main concern and I am very, very scared.

When I press my lower right abdomen, near to my hip) I can feel a mass and some harder lumpier bits that were not there before and are not on my left side. It's more than one lump too. Some bits feel like hard veins, another bit feels like a huge lump.
I know this can sometimes be poo in the bowel but it's always there in the same place and never goes away.

Tests have also been showing for years that I have bowel inflammation and I have pain. I had a colonoscopy 1.5 years ago but they couldn't look all the way around and now the lump feels like it's where the large bowel begins, so I'm worried that they l missed it.

I'm terrified. I've had health anxiety for years but this time I can actually feel lumps that didn't used to be there. My GP had referred me for an abdominal ultrasound - she chose to do this before she felt my abdomen. When she did she said she couldn't feel anything 'alarming', but I think it's actually got bigger since then.

I'm so petrified. Has anyone else has abdominal masses that turned out to be nothing? I feel like I'm just wishful thinking now.

24-10-19, 10:52
The one thing doctors are usually excellent at is telling whether or not a lump or mass is sinister. If your doctor wasn’t concerned after feeing said lump/mass I truly wouldn’t worry. Good luck

24-10-19, 12:58
Inguinal hernia maybe? Lay on your back and see if it goes down. If it does it would more likely be a hernia.

Good luck.

24-10-19, 13:20
Thanks for your replies.

Unfortunately it doesn't go when I'm laying down :( It still feels firm.

I kind of lost faith in my GPs as they all initially told me I have IBS and seemed u willing to even consider anything else. Finally when I pushed and pushed, they referred me to a gastro specialist who diagnosed bowel inflammation (which isn't caused by IBS).

24-10-19, 15:25
Join the club. I wont tell you my whole story but nearly three years of stomach pain, losing 8 stone in a 6 month period, waiting over 7 months twice to see a Gastro and stomach showing inflammation from stool sample in December, being told I will be seen again within three months verbally and via letter which was now ten months six days ago.

I've been contacted via pm by somebody else who has been treated exactly the same. The NHS is playing Russian Roulette with peoples lives!

24-10-19, 21:34

thats bad to hear, I’ve been through similar. There is a problem with my circulation, but currently of unknown cause. Hospital doctors and my GP are having arguments. But it’s getting sorted and I’ll find out what’s the problem very soon.

for your, and anyone else’s info, a letter from your MP to the hospital complaints department usually gets these issues sorted fairly quickly :)

good luck

01-11-19, 22:12
Hi Matt. I'm sorry to hear that you've been going through that. I really hope you get somewhere with it!

Just an update: I had an abdominal ultrasound to rule out things other than bowel. She looked at my liver (it does hurt to press in that area, so I was very nervous about that), gallbladder, pancreas (I think), kidneys and ovaries - apparently it all looked fine. I also asked her to look at the lump I can feel. She did and said that it's bowel and they can't diagnose bowel issues using ultrasound, but that she didn't see anything unusual. So I still don't know what is causing the inflammation, but I do feel a little better for now.

02-05-20, 02:08
Do you still have this lump? I have the same thing! 2 lumps in lower right abdomen that don’t move. My doc thought it might be a hernia- but it doesn’t go in. She recommended ultrasound but decided to watch and wait instead. She doesn’t think it’s anything serious but I’m scared!