View Full Version : Scared ..whats next for me

24-10-19, 21:15
So monday 5pm i had a TIA (mini stroke ) at 34 Yes this is my life now i have had no information given to me only what i have read online i felt i needed to know what i was in for and it is not pretty. I feel like i am just awaiting the next episode to come and im hoping i get through it just seems very weird that there are nothing anyone can do im kinda scared but i can only feel i must be ok for the hospital to send me home waiting for a letter to go to a stroke clinic. I understand this is a health anxiety forum where this stuff rarely happens but its happened not sure where i should put this but hope someone can give me feed back. P.s i have given up everything that was not healthy already and will go forward to make better choices i wouldnt call my self big in any way shape or form

24-10-19, 21:52
i just want to say sorry about your diagnoses. It must be very scary for you at the moment.
This forum is not just for health anxiety but people with other problems too and you will find lots of support on here x

25-10-19, 04:21
I have received invaluable information, support and friendship for my issues (aortic aneurysm and mohs surgery along with skin cancer) from online support groups, in my case in facebook. Strokes, especially TIAs, are common with anuerysm repair and I have seen folks talking about their support group. Give it a shot.

28-10-19, 08:14
I also had a TIA last week and it had set my anxiety really high again I'll be honest I'm terrified and focusing on every ache and pain.
I was sent home from hospital with statins and clopidogral. I had a bad reaction to the meds and ended up dehydrated to waiting to see my doctor today.
lifestyle wise I wasn't in the high risk group for a stroke but I have been under a lot of stress lately.
What meds did they give you?