View Full Version : Can a UTI really make you feel this bad?!

25-10-19, 08:03
Hey, it’s been a while. But when I feel poorly I get triggered badly.
I felt unwell earlier this week and so I went and did a urine sample, came back that I had a UTI. but I feel so unwell! like I have the flu.
So I’m panicking in case it’s spread elsewhere or it’s worse than it says on the tin...
I’m on amoxicillin, now on my third day but god I feel dreadful.
Body aches, headache, tired, just sore everywhere!
My mind is going crazy :(

25-10-19, 08:52
Any infection can make you feel that bad. When you have an infection of any kind it's not the invading virus or bacteria that makes you feel ill, it's your immune system kicking in. Doesn't matter where the infection is, the immune system will do more or less the same thing.

25-10-19, 08:56
That’s really interesting, I don’t know why my mind doesn’t think of rational things like that

25-10-19, 18:00
I am currently dealing with a UTI as well and have been suprised by how bad I feel lately. I have only had one other one and it was 20 years ago but felt nothing like this one.
I hope things are cleared up for you soon. I'm on day 3 of antibiotic wishing for them to hurry up and do their thing.

25-10-19, 23:10
Yep, it can.
UTIs can actually make old people hallucinate and say all sorts of crazy things. My grandad had a UTI when he was 83 whilst he was in hospital. He sat talking to the picture on the wall and gave my mum his glass of water, telling her he'd "blessed it" and if she drank the water she would have super powers. No, he didn't have dementia or any other psychiatric condition; he was as sharp as a pin. It was all caused by the UTI, and this all resolved when the abx kicked in.

So yeah, take your antibiotics and you'll be over it in no time! Good luck

26-10-19, 00:23
UTI's can be horrid things! I get them so bad I can't even move with the pain for the first day or two! Awful things they are, hope you feel better soon hun xx

28-10-19, 07:42
Thanks for all your messages, it was helpful to read.
I’ve finished my antibiotics but if anything I feel worse, not better at all. So my mind is going wild thinking it’s turning into sepsis (how?) and I’m just feeling so poorly.
It didn’t hurt when I peed to begin with now the pain is unreal, the pain in my back and tummy is horrible. Just feel dreadful!

28-10-19, 08:20
It's always worth going back to the GP after a course of antibiotics as they sometimes don't clear an infection fully on the first go.

Worrying about sepsis is a waste of time and only feeds anxiety.

For the record, antibiotics always make me feel like crap. They destroy all your good bacteria too, and I would always recommend taking a good quality course of probiotics for at least two months after antibiotics, and make sure you eat plenty of whole fruit and veg to feed the little army in your belly. They live off fibre.

31-10-19, 04:28
It is worrisome to have irregular periods after pregnancy (https://whcofmorgantown.com/blog/irregular-periods-what-you-need-to-know), because it provides a hint about the hormonal imbalance in the body. I am willing to consult a gynaecologist instead of trying homemade remedies.

31-10-19, 14:28
Thanks for all your messages, it was helpful to read.
I’ve finished my antibiotics but if anything I feel worse, not better at all. So my mind is going wild thinking it’s turning into sepsis (how?) and I’m just feeling so poorly.
It didn’t hurt when I peed to begin with now the pain is unreal, the pain in my back and tummy is horrible. Just feel dreadful!

I have finished my antibiotics as well and if it helps you to know I also felt terrible, I'm still not feeling great. I developed pain in my back and stomach as well about 2 days into antibiotic course. It worried me and so I went to the dr. They did a urine culture and the results were normal and so maybe the antibiotics were what caused me to feel worse.
I know my UA showed everything in large amounts that you would expect to see in a UTI plus I was having burning, I didnt really have frequent urination though. The antibiotics must work fast because the culture showed no infection.

I hope your feeling better today.

01-11-19, 00:01
When I've had UTIs, I've had a lot of lower back pain where my kidneys are.

If you have fever, develop a rash or get severe diarrhea, then of course go back in and see the doc, but otherwise I think you're fine. Take the antioiotics and take care of yourself: Lot's of fluid, rest and eat healthy.