View Full Version : Wasn’t “trying” to get triggered! Cancer fears!

10-10-19, 01:39
Hey guys you might’ve seen my post from a few days ago. I ended up going to the ER and getting a ultrasound done. They really didn’t want to do it. Now I’m questioning what if they half-a$$ed because they didn’t want to do it in the first place!?!? Here is all the results said.

“HISTORY: Question lymph node.

COMPARISON: None available

FINDINGS: Several hypoechoic, oval-shaped lymph nodes are noted in the
neck, measuring up to 1.8 x 1.0 x 0.4 cm in the area of palpable

Does that mean it’s almost 2cm or 0.72cm? I’m so confused

I googled lymph node ultrasound and saw the bad ones are hypoechoic too. I’m starting to freak out again:( I’m thinking about going somewhere else for a different scan.

Also can I ask for a more detailed results plus the actual ultrasound pictures?

10-10-19, 02:00
I think it means that they are measuring up to that size. Meaning there are smaller ones .

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10-10-19, 02:11
[QUOTE=roseanxiety;1899483]I think it means that they are measuring up to that size. Meaning there are smaller ones .

But when I copy those measurements and google it, it says it adds up to only 0.72 cm. So is that how it works or does it mean it’s almost 1.8 cm? So confusing. Thank you for your reply!

10-10-19, 02:27
[QUOTE=roseanxiety;1899483]I think it means that they are measuring up to that size. Meaning there are smaller ones .

But when I copy those measurements and google it, it says it adds up to only 0.72 cm. So is that how it works or does it mean it’s almost 1.8 cm? So confusing. Thank you for your reply!

Lymph nodes are blobs that can have uneven dimensions. I would say, this is telling you the node is 1.8 cm at its largest dimension.

Hypoechoic doesn't mean cancer automatically. There are lots of other characteristics that they look at to flag if it should be biopsied or if it raises suspicion. You can request your films, but you won't know what you're looking at. Do you have an appointment to go over results?

10-10-19, 02:34

Lymph nodes are blobs that can have uneven dimensions. I would say, this is telling you the node is 1.8 cm at its largest dimension.

Hypoechoic doesn't mean cancer automatically. There are lots of other characteristics that they look at to flag if it should be biopsied or if it raises suspicion. You can request your films, but you won't know what you're looking at. Do you have an appointment to go over results?

No it was at the ER they just told me everything looked good nothing to worry about.

10-10-19, 02:35

Lymph nodes are blobs that can have uneven dimensions. I would say, this is telling you the node is 1.8 cm at its largest dimension.

Hypoechoic doesn't mean cancer automatically. There are lots of other characteristics that they look at to flag if it should be biopsied or if it raises suspicion. You can request your films, but you won't know what you're looking at. Do you have an appointment to go over results?

There’s another part on the results that say “benign appearing hypoechoic oval shaped lymph nodes”

10-10-19, 02:43

There’s another part on the results that say “benign appearing hypoechoic oval shaped lymph nodes”

Well, that is super good!

If you are concerned, just request your films and take them to your doctor for explanation/concurring opinion, but I don't think you've got anything to worry about.

10-10-19, 02:50

Well, that is super good!

If you are concerned, just request your films and take them to your doctor for explanation/concurring opinion, but I don't think you've got anything to worry about.

I’m just worried because I’m confused on the size. When I google the size it says that equals 0.72 cm.

I’m scared it’s actually almost 2cm and that is a worrisome size

10-10-19, 03:42

You need to take a very deep breath. The size of your lymph node is not a worrisome size because the doctor was not worried. Benign means not malignant which means you do not have cancer regardless of the size. Please remember that Google cannot possibly provide you with a diagnosis for your individual situation. I mentioned earlier this week that pursuing an ultrasound would not put you at ease because you need to work on your anxiety.

You have been given an all clear by a trained, medical professional. Please trust them because if you don't you will run yourself ragged with unnecessary anxiety.

Best Wishes

10-10-19, 03:46

You need to take a very deep breath. The size of your lymph node is not a worrisome size because the doctor was not worried. Benign means not malignant which means you do not have cancer regardless of the size. Please remember that Google cannot possibly provide you with a diagnosis for your individual situation. I mentioned earlier this week that pursuing an ultrasound would not put you at ease because you need to work on your anxiety.

You have been given an all clear by a trained, medical professional. Please trust them because if you don't you will run yourself ragged with unnecessary anxiety.

Best Wishes

Thank you for your reply. I am just worried because it doesn’t say anything about the helium. Also worried because it seemed so rush like they just wanted me out.

10-10-19, 04:02

You need to take a very deep breath. The size of your lymph node is not a worrisome size because the doctor was not worried. Benign means not malignant which means you do not have cancer regardless of the size. Please remember that Google cannot possibly provide you with a diagnosis for your individual situation. I mentioned earlier this week that pursuing an ultrasound would not put you at ease because you need to work on your anxiety.

You have been given an all clear by a trained, medical professional. Please trust them because if you don't you will run yourself ragged with unnecessary anxiety.

Best Wishes

Also worried because the papers I brought home with the test results say “benign appearing hypoechoic” but my online chart test results just say

“Several hypoechoic oval shaped lymph nodes”

Almost like someone typed it in there for the release papers? But why wouldn’t my chart results say that too..

10-10-19, 05:39

You need recognize that you are spiraling right now. You have test results in front of you that you don't understand which creates a loss of control. You need to bring yourself back to reality and what you actually know to be true. You know for a fact that you have a benign lymph node that is well within it's reasonable size. A medical professional has provided you with that diagnosis. You need to hold on to something true. Please trust me on this as lymph node anxiety can ruin your life for absolutely no reason.

Best Wishes

11-10-19, 20:04

You need recognize that you are spiraling right now. You have test results in front of you that you don't understand which creates a loss of control. You need to bring yourself back to reality and what you actually know to be true. You know for a fact that you have a benign lymph node that is well within it's reasonable size. A medical professional has provided you with that diagnosis. You need to hold on to something true. Please trust me on this as lymph node anxiety can ruin your life for absolutely no reason.

Best Wishes

Thank you.

I just keep thinking what if they missed something, or what if they did see something but was too annoyed with me to do more testing so they told me it’s fine so I would leave.

That’s crazy right??

11-10-19, 20:57
Thank you.

I just keep thinking what if they missed something, or what if they did see something but was too annoyed with me to do more testing so they told me it’s fine so I would leave.

That’s crazy right??

Crazy is a stigmatized word so I'm going to use illogical instead. Your "what if" thinking is completely illogical. It just simply isn't true or a rational thought.

You need to work on challenging your "what ifs." Instead of "what if they missed something" you could ask yourself "what if this diagnosis is completely accurate?" The answer to that question guides you to completely different actions such as moving on with and living your life. Or you could go a step further and when faced with a "what if" question, you push back and answer with, "that what if cannot be true because a medical professional who is bound by oath to do no harm diagnosed me with a benign lymph node." In that instance you take back control and are able to move forward.

Best Wishes.

12-10-19, 20:15
Crazy is a stigmatized word so I'm going to use illogical instead. Your "what if" thinking is completely illogical. It just simply isn't true or a rational thought.

You need to work on challenging your "what ifs." Instead of "what if they missed something" you could ask yourself "what if this diagnosis is completely accurate?" The answer to that question guides you to completely different actions such as moving on with and living your life. Or you could go a step further and when faced with a "what if" question, you push back and answer with, "that what if cannot be true because a medical professional who is bound by oath to do no harm diagnosed me with a benign lymph node." In that instance you take back control and are able to move forward.

Best Wishes.

Thank you so much for your replies! I am working hard to accept this, it’d probably be easier if they went over the results with why they’re not bad lymph nodes. The doctor also said to follow up in a week with my primary doctor, if they’re still there. So that leaves it an open book for me. Plus I don’t even have a primary doctor bc this is the first time in years I’ve started seeing doctors again over something... I’m going to give them a couple weeks without touching to go away and go from there. I am just scared it’s still gonna turn out to be something bad.

I recently lost someone close to me due to cancer and it happened so quick. So now I feel like I have to catch it “early” so I can beat it.

12-10-19, 20:46
Thank you for your reply. I am just worried because it doesn’t say anything about the helium. Also worried because it seemed so rush like they just wanted me out.

The great thing about U/S is they can see the lining of the lymph node and whether it (the lining) is even or not. The lining of yours will be even hence their remarks as being benign. If the lymph node lining is thicker in some parts then they like to do a needle biopsy. I was told this by an ENT specialist ages ago. You're fine :)

26-10-19, 04:44
So some of you may have read my previous threads about my on going lymph node issues. FYI further reading may trigger you too so If easily triggered don’t read!

Well I stupidly watched a YouTube video about a girl at 22 with cancer (melanoma) and she found out through her lymph node under her chin! I have one under my chin and one under jaw line! I am so freaked out now that this must be what I have too!! (I tanned off & on since I was a teen! Stupid I know) anyways she ended up finding out it spread everywhere liver, bones etc. she said she had no symptoms leading up to.

In the past month I’ve had a CBC twice both normal and an ultrasound on my lymph nodes. I was told they’re Benign. Would either of those tests shown melanoma cancer in my nodes or spread cancer?

Thanks in advance

26-10-19, 04:53
Yes, if there was something wrong with your lymph nodes, they would not have come back benign on the ultrasound.

bin tenn
26-10-19, 20:35
Any lymph node(s) can swell for a large number of reasons, typically benign. Cuts, scrapes, minor infections, acne, common cold, allergies - the list goes on.

26-10-19, 23:19

Now would be an excellent time to begin challenging your illogical thinking. Go back to your original lymph node thread and read through it. You have had your lymph nodes checked and the result has come back as benign. Please stop googling and looking for reasons to be sick when there is actually nothing wrong with you. You know there is nothing wrong with you as a trained medical professional has told you so.

Best Wishes

26-10-19, 23:39

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

27-10-19, 04:52
Yes, if there was something wrong with your lymph nodes, they would not have come back benign on the ultrasound.

Thank you for the reply!

27-10-19, 04:53
Any lymph node(s) can swell for a large number of reasons, typically benign. Cuts, scrapes, minor infections, acne, common cold, allergies - the list goes on.

Thanks for the reply!

27-10-19, 04:56

Now would be an excellent time to begin challenging your illogical thinking. Go back to your original lymph node thread and read through it. You have had your lymph nodes checked and the result has come back as benign. Please stop googling and looking for reasons to be sick when there is actually nothing wrong with you. You know there is nothing wrong with you as a trained medical professional has told you so.

Best Wishes

Thank you! It’s just so hard being in this vicious cycle, now I noticed my right carotid artery is bulging out in certain positions and I’m worried all of this stress I’ve been under has caused aneurysm in the artery.

27-10-19, 22:02
Thank you! It’s just so hard being in this vicious cycle, now I noticed my right carotid artery is bulging out in certain positions and I’m worried all of this stress I’ve been under has caused aneurysm in the artery.

Definitely not.