View Full Version : Swollen lymph node in neck

26-10-19, 17:00
24/M. I have been trying to get on top of my HA recently, with varying degrees of success. Unfortunately when I woke up this morning I noticed the right side of my neck felt a bit sore/tender. When I touched my neck there I straight away felt a swollen/tender lymph node. It is slightly visible through the skin of the neck so is definitely swollen and like I say it is tender to the touch. Seems to be slightly mobile. It appears to be one of the cervical nodes, specifically one of the posterior cervical nodes.

I could understand this if I was ill but I am not - I feel okay (other than the worrying), do not have a sore throat/cough etc. I made the mistake of googling and now I've got myself quite worried. Back to square 1 with the HA.

Has anyone else had an unexplained swollen/tender lymph node in one side of the neck with no apparent illness?

26-10-19, 22:58

You will find many threads on this forum related to swollen lymph nodes. My health anxiety was at its worst when I discovered a swollen lymph node. Your body has hundreds of these lymph nodes and they will swell for various reasons at random times. The only advice I can give you at this point is to make sure that you do not keep touching it. If you poke and prod it, it will just stay enlarged. I have had a swollen lymph node in my neck as you described for almost two and a half years. I discovered it while I was in a health anxiety spin. Because I kept touching it, it has now become shotty which means it is permanently enlarge. There is nothing wrong with my lymph node.

Best Wishes

27-10-19, 04:51
Hi there, I’m going through these exact issues! I have 2 lymph nodes in the right side of my neck, I have some things I “think” could be causing them however they’ve been up for almost 6 weeks so that alone is worrying For me! I haven’t stopped touching them though and I had an ultrasound done that was clear. My advice is to you, is whatever you do, do not touch it, let it be and I bet it will go away soon!

27-10-19, 05:22
If you continuously poke and prode them they won't go down and you run the risk of one or more becoming shotty (permanently enlarged)...

27-10-19, 07:10
Yes, I had one come up under my chin but had no other viral symptoms. It was tender and the Dr said it would resolve in 6 weeks ...it resolved in 4. Sometimes you can have a virus and only the lymph nodes (or a single one) will come up. If it's tender, it's fine. :)

29-10-19, 20:52
Thanks all for your responses. I'm trying my best not to touch it, which is easier said than done. The general tenderness in my neck seems to have gone, though the node itself is still tender - though does seem to have reduced in size a bit.