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View Full Version : Triggered at hair salon-weird mole

26-10-19, 23:08
I went for a hair trim today and the stylist seriously triggered my HA by commenting on a mole on my scalp. The conversation went from the rainy weather to “have you ever had this mole looked at by a doctor?” It’s a mole on my scalp that has been there as long as I can remember, but it is reddish in color, and now I cannot get it off my mind. It being the weekend I will have to wait until Monday to call the doctor. Of course I am questioning myself whether this mole has changed, grown, how long has it really been there? So disappointed in myself as I have been doing very well anxiety wise.

bin tenn
27-10-19, 01:14
Stylists will often point out things like that. I understand it can trigger anxiety, but I'm sure that wasn't the intention. They were just doing you a favor. I would guess that it's probably nothing at all to give a second thought about, but asking your doc won't hurt.

27-10-19, 01:55
It is literally our job to look and tell you if we see anything that needs further attention.

27-10-19, 02:45
So get it checked. Likely nothing. But even if it is something, there are 3.5 million skin cancer diagnosis in the US each year. The vast majority are cured right away wi te h mohs or even simple excision.

27-10-19, 15:32
Thank you for the replies. I will make an appointment with my doctor to have it checked. In no way did I mean to imply I was upset with the stylist, I am upset with myself for not handling this better emotionally.

27-10-19, 21:49
It's good that it has been there as long as you can remember. If you haven't noticed it changing, it probably hasn't. It's still a good idea to get it checked by a doctor. They can even take a picture of it for future comparison, which I have found helps with the whole "has it changed or not" worry.

29-10-19, 16:06
I was able to see my doctor this morning. It is not a mole but a haematoma. Since it is on my scalp it is being irritated by brushing and combing. I have an appointment in 2 weeks to have it removed.

30-10-19, 17:00
One of the haidressers mention a lump of my head, turned out to be a nf lump which I suffer from, normal.