View Full Version : Small bump on scalp

27-10-19, 21:43
You guys know I have a real problem with skin issues. I've been trying to be more reasonable. For instance, this summer I got a bug bite on the outside edge of my wrist, and as it was clearing up I noticed that there is a small skin-colored or very light pink colored mole in that spot. I'm not sure if it is something left over from the mosquito bite, or if it was always there, and I just never noticed it before because it is in a spot where you would have to turn your hand awkwardly to see it. It looks a lot like a mole I have on my other arm, so I have been watching it and not running off to the doctor.

But about a month ago I got one of those tiny bumps that hurt on my scalp. I get these sometimes, they come and go. This one, as occasionally happens, turned into quite a larger, painful bump, like a pimple. It eventually went down after a few days, but it left behind a little bump. At least I think it's in the same spot as the earlier pimple. It's reddish and only a little raised. Anyway, this thing will not go away. I finally gave up and made an appointment with the dermatologist, hoping it would go away during the wait for the appointment. The appointment is tomorrow, and it's still there. I hate it when stuff doesn't go away.

Anybody have a scalp problem like this before, or have some encouraging words to help with the wait?