View Full Version : Advice please after a fall

28-10-19, 07:14
Hi guys
Had a nasty fall last night on a wet floor one leg went One way and the other one the other as my left leg bent under me to the side I felt the tears down my thigh muscle and in my knee also my big toe bent under me the pain was quite bad I started to cry but managed to get up. I don’t think anything is broken but then I came upstairs I went to the bathroom about an hour later and had a Bowel bleed and I’m concerned that this fall has triggered a Bowel bleed I’m being realistic I don’t feel dizzy or passing out so I can’t be internally bleeding has anyone else heard of an anal fisher from a fall before? It still bleeding heavily this morning?

Thank you

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28-10-19, 07:23
Honestly, it's probably nothing but I'd get checked out just to be on the safe side. What happened is probably a good enough reason for you to get yourself an emergency GP appointment, if only because of the damage to your leg.

28-10-19, 07:26
Thanks blue. I struggle to call the doctors as I’ve annoyed them with my panic attacks recently. They seemed really pissed off at me so I ended up in a and e again as it got much worse. I’m a bit scared to call them. Will see how I go I might go see and osteopath as they more trained with the body than gp gp more for pain management I think. If osteopath suggest I need a doc I can try after maybe?

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28-10-19, 07:27
It was more the bowel bleed I was curious as to if a fall could do that

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