View Full Version : Piles- Pain/Pressure

28-10-19, 09:05

So just wanted to hear about other experiences with Piles!

I have had IBS for the best part of 25 years. Over the last year or so I've been experiencing some problems with a variety of symptoms. I visited the doctor a few months ago due to itching and mucus discharge (sorry TMI) and the nurse said I looked very sore and gave me so cream. I used this and my symptoms disappeared for quite a while.

However, just recently (the last couple of weeks) I've been having loose bowel movements. Mainly in the evening but it tends to be diarrhoea and I've had the sensation that there is still something there even when I've been to the toilet. I went to the doctor last week and she did a rectal exam and felt all around my tummy which she said was fine but she ordered a fecalcalcaprotein test to rule out Colitiis and gave me some buscopan.

Ever since I've been worrying about the test results but I started taking the Buscopan and within a day I had a normal bowel movement. In fact the Buscopan sent me the other way and I've now been battling Constipation and had bad trapped wind so I've stopped the Buscopan.

I've now got this feeling back that I'm not quite finished when I go to the toilet and have to go again. I had this yesterday and went back to the toilet and was really straining. When I looked there was a little bit of blood splashed on the pan and it looked like some in my BM. The thing that concerns me is it wasn't what I'd call bright red it was more maroon in colour. Obviously, after that I was in pain quite a lot of pain, just feeling swollen and sore and used some suppositories and cream.

I've got up this morning and because I'm stressing I've been to toilet 3 times, all quite loose but no blood and not quite so sore but I've been using suppositories.

I think the thing that's worrying me is the colour of the blood and this constant feeling of pressure. Years ago I had a sigmoidoscopy because I'd been bleeding and the GP couldn't find piles but I went and was told I did in fact have piles, so I can only assume they are internal.

Do piles cause this constant pressure/soreness? The loose bowel movements is probably stress as I keep telling myself they wouldn't revert to normal after taking Buscopan for a day if it was anything else causing it.

I think the colour of blood worried me a bit. Admittedly I couldn't examine it properly but it just didn't look bright red.

Any advice appreciated as always!

28-10-19, 16:55

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


29-10-19, 01:49
Hi Munchlet,

Blood can vary in colour. You might see fesh blood on stools or paper but then perhaps it's dried blood? It can also be discoloured because it mixed with mucus or poo, a yellowly colour perhaps? It's best to go with your GP on this, they know what they expect to see.

Yes to pressure and soreness. Feeling like something is still there. Mucus. Feeling like you are leaking, like sweat dripping. Needing to wipe again hour an hour after going because some mucus comes out with remnants of the motion. Itching. Throbbing. All things I've experienced over the last 20 years having them.