View Full Version : Worried about pancreatitis

28-10-19, 16:14
Okay, so my health anxiety is rearing it's ugly head again. So last week I was prescribed antibiotics (Macrobid) because I was having urinary symptoms. Sent off the urine for culture, results not back yet. Had a 3 day course of the antibiotic. Over those 3 days I had worsening abdominal cramping, lower and upper back pain, tenderness, gastric pain, gas, pelvic pain, nausea and seemed to urinate even more (of which I had a severe aching sensation when needing to go). Last night the symptoms were still pretty dire, so this morning I thought I'd go to the doctor. The doctor I spoke to said 3 days was probably not enough and prescribed another few days. I've missed my morning dose now, as it's already too late to take, but since the day has gone on I've realized I've felt a bit better and the pain has lessened quite a bit.

I shouldn't have done this but I googled the symptoms and now I'm paranoid that it was medication induced pancreatitis, and if I carry on taking it I could be in serious trouble. On the one hand I know that 3 days course of antibiotics might not have been enough to clear the infection, and I'm at risk of it not clearing up properly or recurring (I'm prone to recurring uti's anyway) but on the other, I don't want to end up with pancreatitis as it seems like it's quite dangerous... last night I was in a LOT of pain and couldn't even finish what I was doing, had to go to bed and lie down as I felt terrible.

Does anyone think it sounds like pancreatitis? Does anyone know if pancreatitis would go away on its own if its caused by the medication? Has anyone had it before? Or is it more likely to be gastritis?

I'm at a loss of what to do, and since I don't have the urine culture results back yet, I'm none the wiser as to whether it was the right antibiotic anyway (though it probably was, bc I usually get the same kind of bacteria).

28-10-19, 20:05
Acute pancreatitis is a serious condition that would require admission to hospital. You’d be doubled over in pain, vomiting etc. You wouldn’t be writing a long post on here wondering if you had it. Pancreatitis was always something that worried me, especially when I drank very heavily all the time (alcohol is the number 1 cause I think).

keep taking the Nitrofurantoin and treat your UTI.

GOOd luck

31-10-19, 23:34
Drug induced pancreatitis is extremely rare and excruciatingly painful like radiogaga said. I've had some problems like that with nitrofuratoin, just normal antibiotic side effects and your doctor didn't suspect anything sinister

01-11-19, 01:15
If you had pancreatitis you would 100 percent know something was wrong as it's not subtle, it's extremely painful.

01-11-19, 01:18
I forgot to add that I just got off Macrobid for UTI and I had more then a couple side effects from that antibiotic, a lot of which you describe in your post. It started two days after I started antibiotic.