View Full Version : Please help as getting into state with jaw ache!!!

25-09-07, 15:17

Please can someone help, I am really getting into a state!! I have four children the youngest are 6 and 1 and the 6 year old has been ill for five days with temp etc, I have been to docs and it is a virus, but I obviously have been getting NO sleep and been looking after him 24 7!! I am absoloutely shattered and dizzy and feeling sick!! But yesterday my lips felt a bit numb and now my jaw is really aching! When I eat I have no saliver and my jaw really aches!! Now I know that I am stressed and tensed and logic tells me this is just tension in the jaw area, but I googled jaw ache and it led to heart attack. I am now soooo scared and am sitting here crying convinced that I am going to have a heart attack and leave my children!! My upper lip also tingles! Please help!!!

Sarah :weep:

25-09-07, 15:22
Hi Sarah

Sorry to hear about your children being ill. There are a lot of bugs going about at the moment.

The pain in your jaw is from stress and tension. I get it all the time when I am stressed. I think I also grind my teeth in my sleep. You are probably a bit run down too with looking after the children. Try to relax - you are not having a heart attack.

25-09-07, 15:25

Thanks, but I am so scared and am feeling totally irrational!! I have suffered severe symptons in the past but never tingly face and jaw ache!! When I saw it was a sympton of heart attack on google I just crumbled.

Sarah x

25-09-07, 15:38
You will be fine.

I had a severe headache on Sunday - with tingling in face and numbness in my arm. My panic hit the roof and I was convinced I was dying. I was so tempted to ring for an ambulance at one point!

I eventually calmed down - I still have the headache - but went to the doctors who said it was from tension in my neck and jaw.

Try not to worry (easier said than done I know).

Take care x

25-09-07, 15:39
Can we spot the mistake here?? GOOGLE - its the devil

i have just got over very bad jaw ache and have had exactly the same things as you hun. i don't think that jaw ache means heart attack, i would think pain in the chest would be a fair sign and even so thats tension too.

i believe it was just tension and tiredness. my jaw ache is from grinding my teeth and clenching my teeth together when anxious or panicky

i hope that your son feels better soon and that you can get some reassurance here.

take care sarah


25-09-07, 18:23

Thanks for both your replys, you are right about google, I am not going to do that again. ann I hope you are feeling better!. I just had to rush my son down to childrens a&e as he went down hill and had chest pains with the high temperature! He is fine and they think it is just a pulled muscle from coughing! I am so relieved!! But now my whole face and jaw hurt, I am so worried about that, but I have got to believe it is just tension. It really hurts on my top lip and around my nose and cheeks and my jaw aches. Does anyone else get these pains?


25-09-07, 20:15
Have a read of this ....


25-09-07, 20:16
Yepper, get 'em all the time. Jaw, neck, throat you name it. Two glasses of wine .... all gone .. classic tension! It tends to build up during the day at work as I get more tense due to the usual workaday rubbish. Sound familiar?

25-09-07, 20:40
hi there i'm new i've litterally just joined. I was on the internet right now because of a jaw issue. I've been reading a HELL OF A LOT about TMJ recently (Tempromandibular joint) which is situated just in front of your ear if you feel it and speak or move your jaw you can feel it move.
Basically if you've been clenching your teeth due to anxiety and worry you can get TMJ issues, and the symptoms range from: pain in the join itself, or pain that radiates into the face, tingling sensation, flushing/blushing sensation on the cheek or ear of that side (that's what I had) and MANY others.
Really good news for your son, he's fine now, just try and relax.
It's probably not a heart attack.
I hope that made sense

28-09-07, 18:44

I had problems with jaw ache and excess saliva last year, it lasted a good 6 months- it even ached when eating and talking. Consultant said it was due to chronic stress and to quote him "the full blown stress, not the pull yourself together type". It has eased now. Hope you feel better soon

Take care :)