View Full Version : I just want to be NORMAL

always scared
29-10-19, 01:32
Having HA is exhausting :wacko: These last few months have been so CRAZY. I'm slowly losing my mind with all this panic day and night. Im so tired of pretending Im ok when people ask how I'm doing. Trying to deal with HA all by myself is slowly killing me. Every week I'm dying of something new. This week it's throat cancer. I hide my HA from everyone. No one knows what I go through everyday and all the breakdowns I have when I'm alone. It's so hard to act normal when I feel like I'm dying inside and out. My life is getting out of hand. Little things that never bothered me before are freaking me out. It's no longer just a sore throat or an upset stomach it's cancer :scared15::weep:

Is anyone one else going through this hell?

29-10-19, 01:48
I wish I could give you some sort of profound advice but alas, I suffer from the same as you. I can only relate, and in doing so I hope that I can offer some solace.

I have had a crazy few months of health anxiety as well. But what can be done if the symptoms feel so real? And we worry because we are so fearful of the unknown and the worry somehow consoles us but also drowns us. I’ve been so afraid of breast cancer since July because of breast pain. One day I’m okay and the next day the worry is back. Sometimes I can go a few days without worrying but what to do when the symptoms are still there? How can I keep brushing it off? I know you won’t have the answers to this but just know that you have others here who are going through the same :(

29-10-19, 02:48
Is anyone one else going through this hell?

all or at least most of us, i'd say. it has been completely debilitating for me. can't eat, can't sleep, feeling like i'm failing my family. sorry you are doing it tough but you are very, very far from alone. we all know what it's like.

29-10-19, 05:05
Right there with you! I was doing good then this March I had some cycle issues I went to gyno all good and I told myself next time I worry about my health I won’t sit around and mope well that didn’t happen.

For almost 6 weeks now I’ve been worried sick I’m dying of cancer and don’t know... for me it’s my lymph nodes causing my worries!! and cancer is everywhere I look!! I was checking out at a store and they asked “Do you want to donate to the lymphoma foundation?” I did donate but really it’s everywhere I look...That has been one of my worries along with the nodes being spread cancer if some sort. I’ve had an ultrasound and they said my nodes are fine. But there are so many stories about people being misdiagnosed or told they’re fine when they’re not and it just sucks :( I am stuck between just wanting to move on and being too scared to. My family knows about HA and think I’m being ridiculous. Some friends know but don’t understand... I had to tell a few co-workers because my mood at work so noticeable.

I hope we all find some relief soon!!

29-10-19, 19:25
You’re defo not alone, I’m the same, Newsweek new worry. As soon as one goes a new thing pops up. It’s never ending, it effects my moods, my relationship, everything!! I hate it. I really hate it xx my current one is vulva Pain. Prior to that it was bowel cancer, a few weeks before that throat, breast ... I’m just so tired.

05-11-19, 21:52
I’m not sure you will read this now but I can guarantee hundreds if not thousands of us have/had this feeling at one point or more since suffering with this horrible problem. I feel the same way as you all the time. I work in a school and sometimes I’ve had major panic attacks in class and I’ve just had to fight through them whilst sitting still and quiet and that’s incredibly hard. We are all here for you, like I said I bet most of us have felt the same as you. Could you talk to your family or a close friend. Try not to bottle it up because it will keep feeding it. Find someone to talk to. Have you been to talk to your GP. Explain how your feeling and they might be able to refer you on for some treatment like CBT which is brilliant or if you need it some medication to help you through this bad patch. I felt one of the things that helped me reduce my HA was no googling and I mean no googling, when I was suffering I would read posts that people had written back to me saying DONT GOOGLE and I just ignored it until one day I had had enough and got so desperate I though “RIGHT IM NOT TOUCHING GOOGLE AGAIN (for HA anyway):D and it helped to reduce my HA A LOT. Please talk to someone because you need to let it go. Please message me if you need to chat I don’t want you to feel alone in this because your really not. PS here is a very good place to talk there’s lots is amazing people with amazing support