View Full Version : Do you get Hayfever?

25-09-07, 16:21
Haviing read quite a few posts where anxiety sufferers seem to also have high histamine levels and also suffer from allergies and hayfever, I was wondering...As an experiment...anyone who reads this, please reply and let us know yay or nay and if so, how bad?


I know I get terrible hayfever.

25-09-07, 16:35
I suffer from hayfever. Touch wood though, it hasnt been too bad this year (but not had much of a summer)

25-09-07, 17:17
I have hayfever and general allergies. I'm also obsessed I have asthma but I've had a spirometry test and the doc said I was fine.

25-09-07, 21:03
My hayfever was fine this year so I was well happy!

Keep going
25-09-07, 21:46
I get a mixture of the first type and second type. it also can effect your meds



25-09-07, 21:49
Got terrible hayfever this year, it was the worst. This is the first year I really had bad anxiety/panic too, so maybe it is something to do with that.

26-09-07, 22:33
I have horrible allergies to everything and I'm on meds for them.

28-09-07, 13:45
I wish the other 27 people that had viewed this thread would comment...

so far it seems that a lot of panic sufferers do have histamine issues.

28-09-07, 17:17
No allergies that I know of except for penicillin.

30-09-07, 00:40
aahhh ok giddy breaks the mould...

02-12-07, 15:22
i get hayfever and im also allergic to cats and rabbits... not dogs though.