View Full Version : Antibiotic and dark stool

31-10-19, 15:08
Inhope someone can help me%I have been in co amoxiclav ( augmentin) for a post operation chest infection%I have felt really nauseous which I was expecting but my stools have become very dark / almost black.I suffer from severe health anxiety and for me black stool = cancer. Logic tells me there must be a link between the antibiotics and the stool colour but I am beginning to struggle. Has anyone else experienced similar?I would be very grateful for any responses

31-10-19, 16:20
I know antibiotics can sometimes change the color of your urine but I'm not sure about stool. I wouldn't see dark stool even if it was black and immediately think cancer.

Have you taken any Pepto for the nausea? Are you having any abdominal pain? Can you call your doctors office and speak with a nurse maybe?

31-10-19, 16:30
Not taking anything for nausea. Beginning to freak out a bit.Our surgery is operating an emergency reception only so can’t ask anyone

31-10-19, 17:20
You could phone a pharmacy and ask the pharmacist. They would probably have more knowledge than a GP anyway on antibiotics.

31-10-19, 17:44
Thankyou.Yesthat’s a good idea%I will tomorrow%It would really help me if this has happened to anyone else.Anyone.Please.