View Full Version : Throat issues/convinced I'm dying

31-10-19, 23:30
Hi you all, I've had my share of health anxiety but this time I'm sure I'm really sick.
So, at the beginning of the month I've had a very light case of tonsilitis. Took a course of Clavulin and it went away just fine.

Some 10 days later, however, I woke feeling real badly, threw up nas went to the ER. Turned out the tonsilitis was back again, this time much worse. Took a IV Benzathine and the throat started to clear up for a few days, but it got worse again.
So I went to a specialist and he prescribed me levofloxacine + fluconazole and nystatin, since he told me it could be monoliasis as the lesions were not only restricted to tonsils.

The thing is I'm on day 2 of treatment and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. I Googled my symptoms and I'm convinced I have candidemia, since I'm having fever and chills and every medical site says a simple oral thrush doesn't cause fever. I think the fungal infection has spread to other parts of my body :(

Anyone has any thoughts or reassurance?

31-10-19, 23:57
Well, your first mistake was Google. Google doesn't have a medical license.

Why don't you call your doc's office with your question? Ask for indicators that would signal that you need to go back into see them. Usually those indicators are things like fever, rash, diarrhea or trouble breathing.

01-11-19, 00:54
A few thoughts:

Fever and chills suggests infection. I am willing to bet your bacterial infection in your tonsils has not gone away. They really need to culture your tonsil exudate to identify the exact bacteria. I'm guessing it's non group-A strep. You need an oral course of penicillin (yes, basic pen) or maybe clindamycin. Cipro is never good for tonsils and it will make you feel bad. I am not a doctor just some guy on the internet but ask your doc about what I said. I've been there before.