View Full Version : Son with brain abscess

31-10-19, 23:50
So we are back in the states and my son tells me he has a headache. A few hours later he vomits. I figure he has a bug and we go to the local doctor. She evaluates him and tells us to go straight to the ER. At the ER they do a brain mri scan and say they see a mass. They fly him by helicopter to a children's hospital where they tell us he has a brain abscess of 1.5cm. He was in the ICU for 2 days and has been in a general unit for 5 days. He has another MRI in the morning to determine if the antibiotics are working. If they are not, he will have to have a needle stuck in his brain to drain the abscess. Of course I am freaking out. What if it isn't an abscess but a tumor. What if it spreads? What if something happens during the procedure. I have been living in a hospital for a week and trying to be strong for my little guy but I am beyond terrified and my mind is racing. I don't know where else to turn but you guys get me so thank you for letting me spiral for a while.


31-10-19, 23:56
Sending you some positive thoughts for your sons MRI in the morning, sounds like the antibiotics must be helping if he's been moved from ITU.
Will be thinking of you! Pls keep us posted.

01-11-19, 01:20
Very sorry to hear about your son. It's hard as a parent to see your children go through something and feel powerless.
Sending you a hug and well wishes for your son 💛

01-11-19, 06:19
Crikey, that is tough and must have been really frightening for you, but the fact he has moved to the general ward sounds really positive doesnt it. Well done your GP for doing an assessement that took you to ER! An MRI would accurately indicate the type of lesion. It isn't just that they see a 'shape' and then guess what it is....people train for many many years and are highly specialised in being able to read the incredibly subtle characteristics of MRI images, for example they can see fluid and would know it is an abcess for that reason. Please do let us know how the MRI goes and hoping that it shows a good reduction in the 1.5 cm original size.

01-11-19, 06:56
How absolutely terrifying for you.
It looks like he’s on the mend, but if not then he is in the right place for now and so are you. Let us know the mri results.

01-11-19, 07:09
I'm so sorry; this must be terrifying for you! Wishing you and yours all the best.

Gary A
01-11-19, 09:04
That’s quite an ordeal, you have my sympathies.

As for any concern over this actually being a tumour, don’t add to your stress by thinking like this. Cross it off the list at once. An MRI shows a clear distinction of tissue types, a mass caused by an abscess would be fluid filled, a tumour mass would show solid tissue.

It sounds like he’s on the mend and I’m sure he will make a full recovery. Please keep us updated on things.

01-11-19, 09:25
I am so sorry you and he are going through this. Poor little man. My thoughts are with you xx

01-11-19, 10:59
So sorry to hear about this. Sending my love and thoughts your way. Hope all goes well

01-11-19, 11:21
So sorry about your son,it must be hard on you,so please look after you as well.X:flowers:

always scared
01-11-19, 17:17
Thinking of you and your son . Hope all is going well. Sending some :bighug1:

03-11-19, 21:51
Hope all is ok J2, do let us know how everything is going.

04-11-19, 01:53
That's a terrifying ordeal for any parent and anyone would be in a right state. The fact he is on a general ward sounds like good news :hugs:

Specialist children's hospitals are top of their game with the best consultants and teams for children. My cousin was rushed into one from a geneal hospital many years ago and they were absolutely brilliant. Not just top of their field but also in how supportive they were to very scared parents.

Best wishes to your family. This place is here if you need it and lets hope your son is soon out of hospital so you can all try to relax from this ordeal.

12-11-19, 16:12
so sorry to hear about your son, sending well wishes.

14-11-19, 20:44
Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers. He is home from the hospital. His health is improving. He will have another MRI in a few weeks. I will keep you posted.

15-11-19, 01:19
Really happy to hear he's doing better! :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

15-11-19, 04:22
Thank goodness!

15-11-19, 04:37
That's great news! :yesyes::yahoo: