View Full Version : Does getting dizzy watching fireworks mean epilepsy?

01-11-19, 20:55
Hi I've had a massive fear of getting epilepsy for over 5 years but I totally forgot about it and went to a fireworks event tonight and I felt slightly dizzy and off balance and had racing thoughts during the display, it was like I couldnt think straight, does it automatically mean I have epilepsy?

01-11-19, 22:35
Not at all

01-11-19, 22:49
Cheers Nicola :)

Do you think I'm alone in having this? I really dont know if this is supposed to be normal.

01-11-19, 22:50
souds like anxiety to me

02-11-19, 00:29
Didnt have a seizure so that's a good sign

Would you say it sounds like anxiety to someone who doesnt suffer from it?

Gary A
02-11-19, 00:32
Dizziness isn’t a sign of epilepsy, seizures are. If you didn’t have a seizure then why would you even begin to think you have epilepsy?

Flashing lights and things of that nature can indeed trigger seizures in people with epilepsy, but I again must point out the obvious. You didn’t have a seizure.

02-11-19, 01:03
Because I felt a bit dizzy during the display, I didnt know if what I was experiencing was normal or not, just worried it might have been symptoms leading to a seizure.

02-11-19, 01:07
I had to turn away a few times because it was getting too much for me, just thinking if I didnt, I might have had a seizure.

Has anyone here felt like I have?

02-11-19, 13:13
I havent had a seizure in my 26 year of living, if I had it, I think I would have had at least a few by now, but does fireworks cause first time seizures? Still feeling worried

02-11-19, 14:14
I havent had a seizure in my 26 year of living, if I had it, I think I would have had at least a few by now, but does fireworks cause first time seizures? Still feeling worried

Have you ever seen someone have a seizure? I have. What you described is not a seizure.

Positive thoughts

02-11-19, 15:02
Nicola says it sounds like anxiety, I'm trying very hard not to Google.

02-11-19, 15:03
To see if anyone who is non epileptic also expirienced this

02-11-19, 16:16
Sure, I have experienced dizziness by looking at bright lights and having my head positioned looking up. I'm non epileptic.

03-11-19, 19:04
Cheers glad I'm not alone

05-11-19, 22:22
Hi I'm still feeling off, if a seizure was going to happen, will it linger around for 5 days before it happens?

05-11-19, 22:45
Hi I'm still feeling off, if a seizure was going to happen, will it linger around for 5 days before it happens?

I ask again. Have you ever seen anyone have a seizure? I have. There is no mistaking it and it's quite apparent you didn't have one nor are at risk.

Positive thoughts

05-11-19, 22:52
People know the introduction I give by now when commenting on "brain related" things. But I'll repeat it for the sake:

* Self-declared brain tumour expert, obessing over them (and their related manifestations) for 7 years from 2012-2019. My number 1 fear were the seizure-related manifestations of brain tumours.

No. Photosensitive epilepsy presents as a seizure you think of when someone says the word epilepsy - e.g. down on the floor, unconcsious, thrashing around, frothing at the mouth, etc etc. So it wouldn't be you noticing it, as you'd be unconscious, it would be those around you. And when bystanders see this sort of thing, they dial 999 right away.A

As far as I know, this is because of a sensitivity in the occipital lobe region (although, I could be wrong on this, but I don't think I am:roflmao:).

But no a dizziness spell like that you describe is just not any form of seizure.

You're fine. Good luck

05-11-19, 23:33
Thank you, no fortunately I haven't seen anyone have a seizure, seeing it would be awful and more for the person having them, just wanted to have a great evening, I would have been fine if I never went, I've been googling again because I have nobody to talk too and it said you can feel funny from a couple days to a couple months before you eventually have a seizure.

05-11-19, 23:48
Hey there, thanks for your reply, sorry to hear about your brain tumour worries, I'm glad nothing has come of it, I was doing very well with my epilepsy fear till last Friday when I remembered only during the display that I'm afraid if epilepsy, I tried hard to ignore it and force myself to look at them but the more I looked the more panicked I got and the more irritating the flashes were so my head went funny.

I feel funny as of today 5 days later like my heads not all there, like I'm a zombie and have been feeling unusually tired even though I get good enough sleep, what I dont get is that I felt normal before the event, something defo happend I feel. :(

05-11-19, 23:56
RadioGaGa, there are many types of epilepsy seizures, are you saying in my situation with the flashes, if it was epileptic I would have a seizure straight away? So the lead up/ symptom wouldn't be hanging around for 5 days?

06-11-19, 00:34
You refuse to even acknowledge my reply and continue to seek reassurance despite RGG's affirmation of my post :lac: I watched my wife have a seizure from encephalitis and it was as described. It's a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance of the brain, like an overloaded electrical socket... it's BOOM! Did that happen to you? Did anyone notice you writhing on the ground, foaming at the mouth with your eyes rolled back in your head?

Pursue this irrational fear if you must but you're just giving the dragon extra food and treats.

Positive thoughts

06-11-19, 02:17
Hey there, thanks for your reply, sorry to hear about your brain tumour worries, I'm glad nothing has come of it, I was doing very well with my epilepsy fear till last Friday when I remembered only during the display that I'm afraid if epilepsy, I tried hard to ignore it and force myself to look at them but the more I looked the more panicked I got and the more irritating the flashes were so my head went funny.

I feel funny as of today 5 days later like my heads not all there, like I'm a zombie and have been feeling unusually tired even though I get good enough sleep, what I dont get is that I felt normal before the event, something defo happend I feel. :(

RadioGaGa, there are many types of epilepsy seizures, are you saying in my situation with the flashes, if it was epileptic I would have a seizure straight away? So the lead up/ symptom wouldn't be hanging around for 5 days?

Yes, there are different types. One is a Non Epileptic Seizure (NES). On the list for this are panic attacks. They are totally harmless though and anyone having one may never have another anyway. I know someone who had one from a build up a stress and it never happened again. However, like RadioGaGa is mentioning it is clearly happening at the time - the guy I knew just collapsed in a supermarket.

Have you considered that perhaps this is panic and it has led to an episode of being "washed out" or maybe DP/DR? These are very common with higher levels of stress and you say yourself you forced yourself to watch them (a form of exposure exercise at this point as it was making you anxious) and you became more panicked.