View Full Version : Can’t believe I’m back. Anyone experience occipital neuralgia? Worried.

02-11-19, 05:20
Last Week I started getting a cold ache behind my ear on the left side down to my neck on that side. It has been off and on since then. At first I assumed it was from sinus pressure which I struggle with often. But in researching it I found the term occipital neuralgia and the symptom and location fit exactly.

I saw that it can be from a pinched nerve but doesn’t seem like the pain itself is very common. I also saw that it could be from a head or neck tumor that’s pushing on the nerve. Well that was it - I’m so worried that I have an undiagnosed brain tumor.

Curious if anyone has had this pain and found it to be unrelated to anything sinister. I can’t get the C word out of my head. And all the massaging and poking has made the entire area sore but I still feel the deep nerve pain there. . :/ tia!

02-11-19, 06:16
It’s possible that because you have a cold, your glands are up and that causing the soreness?
Or sinuses. None of the others though, and you’ll be better soon. Everyone has colds at the moment.

04-11-19, 03:37
Thank you for the reply! It’s been two days since my post and a little over a week of the pain - the pain is still there off and on but I have noticed a definite tightness and pain In that area when I turn my neck or tilt my head so it’s quite possible I have an irritated nerve or pulled muscle.

It’s just so hard to fight the fearful thoughts with rational Ones. I always seem to spiral more on weekends when the dr offices are closed. Tomorrow is Monday here so I might make an appointment with a GP or Chiropractor and see what’s going on. If I can be brave enough to make an appointment. Thanks again for the positive words! It helps to just get it out somewhere.

05-11-19, 18:10
Hi , did you get a diagnosis ?