View Full Version : Fever in the night

03-11-19, 11:38
Yesterday I felt out of sorts all day, tired and achey, but as it's the day before my period is due I thought it was that. Last night I was out at a friend's house and I had quite a lot of wine and rich food. I woke up in the night feeling burning hot and very flu like. I also had very bad indigestion pains. I took my temperature and it was 38.1! I'm now completely in an anxiety spiral thinking about leukaemia, lymphoma, Lyme's disease and all the other things that could cause fevers at night. I honestly felt so ill on the night yet this morning my temperature is back to normal so I obviously don't have a bug or anything.

03-11-19, 11:47
....and.....I need to ask why have you jumped to this when you kind of give the impression that the day before your period you can feel tired and achey? It is also quite normal for many women (myself included) to have an elevated temperature and have night sweats the night before a period is due, having once taken my temperature in the 12 hour window before I started a period it was over 38 degrees. Well, actually, at my age now night sweats and day sweats are common a week before its due. lol

If you did have a fever of any sort then 38.1 is low grade anyway, and you can get readings like that anyway if you are just hot and out of sorts from drinking and over-eating. Its just 'one of those things' and really no reason at all to jump to absolute - sorry to say it - crazy assumptions of dreadful illnesses. As its back to normal anyway, then what does that actually tell you ? Cause and effect....

03-11-19, 12:36
Thanks Carys. I do need the voice of reason. I do get night sweats before my period sometimes but I really felt like I had the flu, but I guess it could have also been dehydration from the alcohol. I suppose I was hoping I would wake up and have a cold or something so that I knew three was an actual reason for the fever to have come on in the night like that. I'm 42 now and I think my hormones are getting more out of whack. My period was due yesterday but still isn't here and I'm definitely not pregnant so hoping it will arrive soon. I think the hormones also don't help with my anxiety as I can feel myself spiralling worse than I have done in ages.

03-11-19, 12:41
You are 42 ! Cattia, dear lady, I was having night sweats/day sweats - like continuously raised temperature which was measurable for 12-24 hours, just felt sweatingly hot - exactly at your age. It was the very first sign that I was entering perimenopause. There is an actual reason for it, it was more than likely an elevated temperature from hormone changes (why do you think women can track ovulation by taking their temperature?) in combination with alcohol intake, which dehydrates and bingo. Nothing more than that I'm sure. When I read your post I replied as I recognised how I was from hormonal imbalances/variations and changes and was going to ask your age, but left it as didn't want to make assumptions. Now you've told me, I'd put money on being right about hormones. Aching, anxious, tired and 'out of sorts' go along with everything you've told me too - perimeno. Increased water intake in the days leading to your period, keep alcohol consumption to a min, and keep a log in a notebook of the details of your cycle - date, length of bleed, heavy or light ? painful breasts, sweats etc Note anything that occurs to you during this lead-up, even anxiety and 'feeling out of sorts' and then if and when it happens again you will be able to look back and try to see a pattern. However, be warned the further you get into this 'change' the more erratic and less patterns exist. However, noting new hormonal symptoms I found very useful to keep perspective. It also means that if you do go to the doctor to discuss your cycle, the evidence is all there.

Anyway, the bottom line of this is, even IF you did have a slightly raised temperature why jump to some horrific illnesses as you listed? WHy not think 'cold' 'flu' or some 'virus or other' that you were fighting off?

03-11-19, 20:03
Thank you. It does seem like I have a bug as my temperature has been up all day and I feel achey and fluey. My anxiety is through the roof right now as I'm worrying about being stuck like this forever and never feeling well again. I know that probably doesn't sound rational but I feel like this every time I'm sick, like it's the end of everything and I'll never be well again. I'm hoping I sleep abit better and I think I'll have to take a day off sick from work tomorrow which I never do as I'm very rarely actually ill.

03-11-19, 20:43
Ahhhhh, it is a bug after all.......oh dear, sorry to hear that. However, oddly enough you did say 'I hope it is something as then I will at least know what caused it'. So, you can store my peri advice/thoughts for later :winks: Look upon it as a chance to have some rest and relaxation - nobody enjoys being ill but it will run its course.

03-11-19, 21:16
Thanks Carys, I still don't have my period so there is a chance it could still be hormones but it feels a bit too extreme. I'm definitely going to take your advice though and track symptoms of my cycle as I've had very bad ovulation pain, migraine, breast tenderness and other things that suggest my hormones are out of whack. My periods were horrible in my twenties and I had awful PMT then in my thirties I had kids and that settled things down, but now it feels like I'm returning to how it was twenty years ago!

04-11-19, 20:45
I felt a lot better today but now it's evening I feel rough again. I am tired, aching, sweating and generally feeling under the weather. Every time I get sick I can't believe how badly I fall back into the same patterns. Despair, convinced I will feel like this forever, even Googled Lyme's and chronic fatigue syndrome today. I know better than this. I know I have felt this way before, but trying to use my strategies to fight this feels like standing on a beach with a kids' rubber ring and getting knocked sideways by a tsunami. I literally have no ability to fight these negative feelings and I am so convinced that this is the start of a chronic illness for me. Ughhhh I hate myself right now.

04-11-19, 21:00
Well its only been two days, so its not 'chronic' fatigue syndrome :roflmao:So, have you got a cold coming, sore throat and so on ? Awww don't hate yourself, just accept that things aren't going too great and you are struggling a bit. You know feeling unwell is hard sometimes, I was a right miserable cow when I had flu two years ago.

04-11-19, 21:34
I haven't got any other symptoms aside from aching limbs, sweats and fatigue. Chronic fatigue has to start somewhere ��. Honestly though, I am really mad with myself because I feel like I make progress then something like this hits me and I feel like I'm back to square one. It's frustrating.

04-11-19, 21:59
Period started ?

04-11-19, 22:31
Yes, this morning and I've felt a bit better since.