View Full Version : Temporary dental filling just fell out - what can I do before I can get to dentist?

03-11-19, 17:32
I had a dentist treatment a week ago and rather a large temporary filling just fell out. Consequently large hole in tooth. I'm not in pain but stressing about what to do to in the meantime before I can get to the dentist surgery tomorrow morning. Don't want the tooth to get further damage - any advice on what I can do to protect it?

These things always happen when the surgery is closed - have checked on the net but no suggestions from any dental sites on what can be done at home. An I don't keep dental cement at home...

03-11-19, 18:04
Can't you get some from a chemist somewhere?

03-11-19, 18:04
If not then just don't eat on it tonight.

03-11-19, 18:46
Unfortunately this being Sunday evening everything is closed, and none of the pharmacies around here stock anything like that. Have resorted to tissue soaked in salt water just to place over the gap in the meantime. Couldn't think of anything else.


Pea Tear Griffin
03-11-19, 19:04
You can get some on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Micron-Superior-Permanent-Filling-Restorations/dp/B01MA245DN/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=temp+filling&qid=1572808098&sr=8-2

If you don't even feel sensitivity with the filling gone then there is no nerve exposure so you would be good for quite a while even if you left it like that.

03-11-19, 21:55
Personally I'd not worry and just not eat on it. I've had temporary fillings come out (on one tooth three separate times before I had the final work done), crowns fall off and an overlay come off twice. It sounds like my mouth is full of dental work lol Its not actually, but I just seem a bit prone to losing bits and pieces. I once stuck a crown (front one) back on with chewing gum so I could finish the day at work. Nothing untoward is going to happen before tomorrow, just avoid the area - the dentist will clean it all out again before doing another temporary.

03-11-19, 23:03
Thanks for the advice - it's actually an inlay that has come clean out and I suppose the hole feels much larger than it actually is. No pain as such - just freaked me out for a bit thinking 'Oh god not something else' ... plus I didn't want to have to go back again so soon to the dentists and have a busy work day tomorrow. Aaarrrgh!

04-11-19, 08:06
Ah yes it can feel like a massive chasm if an inlay comes off, my overlay (which is obviously inlay and right round the edges and up the sides) was a tooth that was root filled and the temporary overlay came off - it felt like my whole mouth on one side had changed. Infact my overlay kept coming off even when it was permanent, eventually he had to use cement/adhesive of max 'its never going to come off ever' strength. Glad you are ok with it now, you do seem very measured about it and just annoyed about the situation, if you were that busy you could just leave it a day - nothing will happen and they would throughly swoosh it out with thei chemicals and blow out any remaining food particles, basically give a good clean.