View Full Version : Bra decorating competition-any ideas plese?????

geordie flower
25-09-07, 19:30
:) Hiya, my mam has an annual "pink party" where we all get together, about 35-40 family and friends (girls only) have a party night where we raise money for breast cancer charities. My mam had a masectomy 5 years ago and they were a great support to her and now and we like to help this great cause. Thankfully she hs been given the all clear now.
We have raffle prizes and daft games. We all dress up in pink (£1.00 fine if you dont) and we also have a prize for the best decorated bra, now I won this last year, i bought the biggest bra i could find and i sewed tinsel, xmas tree decs and best of all flashing xmas tree lights on it! I looked a right treat walking round to my mams in the dark flashing way lol! However im struggling for an idea to top this one because as my best mate declared last week this is bra wars!!!!! Any ideas would be most welcome- thank you tracey x :)

25-09-07, 20:00
Hmmm Trace

Ya got me thinking now.lol....what a great charity idea:)

Well the first thing that came into my head was 2 hedgehogs...lol i dont no why i think it must be the shape....ohh im off before i say some thing i shouldnt !!lol


geordie flower
25-09-07, 20:39
Ha ha ha Andrea i think i know where youre coming from with the hedgehog idea :) I was thinking of maybe having a sweetie theme this year and sewing a load of sweets such as jelly rings, jelly bears, lollies, flumps etc to a bra and then maybe i can bribe the judges with them lol! I just want it known that we do wear these bras on top of our t-shirts ha ha ha :) tracey x

26-09-07, 15:30
How about

http://www.auditoriumtheatre.org/wb/media/camp/pink%20hand.gif one on each in fluorescent paint????


one of these on each????????????????

Sounds fun and what a good, nice idea!

26-09-07, 16:07
being from newcastle, something says a spinning Angel of the North on each cup (motorised if possible) - the angel thing seems significant.

26-09-07, 16:16
Ohhh Happy

That did make me laugh !! I love the baby teat idea !!

Its a good job im not doing this kind of thing im sure someone would ban me with the ideas i can up with !!!

I remember years ago i once went to bingo, i have never won anything, the prize of the game i was playing was to go on stage and see how many 5p i could get fit in a massive bra in 3 minutes and then put it on , the amount you had in your bra while worn i could keep!!! well ya know when ya waiting for just one number to win, and your praying it dosnt come out,well that was me and believe me it was a time when i just didnt want to win !!!
Well to cut a long story short i did win and had to go on stage and make a fool of myself, but i did manage to fill the bra up with £49,s worth of 5p,s!:ohmy:

never went to bingo again after that episode.lol


26-09-07, 16:23

I have sufficiently recovered from the fainting fit I had when I read about your 'pink party' and the £1 fine for not wearing said offending colour!:ohmy:

As it's for a very good cause I will submit my contribution to these wonderful ideas!

How about fireworks?

A catherine wheel on each one perhaps?


And for a grand finale........:blush:?http://th168.photobucket.com/albums/u183/audreyXlinn/th_fireworks.gif

Seriously though, what about flowers? But, be careful, no stinging nettles !!!

Hope it all goes with a blast!!

PS: Andrea, you sure had a 'full house' then :blush:!!!


geordie flower
26-09-07, 17:13
:) Hiya All, thanks for your ideas, im liking the spinning catherine wheel idea hmmm...... my hubbys an electrician so im sure he could come up with something! Or luc (with me being a fellow geordie) i cud do spinning angels of the north!!! The partys on fri oct 5th so i better get started thanks again any more ideas please feel free thanks tracey x :flowers:
p.s. my cousin works at Northern Rock HQ in newcastle and they usually double any amout that we raise which resulted in over £1,000 last year however with it being " a bit of a bad time " for them at the moment im wondering if they will do it again this year!

26-09-07, 18:14
Hiya, how about a go at body painting?, as per this Pink Floyd display.:)


geordie flower
26-09-07, 19:24
Ha ha ha nice idea dave!:yesyes: now if i had a body like those in the picture i wud happily take u up on that idea, sadly im a bit more fuller figured than them:blush: and i wud prob get arrested for offending peoples eyes! lol :D tracey x