View Full Version : Feeling scared and hopeless - need some support

04-11-19, 03:21
Hi is there anyone else out there that can provide some reassurance? Now 5 weeks in on citalopram second time for GAD and health anxiety (it worked really well the first time) - 3 weeks on 20mg. It has made my anxiety heaps worse and because of that im feeling heaps more depressed as well. i foolishly read several stories on here last week about people trying the same med a second time and it not working and then trying other things and that not working either. Im really worried that im going to end up like that. i guess im just looking for some reassurance from others that have gone back on the same med that it does take longer and is harder the second time but still comes right. i am just feeling really hopeless and scared. Thanks heaps

04-11-19, 06:24
Hi is there anyone else out there that can provide some reassurance? Now 5 weeks in on citalopram second time for GAD and health anxiety (it worked really well the first time) - 3 weeks on 20mg. It has made my anxiety heaps worse and because of that im feeling heaps more depressed as well. i foolishly read several stories on here last week about people trying the same med a second time and it not working and then trying other things and that not working either. Im really worried that im going to end up like that. i guess im just looking for some reassurance from others that have gone back on the same med that it does take longer and is harder the second time but still comes right. i am just feeling really hopeless and scared. Thanks heaps

windywel- I am sorry to hear you are having a bad time. Please don’t read these stories as they will scare you and make you feel worse. Have you had any good days on citalopram so far? You have only been on the therapeutic dose for 3 weeks too- so it is still early days for you.

my cousin has been on citalopram twice and it definitely worked the second time. It did take longer the second time though. She said it was 6 weeks of hell before she felt better. I have been on fluoxetine 4 times and I am feeling the benefit already. I think it may be because I have been doing other things though such as making sure I do hobbies every day, mindfulness, positive affirmations etc. My thing is- even if the medication does not work - I can maximise my chances with other things- and you can too. Also CBT4panic.org is an excellent and free resource too. Lots of people on here have improved even without medication and you can too. There is always hope. Xxxx

04-11-19, 07:45
Thanks Mrs M - what hobbies have you been doing?

04-11-19, 08:15
Thanks Mrs M - what hobbies have you been doing?

reading, sewing, knitting, bracelet making. Trying something new is always good. I didn’t do
them for a week. I just made ideas of new hobbies and waited until I got excited about them before it did it. The feeling of excitement about doing them is almost as rewarding as the real
thing. A few weeks ago i didn’t have any enthusiasm for anything - but it will
come with time- so don’t be discouraged if you feel too much anxiety to focus or too
depressed to enjoy- it will come in time. Depression doesn’t last for
ever and anxiety can be got used to- have you read any of CLAIRE Weekes books? Also
definitely recommend Louise Hay affirmations - brain wash your brain into knowing that everything is safe and hopeful around you.

lastly, I read recently that they think they will
be a cure for anxiety and depression available to all in the next few years (earlier if you can pay)- they have found benefits in synthesising illegal
drugs- taking away the negative and keeping the positive. Trials have shown that in one dose everyone felt complete relief from anxiety and depression- so the future is bright xxxx

04-11-19, 08:35
Windywel, for what it's worth, if you think jewellery making would be your thing I'd be happy to offer tuition.

04-11-19, 18:41
Thanks Mrs M - yes the problem is that I can't focus very well at the moment. I have been doing crosswords, but even reading is hard. I know I should read more books about anxiety but reading about it makes me more anxious. I have just got myself into such a state with being anxious about being anxious and whether the meds are going to work so the anxiety has just got worse and worse. Are you talking about the ketamine trials?

04-11-19, 18:43
Thanks so much BlueIris that's so kind! But I'm in NZ so not sure how that would work?

04-11-19, 19:19
Thanks Mrs M - yes the problem is that I can't focus very well at the moment. I have been doing crosswords, but even reading is hard. I know I should read more books about anxiety but reading about it makes me more anxious. I have just got myself into such a state with being anxious about being anxious and whether the meds are going to work so the anxiety has just got worse and worse. Are you talking about the ketamine trials?

Ketamine was one of the drugs mentioned- but they mentioned others too- I think I saw it in a positive news paper - I think it was happy news - or something like that. When it’s hard to focus - put positive affirmations on you tube on your phone. Make something rather than have to read. Can you do puzzles on the phone? It will come - it takes time- but the interest will come back. Don’t read about anxiety at the moment. Let you brain refocus on other things- again this took me a while but it can be done. Definitely take Blue Iris up on her offer of jewellery making- this really helped me as it was something new to look at.

You are not a lost cause - no one is- my brain was telling me I was a lost cause - but it’s all lies. X

04-11-19, 19:26
Windy, I'd be happy to offer advice and tuition via message on here, or via email.

04-11-19, 19:54
Thanks Blue Iris that would be so great! I would love to have something that stops me thinking about the anxiety and my state of mind all the time! My email is tamsin.wilkins@icloud.com. I will do anything to get better! XX

05-11-19, 06:45
Thanks Blue Iris that would be so great! I would love to have something that stops me thinking about the anxiety and my state of mind all the time! My email is tamsin.wilkins@icloud.com. I will do anything to get better! XX

Did I read somewhere that you had improvement for a few days and PDU said that that is a step in the right direction and shows the medication is working- or was that someone else? X

05-11-19, 07:01
Think was someone else - I’ve had a few hours here and there but no whole days. Feeling anxious tonight as I’m feeling physically horrible. The psych has got me taking the lorazepam more regularly and it’s helping but when it wore off this afternoon I felt really horrible - but fluey, achy, headachy, anxious just horrible. Should I still be getting physical side effects after all this time?

05-11-19, 12:41
Think was someone else - I’ve had a few hours here and there but no whole days. Feeling anxious tonight as I’m feeling physically horrible. The psych has got me taking the lorazepam more regularly and it’s helping but when it wore off this afternoon I felt really horrible - but fluey, achy, headachy, anxious just horrible. Should I still be getting physical side effects after all this time?

Aw I am so sorry you are having a hard time. I am still getting anxiety symptoms but my reaction to them is different- I feel like I just accept them more. But it has taken some time to do that. Speak to your psych and see what they think?

is there anyone that has written a citalopram diary and say how long it usually takes to kick in x

05-11-19, 22:40
I just wanted to say that I totally understand.

I restarted Escitalopram 3 months ago and it’s not quite gone to plan.

The whole scenario just sucks. It sucks the hope out of you. BUT keep going and keep in comms with your GP.

You are not alone. It is definitely a journey we are on and we will get there.

I hope better days are on the way for you.

08-11-19, 01:19
Hi all would be good to hear from others? 6 weeks tomorrow, 25 days on 20mg. Still not feeling great - in fact very depressed today. Just wondering when it’s ever going to kick in 😔

08-11-19, 02:08
Hi all would be good to hear from others? 6 weeks tomorrow, 25 days on 20mg. Still not feeling great - in fact very depressed today. Just wondering when it’s ever going to kick in 😔

It definitely can take longer with some people, but please go and chat with your GP and see what they recommend. Also, are you seeing a psychologist at all?

That can help with your thinking around it, especially if you have already decided it's not going to work. It still might - and remember the improvements are not linear.

Good luck.