View Full Version : Surrounded

25-09-07, 20:00
Yeah, well bit of a rant, no, just clearing my chest (so to speak)!

What is the last thing a HAD sufferer needs? Answer: Neighbours.

All my neighbours seem to have cancer. My good friend and next door neighbour has had triple bypass surgery just so he could be strong enough to undergo a partial lung removal because of a long standing slow cancer!

Two doors over, another neighbour has undergone treatment for (undisclosed variety) cancer. She seems on the mend after treatment. Phew!

Two doors over the other side, guy has stomach cancer and is undergoing treatment, chemo whatever, and has today dissappeared "not at all well"!!

This is a small neighbourhood, perhaps 20 houses, and three of 'em have cancer!!! Jeez, it's doing my head! Who's next? It's like Agatha Christie, which one will go down next? Guess who I've got pencilled in?

25-09-07, 21:07
I know where you are coming from, thankfully the our little group are ok for now and there some old people around like 80+ but earlier this year the lady next year died of something, not to sure what it was but it was a degenerative disease. So I paniced and have been panicing I have Motor Neurons syndrome (sp) with every twith. a couple of ladies have cancer at work and our receptionist died of lukemia recently. It has been a bit of a stress. Still it has to be a positive thing that there are people out there that have had it and are now on the mend!! I guess it means that the treatments are working. Still I am thinking of a move to France apparently the survival rate there is 70% strong for woman ...heck thats worth a shift :)

But it's more of a case of people living with cancer than a death sentence. I share in your panic I assure you.

25-09-07, 21:45
I know this as well.

My mum has lost 2 friends to cancer in 2 months and one has a brain tumour. It seems to be around so much more now that it used to be!

25-09-07, 22:08
Thanks to you for the understanding, it means a lot.

The news, which is on just now, doesn't help either and I blame the media for helping promote hysteria in regard to health issues. If the word CANCER appears in any nondescript report from wherever (godforsaken tiny corner of the world) they seem to pounce on it and make it headline news.

Yes I have a real BIG fear of cancer. None of my family have ever had it, but it seems that every celebrity, well known personality, (neighbour) dies of bloody cancer these days!!! Is my fear being fuelled by headline grabbing reports? Cancer this, cancer that, .... I've had enough!!!:mad:

Um, rant over .. for now anyway .....:blush: