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04-11-19, 18:37
Back again........

As the title says, I’ve got a problem with achey legs at the moment, along with sore knees when going up stairs.

We went on holiday last week, did lots of walking, chasing after kids etc. Went out every morning in the cold weather to walk the dog, sometimes in shorts which wasn’t the brightest idea. Middle of the week my legs felt quite achey and knees began feeling very stiff and sore.

ive had the knee issues for a few years and they usually get worse after intense excercise like football, but don’t know why they’re hurting now. Sometimes the pain dissapears for a while.

Concerned that my legs are still achy, and worried what if it’s fluid retention. I compared my legs with a photo from 3 years ago and they look a bit wider around the calves/bottom half of my leg. I also wore some tighter socks before a walk last week and they left a visible dent above my right ankle. I know I had my legs checked a few months ago, but what if they are just getting worse?

Unfortunately I have put weight on recently, so I’m the heaviest I’ve been for 10+ years. Not overweight though.

I had the flu jab 10 days ago, but don’t think that could explain the aches.

Has anyone had aches like this from anxiety? I’m trying not to spiral into the rare, weird and wonderful diseases, but I’m a tad worried about Rheumatoid Athritis.

04-11-19, 19:23
Anxiety often makes joints ache, you know this.
Socks often leave a line, you know this too.
So, now what will help?

05-11-19, 08:55
Well I've started taking glucosamine and chondroitin for my joint aches. I was advised to take these before by a therapist but thought they were too expensive! Bitten the bullet now though, and Holland and Barrett had a penny sale on so got a few bottles.

Also bought some bath salts to help with the muscle aches and tension.

Need to try and lose weight as well, because I don't like being heavier than what I normally am.

Has anyone had success with glucosamine and chondroitin for joints? I'm also taking turmeric.

05-11-19, 18:18
Right leg has been atrocious today, very achey and uncomfortable, left is also not right. Very stiff and weak.

Why does this keep happening? I havent been feeling that stressed or anxious past few weeks yet here I am again hit by weird symptoms. MS, Thyroid, Peripheral artery disease all stuck in my head.

05-11-19, 22:36
Why does this keep happening? I havent been feeling that stressed or anxious past few weeks yet here I am again....

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Your anxiety has been a kin to the wildfires in California. There are acres of burning embers and you're still on high alert so.... :shrug:

Positive thoughts

06-11-19, 11:42
You may be right FMP.

I've almost done a full circle now. It was around this time last year that my HA kicked off big style, and I had some strange leg sensations - maybe the same as now, where my right leg feels heavy, achy, tired with some tingling/temperature changes in my foot. The docs said it was some form of sciatica back then, but I worried about MS.

I can't help but worry again right now about these symptoms, they are almost identical today as they were a year ago. Recurring MS relapse perhaps? I find it hard to believe that I'd be suffering from the same sciatic problem as I did.

Unless this is psychosomatic because I've been obsessing with my legs for the past week........

What does everyone else think?

06-11-19, 11:53
Almost certainly psychosomatic. Stay strong, Mr L, you've been doing amazingly.

06-11-19, 11:55
Almost certainly psychosomatic. Stay strong, Mr L, you've been doing amazingly.

I wish that were true BI! My partner would certainly disagree with you!

The main difference between this time, and last year is that I'm not panicking about it. Don't get me wrong, I am worried about this, and p***ed off with more physical symptoms, but right now I'm not thinking of rushing to the docs.

06-11-19, 11:57
P***ed off and concerned is a really good start! If you can make it to just being fed-up and annoyed with it, you'll be well on the way to acceptance.

08-11-19, 12:51
So despite my leg issues I went ahead and did football training last night haven't played for 2 weeks. Strangely enough, my right leg is better today......maybe I managed to release a tight muscle or something?

Anyway, I have noticed another symptom within my body - clicking joints. Last night my shoulder clicked, then my hip, the my wrist then finally my ankle. Can anxiety cause such issues? Just wondering if anyone has had any similar goings on. I started taking the glucosamine and chondroitin supplement on the weekend, along with turmeric. My knees feel better, but could the clicking be an effect from the supplement?

I've suffered from so many different symptoms over the past 12 months I'm starting to wonder what if I have an underlying autoimmune disorder, something like rheumatoid athritis, lupus, CFS, something muscular......even MS etc.

09-11-19, 21:49
Clicking joints anyone??

09-11-19, 22:06
With my anixety, I always get really sore and shaky legs whenever I try to walk around- it causes my anxiety to JUMP up! And my heart goes racing. It's awful isn't it xx

10-11-19, 13:35
I have all sorts of pains, mainly in my legs, I even have trouble standing and walking. I often think I have MS but I'm a secretary in a Osteopathy Centre and whenever my boss touches any part of my body he always says it's shocking how tense my muscles are, he then works on them and I'm much better. He says even my hands and my kidneys are really tense!! So that just goes to show what nerves and tension can do.

11-11-19, 18:04
Hi both, thanks for the replies, Its reassuring to hear people who’ve got similar symptoms.

The clicking is upsetting me know. My right shoulder and hips have been clicking quite a bit today.

Wondering if this coukd be a side effect of the chondroitin and glucosamine working??

22-11-19, 15:56
Hi all, I haven't been doing too bad HA wise recently. I continue to have symptoms - aching joints the main one the moment, and my IBS has been a bit troublesome the past few weeks.

However I've come down with my second cold in 2 months. In fact it was nearly 2 months ago I had a terrible sore throat and cold which kicked off my lymphoma/mouth cancer worries.

I'm just a bit concerned why I've got a cold AGAIN after 2 months. I did share a car with someone who had a cold on Saturday, but upset that it's affected me again.

Trying to refrain myself from thinking too much about underlying things that affect immunity like leukemia, lymphoma, aids etc. I can still feel what I believe to be a lymph node by my jaw on the right hand side.

Should I be concerned?

22-11-19, 15:59
Hi all, I haven't been doing too bad HA wise recently. I continue to have symptoms - aching joints the main one the moment, and my IBS has been a bit troublesome the past few weeks.

However I've come down with my second cold in 2 months. In fact it was nearly 2 months ago I had a terrible sore throat and cold which kicked off my lymphoma/mouth cancer worries.

I'm just a bit concerned why I've got a cold AGAIN after 2 months. I did share a car with someone who had a cold on Saturday, but upset that it's affected me again.

Trying to refrain myself from thinking too much about underlying things that affect immunity like leukemia, lymphoma, aids etc. I can still feel what I believe to be a lymph node by my jaw on the right hand side.

Should I be concerned?

I had two colds within 5 weeks this year having not had one in over 5 years before that! Needless to say I want impressed in the slightest! It’s just rotten luck and whatever strain is going around. Nothing to worry about though, fluids and rest, pain killers if you need them! I find plotting the downfall of whichever germy bugger got to me quite therapeutic while I’m feeling crummy.

Positive vibes,


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22-11-19, 16:03
Hi all, I haven't been doing too bad HA wise recently. I continue to have symptoms - aching joints the main one the moment, and my IBS has been a bit troublesome the past few weeks.

However I've come down with my second cold in 2 months. In fact it was nearly 2 months ago I had a terrible sore throat and cold which kicked off my lymphoma/mouth cancer worries.

I'm just a bit concerned why I've got a cold AGAIN after 2 months. I did share a car with someone who had a cold on Saturday, but upset that it's affected me again.

Trying to refrain myself from thinking too much about underlying things that affect immunity like leukemia, lymphoma, aids etc. I can still feel what I believe to be a lymph node by my jaw on the right hand side.

Should I be concerned?

No because a cold is a cold, I've gone through periods (years ago) where I've caught colds every 6 weeks (as a result of working with young children). Each cold is different, but a sore throat is a typical sign of one, that's all it is.

22-11-19, 16:03
It happens, I know it feels like a big deal but it isn't.

Feel better soon!

22-11-19, 16:06
I had two colds within 5 weeks this year having not had one in over 5 years before that! Needless to say I want impressed in the slightest! It’s just rotten luck and whatever strain is going around. Nothing to worry about though, fluids and rest, pain killers if you need them! I find plotting the downfall of whichever germy bugger got to me quite therapeutic while I’m feeling crummy.

Positive vibes,


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks Mouse. I'm currently supplementing my multi vits and Omega 3 with Vit C and echenecia.

I have had two late nights this week (4 hour sleeps) and played football in the rain last night, so dunno if that's made it worse.

22-11-19, 16:08
It probably won't have helped hugely, and neither will the years of stress hormones coursing through your system.

Be good to yourself. We all have setbacks every now and again.

23-11-19, 02:41
Two colds in two months! I wish. I have a 5 year old who I have been swapping colds for months on end. It's cold season, and not getting enough sleep is all I need to come down with another one.

23-11-19, 04:54
Erin, I highly recommend a job in education. My workplace has students from dozens of different countries; I had a couple of nasty bouts of flu in the first couple of years, and now I maybe get one cold in a year.

23-11-19, 20:47
Erin, I highly recommend a job in education. My workplace has students from dozens of different countries; I had a couple of nasty bouts of flu in the first couple of years, and now I maybe get one cold in a year.

I bet! Mine is in Kindergarten so I'm hoping that we'll have a few tough years and then the viruses will slow down a bit! I don't even think twice about these colds anymore. It's just expected that we'll all be coughing from October-March!

26-11-19, 11:36
So my joints continue to click quite often - my shoulders and hips are the worse ones. I've been taking chondroitin and glucosamine for nearly a month now, but the clicking actually started after I began those supplements.

I'm also feeling very stiff at times. I have a bad cough now following a cold and this morning I felt like I pulled a shoulder muscle while coughing. Starting to really worry if there's something underlying here - some form of athritis, MS, muscular diseases.......even MND has entered my head.

Also the first joint of my pinky finger on my right hand is sore in the palm area. It's a strange mild pain that's mainly caused by small movements, but sometimes the pain disappears. There's no obvious location for the pain if I press down around the joint on my palm. And if I pull my pinky in different directions it doesn't hurt at all. I use my phone excessively these days - could it be from that?

I feel under an enormous amount of stress right now, I'm very unhappy with my job which involves working with family, money is tight with xmas coming, our new car is having issues after only owning it for 2 months, the boiler isn't working properly and the plumber is messing us around.

Then I feel like my body is breaking down with all these aches, clicks, pains.....

26-11-19, 11:40
It's just the stress making you feel rough, Mr. L - I hope you feel better soon. Don't let it drag you down the rabbit hole?

26-11-19, 11:50
It's just the stress making you feel rough, Mr. L - I hope you feel better soon. Don't let it drag you down the rabbit hole?

Thanks BI. In quite a bad place atm, not just HA, but with life.

I work for my brother and his partners business. I left a very good job to join them, but on the condition that I could work from home 3 days a week as the commute was going to be an extra 20-30mins each way. Since my HA kicked in start of this year, they insisted that I come in every day to the office as they don't trust me working from home. It was fair enough back then as I was struggling to concentrate at home, but even though I'm better work-wise now, they still won't allow me to work from home. Unfortunately this is causing me to feel really distant from them, and also very aggrieved. Almost to the point that I feel punished for having a mental health issue. I'm spending an absolute fortune on petrol each week as this commute involves a lot of B roads rather than a dual carriage way in my old job, and obviously seeing less of my family.

26-11-19, 11:54
Yeah, it sounds as though they're taking advantage of you. I'm really sorry.

26-11-19, 13:43
Ok, I'm beginning to panic about ALS/MND now. I just read darkside's thread, where he mentions stiffness can be the first signs of MND, and my right hand is very stiff at times. And my whole right hand, and arm get very fatigued if I'm doing something like hoovering single handedly, or whisking. In fact I've just compared my hands, and I can easily straighten out all the fingers on my left but it's more of a struggle with my right. Oh dear, oh dear :-( I first noticed this about 8-10 months ago so what if I have very slow progressing MND or something....

My grandmother was diagnosed with a degenerative disease when she was in her 80's called Progressive supranuclear palsy, so I could have some faulty gene's.

26-11-19, 13:59
If it came on in her 80s that's not faulty genes, that's life.

Deep breaths and be sensible.

28-11-19, 07:26
Im still not much better, and im completely freaking out now. I felt ok ish yesterday, but last night I felt warm and clammy and also really nauseous/stomach ache. My heart was racing all night and ive got a temperature of 38. I was also sweating on and off in bed.

I havent felt 100% since I was ill 2 months ago and Im panicking right now that ive got a serious underlying illness - lymphoma or something.

Im sitting here with sweat collecting on my brow, I’m really not very well.

28-11-19, 07:32
Of course you're not, you're having an anxiety attack.

28-11-19, 07:48
You think an anxiety attack would last all night, while sleeping, and also cause a high temperature?

28-11-19, 07:57
It's certainly not outside the realms of possibility; more likely than lymphoma.

I can go to bed with a panic attack and wake up feeling lousy, and while I'm not in the habit of taking my temperature it shot right up when I was scared witless in the hospital.

28-11-19, 09:13
The problem I have is that Ive got cancer red flag symptoms; fever, sweating in bed, stomach pains. And rather than get better, ive felt worse as the weeks gone on.

I was actualy feeling ok yesterday, but around dinner time my stomach began hurting, felt nauseous, felt very warm and then the sweating.

28-11-19, 09:15
These are symptoms of pretty much everything, with cancer being one of the rarer possibilities.

Remember, you have a lot going on right now.

28-11-19, 09:55
You know your HA is bad when you think your cold is terminal!!

28-11-19, 13:34
I know it sounds daft.

Im also worried about crohns again. Ive been to the toilet 3 times in 12 hours now, very loose amd watery. Getting cramping like pains across my abdomen as well, sometimes upper, sometimes left and the right. Like a squeezing cramping. Typical it was only a few days ago I started worrying about crohns again and the symptoms are here.

Feel like my body’s breaking down. Exahusted, pains in a few joints, fever and now stomach issues. Cant believe Im hit with so many things at once

28-11-19, 13:39
You're making this a bigger deal than it is. You've got a bug, that's all. I've had very similar most of the week.

28-11-19, 14:11
Sorry for tmi, but Ive just been to the toilet again. What is going on?

This could really be crohns with all this going on. Worried beyond right now

28-11-19, 14:13
Or you could just have the squits. Sometimes colds make you crap all the time.

28-11-19, 14:32
Hopefully youre right BI, just think its too much of a coincidence that ive had a cold and now some sort of stomach bug.

28-11-19, 14:49
In which case, I should probably go off and panic as I've had a cold and diarrhoea most of the week, too.

29-11-19, 11:49
Feel a bit better today, but still had diarrhoea this morning.

However i've got another worry in the back of my head. The muscle below my calf seems a bit achy and tight, almost cramp like at times. So I'm a little concerned about compartment syndrome, which I know is pretty serious..........but also concerned about things like MS as this can cause muscle tightness/cramps.

29-11-19, 12:28
I'm a little concerned about compartment syndrome, which I know is pretty serious..........

And you know about this medical condition because?? :lac::doh:

Positive thoughts

29-11-19, 18:46
Just something Ive come across on my googling before.....probably after a football injury/sprain.

I have a list of potential illnesses right now, Crohns, Lymphoma, Compartment Syndrome. I know its unlikely to be all of them.....

30-11-19, 03:32
I cant believe this, I was feeling much better yesterday. No diorrhea last night, ate a full meal for the first tine in 48 hours, however ive woken up at 2.30am with stonach cramps and feeling waves of nausea. This is crohns now isnt it? :-(

30-11-19, 05:55
You're being ridiculous, Mr. L. Rein it in and concentrate on looking for a new job so you don't have to deal with the job/family stress.

30-11-19, 07:27
I cant help it BI, diorrhea shouldnt last this long.

Just had another very water bowel movement.

Theres something seriously wrong with me this time. I just know it :-(

30-11-19, 07:36
Literally three watery bowel movements!!! Im in serious trouble guys!

30-11-19, 07:51
You're not, seriously. Stop getting caught up in the drama.

30-11-19, 08:14
Im not getting caught up, Im just very concerned about my health.

The only time ive had this sort of bowel movements was with my sigmoidoscopy prep and when I had norovirus - but the diarrhea cleared up within a day. This is the 3rd day now of it now.

30-11-19, 08:17
Worrying about it won't help; sometimes these things can take a while to clear up. The NHS website explains this.

30-11-19, 08:20
Ive been pathetic and rang my mum, im almost in tears. Starting with a cold last week, ive been ill 10 days straight now. So fed up and hardly done anything with my kids and family. Its my daughters’ xmas show Tuesday and I just hope im better by then.

30-11-19, 08:25
It happens, sometimes when we don't want it to.

You're run down and sick, and I get that it's a pain because I'm there right now; I'd much rather be dealing with a craft fair without violent cramping and diarrhoea every time I eat. Rest, drink warm liquids and be kind to yourself - according to the NHS this kind of thing is only a problem if it lasts for a week.

30-11-19, 09:37
My 3rd cousin just put up an awareness thing about crohns and colitis on facebook, she suffers from IBD. That must be a sign.......

Yes I am a bit superstitious.

30-11-19, 09:52
You have school age kids and this is the first time you’ve ever had back to back colds and viruses? You’ve got away lightly.

30-11-19, 09:58
Yes, the eldest is only 5 though.

Just heard on the radio that nearly 200 pupils of the local secondary school are off with norovirus. Im not sure if you can get norovirus without vomiting - although I do feel nauseous. Im not sure how I would have caught it though - but Im doubting its that.

I have a history of bowel issues and maybe this is the time when it starts becoming serious.

30-11-19, 10:53
I have literally been nearly 10 times this morning now. I cant believe this is happening to me. Our boiler completely packed in yesterday as well so my partner and kids have gone to stay with the MIL because of that and my ‘bug’, so I can either stay in this cold house alone or go to my parents. Ive tried to tell my partner that this is unlikely to be a bug and something worse but she thinks im mad.

30-11-19, 11:06
That's because you're being a little bit mad right now.

30-11-19, 11:11
My partner had something similar when my daughter had a sick bug.
Also, my daughter is 5 too. I’ve also got a cold.

You have a bug and you’re being way too dramatic.

30-11-19, 12:10
So my MIL has upset me now saying its probably nothing infectious like norovirua otherwise id be vomiting as well! Great! I was feeling very sick on Thursday though.

30-11-19, 16:52
My bowels still have not settled and sorry for tmi, but whenever I try and break wind as I feel bloated, I end up passing some mucous and liquid.

Im shaking with fear right now, but no one else seems concerned.

30-11-19, 17:12
That would be because there's nothing to be concerned about.

30-11-19, 17:12
Im ringing NHS 111, struggling right now.

30-11-19, 17:14
All medical websites say to seek medical advice if diarrheoa persists for more than 48hrs.

30-11-19, 17:17
The NHS website doesn't, I checked yesterday.

Seriously, Mr L, I think you're great but quit being a wuss.

30-11-19, 17:58
Sounds like a bug, rest and drink loads and loads of water.

30-11-19, 18:13
Two colds in two months! I wish. I have a 5 year old who I have been swapping colds for months on end. It's cold season, and not getting enough sleep is all I need to come down with another one.

I fully relate to this! I have three little ones and have been sick once a month since September and now for the second time in November! I am SO over it!! To the OP, sometimes its just bad luck. Don’t worry about it. Get some sleep, REST, and chill at home until you are feeling better. Not sure if you tried it but I take Gaia Elderberry and it really helps weaken or eliminate the viruses I pick up from my kids. It’s the most concentrated Elderberry syrup and great if you can find it.

30-11-19, 18:55
Thanks for the replies.

Currently waiting a call back from an nhs nurse. my mums’ cousin, who’s a retired nurse has made me panic because she said I better get these Symptoms checked out, and seeing as I’ve had diarrhoea 10 times today.

I’m not sure what to expect tonight, I just want some medical advice on this because I’m not improving. Maybe I need antibiotics for a bowel infection etc.....

30-11-19, 19:02
Thanks for the replies.

Currently waiting a call back from an nhs nurse. my mums’ cousin, who’s a retired nurse has made me panic because she said I better get these Symptoms checked out, and seeing as I’ve had diarrhoea 10 times today.

I’m not sure what to expect tonight, I just want some medical advice on this because I’m not improving. Maybe I need antibiotics for a bowel infection etc.....

Well of course anytime someone is sick they are going to tell them to get checked out. That is standard for anyone whom has worked in the medical profession.

30-11-19, 19:08
antibiotics won't work on a virus.

30-11-19, 19:18
NHS nurse just said to keep drinking fluids for this weekend and see the GP Monday if symptoms are still bad or not improving. Well it’s Saturday now so they will definitely be the same Monday. :-(

30-11-19, 19:25
Why will they be the same on Monday?
Why do you presume the worse? I mean, I often do too because I have health anxiety. But you add up your symptoms and seem to reach deaths door within about 2 hours.

It’s horrible to feel ill. But take the advice from the nurse and you’ll probably feel so much better by Monday. These things are usually 12 or 24 hours.

30-11-19, 19:27
Why will they be the same on Monday?
Why do you presume the worse? I mean, I often do too because I have health anxiety. But you add up your symptoms and seem to reach deaths door within about 2 hours.

It’s horrible to feel ill. But take the advice from the nurse and you’ll probably feel so much better by Monday. These things are usually 12 or 24 hours.

Because Ive had these symptoms since Thursday and should be better by now. I’ve had bugs before but never lasting this long.

30-11-19, 19:57
So my advice was right then.

01-12-19, 09:41
Still got watery diarrhoea, this is some form of IBD now, guaranteed. I’m gutted, really scared. I’m going to have to have another sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy done as well which I’m absolutely terrified about. I struggled so much with the sigmoidoscopy. Feel like crying again right now, just want to sleep forever. I think this is going to be one of those rare occasions when a nmp members’ fears comes true.

01-12-19, 09:48
Still got watery diarrhoea, this is some form of IBD now, guaranteed. I’m gutted, really scared. I’m going to have to have another sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy done as well which I’m absolutely terrified about. Feel like crying again right now, just want to sleep forever.

Why is it guaranteed? You’ve only had an upset stomach since Thursday right? I’ve had stomach bugs last longer then that, then add in your stress levels. Have you been eating food that is easy to digest while your system recovers? Even if it’s not the bug any more it’s very possible that it’s just post infectious IBS.

It’s only been 4 days! There are people that like with diarrhoea full time that don’t have any serious conditions, I’ve been one of them! And my mother did for years.

Make sure your fluid intake is good, and that you start with bland easy to digest meals, maybe consider a probiotic.

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01-12-19, 09:55
I suffer from IBS anyway, but nothing like this. Yes, Thursday the symptoms started, the cramps I had have mostly gone, just this water d and bloating now. Also my bowels are making horrendous gurgling watery windy noises.

Ive been mainly eating bananas, whole meal toast etc, and I started taking actimel yoghurt drinks yesterday. I haven’t been eating much at all tbh.

However when im eating I feel very full and it keeps repeating on me, and then I feel very bloated. I’ve just eaten a piece of toast and banana this morning but feel like I’ve eaten a three course meal.

im toying with the idea of taking Imodium, but the NHS nurse said not to.

01-12-19, 09:56
You're being a bit theatrical, Mr. L.

Calm down and look at this rationally rather than getting swept away.

01-12-19, 12:57
You're being a bit theatrical, Mr. L.

Calm down and look at this rationally rather than getting swept away.

Crimbo pantomime, Mrs B?

Mr L has always been rather melodramatic and selective in his responses :lac:

01-12-19, 13:07
I think this is going to be one of those rare occasions when a nmp members’ fears comes true.

I think not.

You are not eating the right things either

01-12-19, 13:15
What would be the right things?? I read up about the brat diet being good for upset stomachs.....bananas, rice, apple, toast. So thats what ive been doing.

01-12-19, 13:23
What about soups? I have cream of mushroom, lentil or vegetable in the house?

01-12-19, 13:25
What about soups? I have cream of mushroom, lentil or vegetable in the house?

Not dairy (cream) based or lentils, both of those are difficult to digest. Is the vegetable option a clear broth?

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01-12-19, 13:28
Well, no dont think so. Its the Heinz Veg Soup variety.

What about the actimel yoghurts? Are those not helpful as well seeing as its dairy.

01-12-19, 13:34
I assumed it was best to eat things to bulk out stools, rice, bread, potatoes etc.

I dont eat much dairy anyway, so maybe the yoghurts arent the best.

01-12-19, 13:35
Well, no dont think so. Its the Heinz Veg Soup variety.

What about the actimel yoghurts? Are those not helpful as well seeing as its dairy.

It depends on your gut but usually dairy is the last thing I add back in and the first thing that will set off my stomach. There are a lot of cases of either temporary or more permanent intolerances after stomach bugs, it’s how my dairy intolerance came about actually.

I wouldn’t use a yogurt probiotic anyway because of my intolerance so I can’t really give much weight on that.

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01-12-19, 13:38
Well I just had some porridge with soy milk, my mother who went shopping for me couldnt find soy based probiotics - not sure you can any though.

01-12-19, 13:57
I'd tend to go for a bland diet. Scrambled eggs, white fish, chicken, mashed potatoes (no skin). Drink plenty of fluids. You can get probiotic tablets from health food shops if you're avoiding dairy.

01-12-19, 15:05
I think you’ll be fine.

Bread or toast is fine, as are bananas, crackers, biscuits (like rich tea), mainly it’s important to drink. It doesn’t just have to be water as you need to replace the minerals you’ve lost too. Squash is fine, not fruit juices though. Yogurt should be ok, not too much dairy though.

01-12-19, 15:15
My bowels are making horrendous gurgling, watery slushing noises again. My wind smells awful too, which I dont get when Ive barely eaten. For gods sake, here we go again.......

01-12-19, 15:21
For gods sake, here we go again.......

That was my thought as well :whistles:

Positive thoughts

01-12-19, 15:52
We really don't need to know all of this. You have a bug it will take time to recover from it. Leave it at that.

01-12-19, 15:52
You sound as though you're enjoying yourself way too much, Mr. L.

02-12-19, 09:31
Sorry if I frustrate people, I’m just scared and fed up. I’ve been ill with a cold first, and then this stomach bug for 10 days now, it’s draining.

My stools again this morning are soft, with some water, not as bad as they were but not back to normal. Surely a bug would have passed through my system by now? It’s been 5 days!!

I have rang the surgery and waiting a call back from a doc, not sure what they’ll suggest. But I imagine they’ll want to conduct some tests with all these prolonged symptoms.

02-12-19, 09:33
They're not prolonged, seriously, it's just a bug.

I know it's annoying, but it's really nothing to be scared of.

02-12-19, 09:33
Sorry if I frustrate people, I’m just scared and fed up. I’ve been ill with a cold first, and then this stomach bug for 10 days now, it’s draining.

My stools again this morning are soft, with some water, not as bad as they were but not back to normal. Surely a bug would have passed through my system by now? It’s been 5 days!!

I have rang the surgery and waiting a call back from a doc, not sure what they’ll suggest. But I imagine they’ll want to conduct some tests with all these prolonged symptoms.

It’s passing! If you’re movements are on the way back to formed then you’re recovering.

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02-12-19, 09:39
If I am recovering then would taking Imodium be ok? I need to try get into the office today but too nervous with these symptoms.

02-12-19, 11:16
Doc rang me. Basically said that stomach bugs can last up to two weeks, and that theres no need to do anything at the moment in terms of tests etc. Not feeling hugely reassured, but I guess the only thing that would reassure me now is for the symptoms to go away.

Just quite anxious that Ill still be in this position in a weeks time, then I know I’m dealing with something more serious.

02-12-19, 11:17
Doc rang me. Basically said that stomach bugs can last up to two weeks, and that theres no need to do anything at the moment in terms of tests etc. Not feeling hugely reassured, but I guess the only thing that would reassure me now is for the symptoms to go away.

Just quite anxious that Ill still be in this position in a weeks time, then I know I’m dealing with something more serious.

But you’ve already started to improve?

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02-12-19, 11:19
You need to use the self-help techniques you've learned. It's tough, but the more you do it the easier it'll get.

02-12-19, 11:21
Possibly. But I felt better on Friday after I started getting ill on Thursday, then became worse on Saturday.....so just anxious that I’ll become worse again.

I literally had a solid normal stool on Friday so not sure why I became worse, makes no sense.

02-12-19, 11:22
Btw I had a phonecall to see an NHS therapist on the 16th

02-12-19, 11:24
That's great! The thing to remember is that it's not a magic wand, you really have to do the homework.

02-12-19, 17:18
Yeah I know. I did CBT last year, but didn’t find it hugely helpful. Didn’t help that my dog died midway through the course which completely destroyed me.

My bowels seem better tonight, (touch wood) but I’m at my parents and they’re cooking Sunday style dinner. Would it be wise to avoid too many different veg and roasted food? Just wary that when I ate a full meal on Friday my bowels went atrocious on Saturday.

02-12-19, 18:44
Appreciate no ones a dietician or dr here, but has anyone got any advice regarding eating? How long to keep a bland diet going?

Ive read some old posts on here from people who had long term tummy troubles after bugs, bit worried my bowels will take ages to settle now and Ill end up worrying and worrying.

It was looking like a relatively stress free lead up to xmas unlike last year..........

02-12-19, 18:49
I keep up bland foods until I start to have formed movements and I’m feeling up to more.

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02-12-19, 18:51
I keep up bland foods until I start to have formed movements and I’m feeling up to more.

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Ok, well tmi, but my stool earlier was formed followed by a little bit of liquid.

02-12-19, 19:15
I think it's quite clear that you have an irritable bowel, due to/exacerbated by anxiety, and along with finding ways to reduce stress levels you need to start identifying the foods which agree/disagree with your gut. So keep menus simple and keep a food journal of what you eat.

It really is as simple as this and not a sinister illness - something your brain refuses to accept.

02-12-19, 19:21
Yes I do have IBS, but I have had something else the past few days, stomach bug or something worse as Ive presumed. Possibly my IBS and anxiety have exaggerated the bug or whatever it is, I dunno.

03-12-19, 22:41
So basically my bowels have improved, and I don’t feel like ‘ill’ atm. My movements are still not back to being completely normal which worries me a bit, but at least the symptoms are getting better. However I am obsessing and over thinking about it now, which probably doesn’t help.

But I was just thinking, is it daft to have a chat with the doctor about this episode? Basically no one in my family has had a bug like this, and usually they are pretty contagious, right? So because I’ve only been ill, I’m wondering if it could have been a Crohns/Ulcerative Colitis flare up? Or am I way off the mark here? I’ve suggested this to my partner and she thinks I’m just being ridiculous, even suggesting my episode was anxiety - it definitely wasn’t anxiety. I know how anxiety affects bowels and that was not it.

Just scared there’s another flare up around the corner....

04-12-19, 04:38
Anxiety can affect your bowels in pretty much any way, though.

Stop obsessing about your faeces and start working on managing your faulty thinking patterns.

04-12-19, 08:07
You have had an upset stomach or a bug. No need to bother your doctor with this.

I do not mean to be harsh but looking back on your previous posts can you see the pattern of you over reacting to what are "normal" incidents?

05-12-19, 19:46
It literally is one thing after another. I woke up on Tuesday with my bowels feeling better, but since then I’ve been feeling very run down and like I’ve got another bloody cold - like I had before my stomach bug. This has got me worried about lymphoma/leukaemia again now.

I’ve been feeling very warm and clammy at times, but I’ve resisted taking my temp with our ear thermometer. But I gave in and took it, and if I press in deep enough I can get a reading of 37.7. Marvellous. I don’t know how deep we’re meant to insert these, but that’s quite a high temp for me as I’m usually a cool person.

05-12-19, 20:09
It literally is one thing after another. I woke up on Tuesday with my bowels feeling better, but since then I’ve been feeling very run down and like I’ve got another bloody cold - like I had before my stomach bug. This has got me worried about lymphoma/leukaemia again now.

I’ve been feeling very warm and clammy at times, but I’ve resisted taking my temp with our ear thermometer. But I gave in and took it, and if I press in deep enough I can get a reading of 37.7. Marvellous. I don’t know how deep we’re meant to insert these, but that’s quite a high temp for me as I’m usually a cool person.

Sorry to hear your not feeling well, you’ve probably caught another bug or cold after being run down that happens to me often I don’t get one thing I get two or three runs of stuff before I start to feel better.
Personally I don’t know your history but I feel it’s unlikely to be lymphoma or lukemia your white blood cells would increase to fight infection. I often have large lymph node from infections it’s normal when the body fights for us. The most perculiar one I had was in my mouth under my jaw because I had a mini throat infection.
I hope you feel better soon take some paracetamol for temperature and then you can test it again to see if it reduces perhaps as a trial?

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05-12-19, 20:44
Honestly there’s so much around. I’m on my 2nd cold in 3 weeks and it’s turned into sinusitis which is making me very miserable. Coupled with the fact that I still can’t bend my knee after a fall 2 weeks ago and it’s all a bit crap.

When you’re already run down you can catch more. Take your vitamins, eat well and get some rest. You’ll feel better soon.

07-12-19, 10:14
Thanks guys, my temp was pretty normal yesterday and fine today, so hopefully all good there now.

However I’m back on the bowels atm. Ever since I had that ‘stomach bug’ or whatever, I’ve noticed lots more mucous than normal. Yesterday after flushing I saw lots of white things floating in the toilet water, they were either mucous strands or maybe clementine/satsumas skin as I’ve been eating lots of them recently to combat feeling ill.

is lots of mucous ok? A lot of things online seem to point at IBD - again. I may add my movements were pretty normal, so no diarrhoea or constipation. Could my bowels be still a bit irritated after the bug? I haven’t been eating that well either over the past week. Mainly protein and some carbs, not much fruit and veg apart from the celemntines.

07-12-19, 14:45
I do not mean to be harsh but looking back on your previous posts can you see the pattern of you over reacting to what are "normal" incidents?

Did you see this question?

07-12-19, 15:16
Did you see this question?

Hi Elen, yes sorry. Well, I do acknowledge that most, if not all of my worries have never become real. But it’s really difficult for me to stop the train of thought where It’s ‘different’ this time. I can see how ridiculous it is from the outside that I’ve gone through quite a few worries in a few weeks now (crohas, lymphoma etc), but I can’t convince myself.

07-12-19, 15:35
I can’t convince myself.

And that's the core of the issue. Even with the pages of reassurance, nothing said here helps either :shrug:

Positive thoughts

07-12-19, 17:57
And that's the core of the issue. Even with the pages of reassurance, nothing said here helps either :shrug:

Positive thoughts

So what benefit do you actually get from posting on the HA board, Mr L?

Why not try offering advice to others on here rather than concentrating on your own issues? You appear determined to get a "diagnosis" of some sort so you'll have a wealth of medical knowledge to offer others who may be more receptive to advice?

08-12-19, 17:32
I really don’t know. I know that I’ve bored and frustrated my family to death over the past year so I only really feel comfortable discussing worries on here now.

I do reply sometime to threads where I feel I’ve got some experience - bowels, palpitations, ear issues etc. Although I’m obviously nowhere near as helpful as others on here.

I was just asking about the mucous thing because I’m just after some comparisons....you’d probably say it’s reassurance seeking though. And I guess it’s better to ask on here and get replies from people who have IBS and anxiety symptoms rather than running off to the doc again.

unfortunately my bowel worries have returned again, because I still don’t feel they’re right or normal after my ‘bug’. Doubting now whether or not The sigmoidoscopy was enough and perhaps I should’ve had a ‘full’ investigation. But I don’t know if I’d still be having these doubts. Or should I just accept this is all IBS? Really hoped I’d never revisit this topic, but here I am.

08-12-19, 17:40
Or should I just accept this is all IBS?

You know what we'd all say, Mr L. What matters is addressing your internal dialogue because until you do nothing will change, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

08-12-19, 17:52
You know what we'd all say, Mr L. What matters is addressing your internal dialogue because until you do nothing will change, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

Precisely. You could generate another 200 pages of symptoms/ruminations on this thread and be no further forward unless you address your own internal commentary. It all boils down to this but unless you are prepared to accept this you will be googling sinister diseases and panicking ad infinitum which would be so counterproductive to recovery and a decent quality of life.

08-12-19, 17:56
Can I just I say I’d really not worry about your bowel, and if your really worried send a sample to your GP I have had awful bowel issues from IBS for years and my mum nearly died from a rare bowel condition. What I learnt through helping her and spending a bit too long around bowel wards for 8 months last year is if you suspect you have it and you haven’t had symptoms bad enough to admit you to hospital or your GP hasn’t told you there is something wrong then the likelihood it isn’t. I ended up self diagnosis myself with IBD (not my IBS) and diverticulitis because in my head that’s where my symptoms fitted. I ended up so paranoid after I had two massive fissures I saw the consultant who save my mums life privately and he said I only had IBS which was triggered through diet. The rest I was fine and like I said what my mum had was pretty rare. I didn’t even have heamorroids which I thought were normal because again of my mums experiences....Equally blood in stools are rarely cancer and many people have bleeding bowels again for numerous reasons. It is good to get checked but until the facts are there it is not worth worrying. Chrons, colitis, diverticulitis, IBS, IBD, peritonitis, polops and many more are not as common as we perceive. I’m sharing this to reassure you not to scare you. Keep smiling x

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08-12-19, 20:12
Precisely. You could generate another 200 pages of symptoms/ruminations on this thread and be no further forward unless you address your own internal commentary. It all boils down to this but unless you are prepared to accept this you will be googling sinister diseases and panicking ad infinitum which would be so counterproductive to recovery and a decent quality of life.

Yes I know, I look back on my bowel worries thread which had over 60 pages towards the end, and think I really don't want to get stuck into that again.

08-12-19, 20:19
Can I just I say I’d really not worry about your bowel, and if your really worried send a sample to your GP I have had awful bowel issues from IBS for years and my mum nearly died from a rare bowel condition. What I learnt through helping her and spending a bit too long around bowel wards for 8 months last year is if you suspect you have it and you haven’t had symptoms bad enough to admit you to hospital or your GP hasn’t told you there is something wrong then the likelihood it isn’t. I ended up self diagnosis myself with IBD (not my IBS) and diverticulitis because in my head that’s where my symptoms fitted. I ended up so paranoid after I had two massive fissures I saw the consultant who save my mums life privately and he said I only had IBS which was triggered through diet. The rest I was fine and like I said what my mum had was pretty rare. I didn’t even have heamorroids which I thought were normal because again of my mums experiences....Equally blood in stools are rarely cancer and many people have bleeding bowels again for numerous reasons. It is good to get checked but until the facts are there it is not worth worrying. Chrons, colitis, diverticulitis, IBS, IBD, peritonitis, polops and many more are not as common as we perceive. I’m sharing this to reassure you not to scare you. Keep smiling x

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Thanks for the reply Phoenixess. Well I also diagnosed myself with some form of IBD, or god forbid, bowel cancer back in Jan-March. After months of obsessing and experiencing weird and wonderful symptoms, and half a dozen visits to the doctors I was finally referred to the gastro specialists, who performed a sigmoidoscopy. Prior to that I had 2/3 bloods tests for everything and also a stool test for blood and IBD. All were clear, but weren't enough to convince me that it was IBS like the docs said. I try and tell myself that I had some terrible bowel problems back then, and nothing was seriously wrong, so chances are there's still nothing seriously wrong, but I struggle with that internal dialogue. Everytime I get a bought of stomach ache, or some dodgy looking stools I start to think of the worst.

08-12-19, 20:23
Thanks for the reply Phoenixess. Well I also diagnosed myself with some form of IBD, or god forbid, bowel cancer back in Jan-March. After months of obsessing and experiencing weird and wonderful symptoms, and half a dozen visits to the doctors I was finally referred to the gastro specialists, who performed a sigmoidoscopy. Prior to that I had 2/3 bloods tests for everything and also a stool test for blood and IBD. All were clear, but weren't enough to convince me that it was IBS like the docs said. I try and tell myself that I had some terrible bowel problems back then, and nothing was seriously wrong, so chances are there's still nothing seriously wrong, but I struggle with that internal dialogue. Everytime I get a bought of stomach ache, or some dodgy looking stools I start to think of the worst.

What is your diet like? I used to have terrible issues I have been vegetarian for a while now and it’s made a world of difference....it might be you literally have a food intolerance and that is triggering all the symptoms for you. Glutamine is a natural supplement to regulate the bowel and as you say you’ve had the examinations and checks . Elimination diets and fodmap diet is perfect for IBS look it up it’s shocking what can make it worse. I can not touch quinoa, chickpeas or lentils they’ve the devil for my bowels. Milk too! I couldn’t tolerate eggs until I became vegetarian but have a read and trial. I hope it helps x

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08-12-19, 20:33
What is your diet like? I used to have terrible issues I have been vegetarian for a while now and it’s made a world of difference....it might be you literally have a food intolerance and that is triggering all the symptoms for you. Glutamine is a natural supplement to regulate the bowel and as you say you’ve had the examinations and checks . Elimination diets and fodmap diet is perfect for IBS look it up it’s shocking what can make it worse. I can not touch quinoa, chickpeas or lentils they’ve the devil for my bowels. Milk too! I couldn’t tolerate eggs until I became vegetarian but have a read and trial. I hope it helps x

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Well my partner is vegetarian, so my diet is also say 95% vegetarian - I very rarely eat meat these days unless we eat out etc. I drink mainly soya as my daughter had a dairy allergy, so I grew to prefer the taste to normal milk. I'm not really experiencing any bad IBS symptoms at the moment, just the occasional mild bloating, wind and looser stools. If you read up earlier in the thread I had a stomach bug last week, lasting 3-5 days with basically watery diarrhoea for 2 days, along with stomach pains, sweats and a slightly high temp. I was panicking about it at the time, and cannot help but feel what if this was a crohns attack - my bowels/stools are still not 100% right yet. But I don't know if that's my health anxiety blurring things and not letting things settle back down. My bowels were all over the place before my sigmoidoscopy, but after I was given the all clear a lot of the extreme symptoms died down so I know anxiety plays a big part.

08-12-19, 20:37
Well my partner is vegetarian, so my diet is also say 95% vegetarian - I very rarely eat meat these days unless we eat out etc. I drink mainly soya as my daughter had a dairy allergy, so I grew to prefer the taste to normal milk. I'm not really experiencing any bad IBS symptoms at the moment, just the occasional mild bloating, wind and looser stools. If you read up earlier in the thread I had a stomach bug last week, lasting 3-5 days with basically watery diarrhoea for 2 days, along with stomach pains, sweats and a slightly high temp. I was panicking about it at the time, and cannot help but feel what if this was a crohns attack - my bowels/stools are still not 100% right yet. But I don't know if that's my health anxiety blurring things and not letting things settle back down. My bowels were all over the place before my sigmoidoscopy, but after I was given the all clear a lot of the extreme symptoms died down so I know anxiety plays a big part.

Could be soya or quorn but like you said it’s probably just the end of the bug! Get well soon x

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08-12-19, 21:07
Elimination diets and fodmap diet is perfect for IBS look it up it’s shocking what can make it worse.

Hmmmm.... Where have I heard that before? :whistles: ;)

Positive thoughts

09-12-19, 02:34
Could be soya or quorn but like you said it’s probably just the end of the bug! Get well soon x

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Could be. Soya protein powders are well known in the bodybuilding community as a no no as they cause bloat and stomach upsets. :winks:

09-12-19, 10:28
I appreciate all the feedback regarding IBS. But I think this thread has gone a bit off piste - I'm not saying my IBS symptoms are an issue at the moment, I've been mainly referring to my 'stomach bug' and whether or not it could have been an IBD flare up.............

09-12-19, 20:27
You don't need the inverted commas around stomach bug. No one is veering onto IBD territory so the thread is very much "on" piste.

15-12-19, 14:06
So fast forward a month and I'm still having joint problems.

A number of joints still click often - hip, ankle, shoulder etc, on a daily basis. Really worried by this.

My knee's are still sore quite very often, and I've still got joint pain in the palm side of my right hand little finger when I move the finger. Adding to those, my left big toe has been sore when walking - pain coming from the toe joint as well - not the joint that attaches to the foot, but in the middle of the toe.

I also get sporadic pains in finger joints and in the palms of my hands.

Would it be unreasonable to visit a doctor now? This does sound very much like athritis to me, although I have tried to explain the symptoms logically.

Left toe pain - my main trainers are very mishapen and have worn down to a thin layer at the ball of the foot due to commuting and using the clutch in the car regularly. Could this cause muscles to become strained? Either that or I've taken a stamp in football and because i carry on playing, it hasn't healed.

Right hand pinky palm joint pain - I use my phone excessively, and I rest the phone on my little finger when gripping - could this be straining the muscles in that joint?

Lastly, the joint clicking - I really don't know how to logically explain this. There doesn't seem to be a benign cause for joint clicking so that causes me worry, athritis seems the main explanation, which fits in with the rest of my symptoms.

Thanks all.

15-12-19, 15:43
There are times my body sounds like I'm making microwave popcorn and aside from side effects from my illnesses, I have arthritis in several joints. Its just the way it is for me and for everyone else. We all have our niggles to varying degrees. Rarely are our bodies finely tuned and maintained Lamborghinis.

Besides treating your anxiety which is causing you overall physical stress and subsequently inflammation, I would recommend the supplement glucosamine chondroitin. I started taking it 2x a day around a month ago and it really has helped with the noise and pain. Honestly, it's about half of what it was. I was taking ibuprofen like candy and now maybe once a day if that. Of course, common sense living comes into play as well. Eat right and get at lease some form of exercise a few days a week.

Positive thoughts

15-12-19, 15:47
There are times my body sounds like I'm making microwave popcorn and aside from side effects from my illnesses, I have arthritis in several joints. Its just the way it is for me and for everyone else. We all have our niggles to varying degrees. Rarely are our bodies finely tuned and maintained Lamborghinis.

Besides treating your anxiety which is causing you overall physical stress and subsequently inflammation, I would recommend the supplement glucosamine chondroitin. I started taking it 2x a day around a month ago and it really has helped with the noise and pain. Honestly, it's about half of what it was. I was taking ibuprofen like candy and now maybe once a day if that. Of course, common sense living comes into play as well. Eat right and get at lease some form of exercise a few days a week.

Positive thoughts

Have you had your Vit D levels checked recently, Fish?

Same applies to OP as it appears to be very common in UK and causes myriad physical symptoms, mainly minor aches and pains in muscles/joints.

15-12-19, 16:01
Have you had your Vit D levels checked recently, Fish?

Same applies to OP as it appears to be very common in UK and causes myriad physical symptoms, mainly minor aches and pains in muscles/joints.

Well I last had a CBC/FBC in September, not sure if vit D is covered in that?

15-12-19, 16:06
Well I last had a CBC/FBC in September, not sure if vit D is covered in that?

You have to ask for specific Vit D test. My levels were very low and I was prescribed a special supplement by GP.

15-12-19, 16:09
There are times my body sounds like I'm making microwave popcorn and aside from side effects from my illnesses, I have arthritis in several joints. Its just the way it is for me and for everyone else. We all have our niggles to varying degrees. Rarely are our bodies finely tuned and maintained Lamborghinis.

Besides treating your anxiety which is causing you overall physical stress and subsequently inflammation, I would recommend the supplement glucosamine chondroitin. I started taking it 2x a day around a month ago and it really has helped with the noise and pain. Honestly, it's about half of what it was. I was taking ibuprofen like candy and now maybe once a day if that. Of course, common sense living comes into play as well. Eat right and get at lease some form of exercise a few days a week.

Positive thoughts

Thanks Fish.

Well I play football twice a week, and walk at least 45min to an hour per night with the dog. My mum says I do too much...........then my partner says it's my stress and anxiety.

Funnily enough I started taking chondroitin and glucosamine a month ago as well, as I remembered my therapist mentioning it. However the clicking began a week after taking it, so I don't take it daily now - tbh, I haven't taken any for 2 weeks, maybe I should. I also began taking curcumin and turmeric.

I think I need to improve my footwear, I play football in old boots, and exercise in some old trainers I bought from a charity shop.

15-12-19, 16:14
You have to ask for specific Vit D test. My levels were very low and I was prescribed a special supplement by GP.

Great, just googled vit V deficiency.....

My MIL has actually recommended taking vit D anyway, maybe I'll try it regardless.

15-12-19, 16:27
Have you had your Vit D levels checked recently, Fish?

They were low a couple of years ago. Doc gave me a script that brought the levels back up and I take a D supplement 2x a day. The levels were fine last test in April.

Positive thoughts

15-12-19, 20:00
Great, just googled vit V deficiency.....

My MIL has actually recommended taking vit D anyway, maybe I'll try it regardless.

Everyone in the Northern Hemisphere will be prone to Vitamin D deficiency but as for Vitamin V deficiency.....It could explain all your health issues, Mr L!

15-12-19, 21:24
Everyone in the Northern Hemisphere will be prone to Vitamin D deficiency but as for Vitamin V deficiency.....It could explain all your health issues, Mr L!

You really think so? Great, more blood tests to look forward to, gutted.

15-12-19, 21:55
Crap, just noticed my typo..........I was wondering what vitamin V was for a moment!

15-12-19, 22:45
Crap, just noticed my typo..........I was wondering what vitamin V was for a moment!

Vitamin "V" is used to treat another type of deficiency :whistles:

Positive thoughts

16-12-19, 07:45
Oh crap, I’ve woken up this morning (7.30) in a pool of sweat, clothes damp even the bed sheets were wet. Heart also going quicker upon waking.

I only went to sleep at 2.30 as I was out playing a gig. This is my third late night in a row. The food at the venue was very salty, so I felt very thirsty and sick before going to sleep, plus I was getting some weird stomach cramps. When I went to bed I felt freezing so this is all very strange.

My partner said the house was warmer this morning as the thermostat was higher than usual.

However I’m very worried about the big C right now....just not getting a break at the moment.

16-12-19, 07:55
You don't have cancer, you overheated a bit in the night. Don't spiral!

16-12-19, 08:11
I have a work from home day today, and I was really hoping to have a lie in to catchup on sleep. Stomach cramps are back now too, but no diarrhea. Could that be IBS? Just been to toilet and it was normal.

16-12-19, 08:30
IBS or simple stress, yes.

16-12-19, 11:21
Thanks Fish.

Well I play football twice a week, and walk at least 45min to an hour per night with the dog. My mum says I do too much...........then my partner says it's my stress and anxiety.

Funnily enough I started taking chondroitin and glucosamine a month ago as well, as I remembered my therapist mentioning it. However the clicking began a week after taking it, so I don't take it daily now - tbh, I haven't taken any for 2 weeks, maybe I should. I also began taking curcumin and turmeric.

I think I need to improve my footwear, I play football in old boots, and exercise in some old trainers I bought from a charity shop.

Are you taking a specific form that allows the curcumin to be absorbed? Turmeric & curcumin (which is inside it anyway) will just work on your GI otherwise as then body can barely absorb it to get it to work on the other areas it has been found to be highly beneficial for.

16-12-19, 11:59
Are you taking a specific form that allows the curcumin to be absorbed? Turmeric & curcumin (which is inside it anyway) will just work on your GI otherwise as then body can barely absorb it to get it to work on the other areas it has been found to be highly beneficial for.

It says on the box that it contains black pepper for easier absorption? Or is there another form?

Speaking of the GI, my bowels have been really weird today. I went to the toilet at 2.00am, normal, and again upon waking at 8am, normal, and then again at 11am, normal. I didn't actually eat that much yesterday so not sure what's going on, although what I did eat was basically crap. I assume as movements are more or less normal there's no reason to worry too much?

16-12-19, 12:00
Of course not, but you never normally let that stop you, do you? ;)

16-12-19, 12:32
It says on the box that it contains black pepper for easier absorption? Or is there another form?

Speaking of the GI, my bowels have been really weird today. I went to the toilet at 2.00am, normal, and again upon waking at 8am, normal, and then again at 11am, normal. I didn't actually eat that much yesterday so not sure what's going on, although what I did eat was basically crap. I assume as movements are more or less normal there's no reason to worry too much?

Yes, black pepper contains piperine which boosts curcumin absorption by up to 2000% so that will be working for you. There are some supplements that are boosted in other ways but piperine alone does the trick.

It's why I asked because we see so many supplements being advertised and turmeric being one of the latest miracles but the body just can't absorb the stuff so it's a con if it doesn't include something to allow the body to absorb it (like piperine) and it just passes through the GI doing it's usual good there instead. So, people who want to use it for anti inflammatory or mental health benefits have to get a form with this extra element or they might as well be drinking water.

16-12-19, 16:06
Argh, I’m beginning to spiral now. Just had to go for another bowel movement, once again, normal. That’s 4 within 12 hours. What the hell! I’ve only eaten like one solid meal in the past 24 hours so why is this happening? I skipped lunch today to try slow my bowels down, that worked, not. Where is it all coming from?

16-12-19, 16:15
Don't tempt me, Mr. L - you're being silly now ;)

Anxiety makes you crap, it's a proven fact.

16-12-19, 17:05
Right, my legs have been achey this afternoon, I have a headache and my bowels are messed up. If I’m getting ill again then I have something serious underlying here. Just taken my temp which is 37.5, higher than normal for me. Really didnt want to visit the docs again, but I think I could be very unwell.

16-12-19, 17:33
Don't be silly, this is a stressful time of year and your body's just reacting to it.

16-12-19, 19:53
I hope youre right BI. Today was my first day back working from home in 5 months and its been a disaster with all these symptoms. My bowels have just been on edge all day. I feel even more deflated as I had my CBT appt today, which went well. But upon coming home my legs went weak and achey, and I had to use the toilet again.

16-12-19, 20:42
Do you not think it may have had something to do with anxiety over working from home or cbt? Serious illnesses don’t usually stop while you go out for a couple of hours.

16-12-19, 20:46
I was nervous about working from home yes, as I feel it played a big part in making my health anxiety worse when I started doing it. Ive only had 5hrs sleep per night last 3 days as well and last night I ate terribly; burger, chips, 2/3 choc mousse puddings, crisps, soft drinks. I rarely drink soft drinks or dairy these days so maybe I over did it. Me and my partner have been arguing a lot recently too, and her mums in hospital with cellulitis so its a bit of a stressful time...

Then theres the possible psychological factor that it was this time last year my health anxiety really worsened amd I began having more bowel issues

16-12-19, 21:07
Well there you go then, you’ve just explained perfectly why you are feeling like you are.

Is your cbt group therapy or one to one?

16-12-19, 21:34
Well there you go then, you’ve just explained perfectly why you are feeling like you are.

Is your cbt group therapy or one to one?

Yeah I can look at things reasonably logically, but it doesn’t stop me worrying like mad.

It’s one to one with the NHS.

17-12-19, 08:20
Feeling really upset now.

Slept fine, but woke up, passed wind a few times, then my stomach started to hurt and then on the 4th time passing wind I nearly had an accident - sorry tmi.

Highly doubt this is IBS or even anxiety, maybe it’s best I have a colonscopy as I could have IBD deep in my bowels - not picked up on my sigmoidoscopy.

Christmas getting ruined, again.

17-12-19, 08:29
You do love a bit of drama, Mr L... Good luck with getting a colonoscopy for farting a lot

17-12-19, 09:15
Its more than just farting though, like I wrote yesterday, I went to the toilet 4 times in 12 hours. Thats not right is it.......

I don’t personally love the drama, but on here is the only place I can discuss my anxieties at the moment. I’m just fed up of the never ending symptoms.......

17-12-19, 09:42
Sensations, not symptoms. It's not desperately excessive, anyway.

I'm sorry, Mr. L, but I can see what Pulisa's getting at - you seem to be running with your worries rather than trying to rationalise them.

17-12-19, 12:36
Its more than just farting though, like I wrote yesterday, I went to the toilet 4 times in 12 hours. Thats not right is it.......

I don’t personally love the drama, but on here is the only place I can discuss my anxieties at the moment. I’m just fed up of the never ending symptoms.......

I bet if you surveyed the forum you would have a lot of people the same as you. You could add me to it, been there done that.

When my anxiety was really bad my bowels were sensitive. I could eat a meal and be on the toilet straight after with the runs. Once I ate an apple crumble and the fruit in that was far too much for me to handle at that sensitive time and I was on the toilet several times sraight after.

These days I get none of that and haven't for a very long time. The reason being my anxiety levels are greatly reduced.

Remember that fight or flight included bowel purging. That doesn't happen because you tell it too, it's the fact your body is flushed with chemicals that can cause it.

17-12-19, 13:51
I bet if you surveyed the forum you would have a lot of people the same as you. You could add me to it, been there done that.

When my anxiety was really bad my bowels were sensitive. I could eat a meal and be on the toilet straight after with the runs. Once I ate an apple crumble and the fruit in that was far too much for me to handle at that sensitive time and I was on the toilet several times sraight after.

These days I get none of that and haven't for a very long time. The reason being my anxiety levels are greatly reduced.

Remember that fight or flight included bowel purging. That doesn't happen because you tell it too, it's the fact your body is flushed with chemicals that can cause it.

Yeah I know about fight or flight affecting bowels, just I didn't feel THAT anxious the day it happened - or so I think. My partner would argue otherwise and say I'm a ball of stress daily, so maybe I'm kidding myself.

Did you take medication? I have a prescription for colofac which I take during times like this - unsure how helpful they are though. I also take immodium sometimes. I took half a tablet this morning just to try slow things down, but not sure if it's wise to do so. Following my clear sigmoidosocpy I never really had any advice.

17-12-19, 14:23
Yeah I know about fight or flight affecting bowels, just I didn't feel THAT anxious the day it happened - or so I think. My partner would argue otherwise and say I'm a ball of stress daily, so maybe I'm kidding myself.

Did you take medication? I have a prescription for colofac which I take during times like this - unsure how helpful they are though. I also take immodium sometimes. I took half a tablet this morning just to try slow things down, but not sure if it's wise to do so. Following my clear sigmoidosocpy I never really had any advice.

Sometimes I used immodium but otherwise no because I knew it was anxiety and never questioned it.

17-12-19, 19:00
Really annoyed at myself that I’m descending down the route of obsessional checking again.

I havent checked my stools since my sigmoidoscopy back in march, but after my bug ive become a bit obsessed again.

Earlier, a normal stool followed by a small amount of like slimey sludgy stuff. I’ve had similar before but not as slimey as this.

Exactly the opposite of what the CBT therapist would be helpful, I know, but even seeing that has me panicking about whats going on inside.

My partner made a been chilli for dinner which Ive refused to eat....

17-12-19, 19:16
So think about what you need to do, and do it. How do you think you can help yourself?

17-12-19, 19:22
So think about what you need to do, and do it. How do you think you can help yourself?

Well the tasks my therapist set was to limit symptom checking (like looking at poo), limit googling (which I have tbh), and do something I used to enjoy (which is difficult as I’ve lost motivation to initiate hobbies at home).

17-12-19, 21:26
Can someone with IBS please help me out. I have just passed a small normal stool with quite a lot of watery mucous. This watery mucous started when I had a stomach bug 3 weeks ago, and the mucous has come and gone since. I’m freaking out now as I thought the mucous stuff would have cleared by now. My diet hasn’t been great past few days but usually that hasn’t made a difference before. Also my stools have been darker than usual so I’m worried about blood being mixed in. I was really hoping to avoid another bowel worry but the symptoms are really scaring me now.

what if my stomach bug was actually a crohns flare, and I’m still suffering mildly? Is that really a far fetched idea? I feel often that I’m in limbo waiting for the next ‘flare up’.

Just been crying my eyes out to my partner because I’m so tired of all this

18-12-19, 08:33
Yes this is a far fetched idea. You're in limbo waiting for the next "flare up" of HA and then you pounce on normal symptoms and magnify them to suit the diagnosis of your choice.

18-12-19, 13:52
I guess I wouldn't class it as a normal symptom for myself, and the usual advice from a medical point is to get any bowel changes checked by a doctor. I've always had pretty consistent symptoms - softer than normal stools, bloating, excessive wind, light coloured stools etc. So these darker movements are a bit worrying. I ate quite a bit of chocolate mousse Sunday and I have been eating dark chocolate, would that have an effect? Even until last night?

Although I presume, given my HA history and previous tests, the doc's will just brush this off as IBS again.

By the way, I never got around to asking how your son is doing after you mentioned he had a suspicious oral lesion in my other thread. Any news?

18-12-19, 14:13
Although I presume, given my MEDICAL history and previous tests, the doc's will just brush this off as IBS again.

Fixed that for you ;)

Positive thoughts

18-12-19, 20:33
I guess I wouldn't class it as a normal symptom for myself, and the usual advice from a medical point is to get any bowel changes checked by a doctor. I've always had pretty consistent symptoms - softer than normal stools, bloating, excessive wind, light coloured stools etc. So these darker movements are a bit worrying. I ate quite a bit of chocolate mousse Sunday and I have been eating dark chocolate, would that have an effect? Even until last night?

Although I presume, given my HA history and previous tests, the doc's will just brush this off as IBS again.

By the way, I never got around to asking how your son is doing after you mentioned he had a suspicious oral lesion in my other thread. Any news?

Thanks for asking, Mr L. There have been a lot of developments recently but I'll just say that the lesions haven't been caused by any malignancy thankfully.

I take it your bowel worries have replaced the leg aches and sore knee joint issue? How will you cope with the Xmas closure of your GP surgery? Are your children looking forward to Christmas? (Probably a stupid question!)

19-12-19, 10:29
That’s good then.

To be honest, no, they haven’t replaced them. I have multiple worries at the moment, but tend to fluctuate in their priority depending on what symptoms I feel.

Not too bothered about the GP closure as things stand. Havent been to the GP in nearly 3 months now, so touch wood I dont feel the need to go soon - probably jinxed it now.

Yes kids deffo looking forward. Took them to the local winterwonderland few nights ago which was nice.

How old are your children??

24-12-19, 21:47
Just wanted to say a merry Xmas to everyone, especially those who have been kind and generous with their advice and responses to me on here.

It’s been an absolute sh*te year in terms of my anxiety, but hopefully 2020 will be better, if only a little.

I don’t know why, but I’ve had an obsession with being ‘ok’ for Xmas for years, and last year was atrocious when I was caught up with MS/bowel worries. I guess you don’t want anything to ruin Xmas, especially health issues.

A positive for me is that I’m still experiencing physical symptoms, or sensations, but right now I’m trying hard not to let them bother me. This time last year I was a complete mess, and I ruined xmas for myself and for my family somewhat. Truth is I probably have more issues right now, but I’ve learnt a tiny bit of accepting the unknown.

Anyway that’s enough self indulgence, got a list of stuff to get done tonight!

(hope I haven’t jinxed myself!)

25-12-19, 08:31
Happy Christmas, Mr L! I've been a right pain to you but just wanted to challenge some of your fears.

I hope you have a great Christmas with your lovely family! My children are both adults but have special needs so are at home with me (poor things!)

If you have some blips today you're only human and can't just switch HA off "because it's Christmas" but always try to keep things in perspective?

27-12-19, 22:14
Managed to hold it together and mostly enjoyed christmas, however I’ve crashes a bit today.

The pain in my left toe has been really gnawing away at me, and its not going away. Sometimes pain in the joint when I bend it, pain at times when walking on it, pain on the outer side if I apply pressure. I also get a weird aensation where the toenail feels ‘tight’ or like theres a pressure feeling on it - like someone standing on my nail. Been nearly a month now of all these symptoms.

Also through my obsessional checking, i’ve noticed mild horizontal ridging on my toe nails - I’ve had vertical ridging for ages but not noticed horizontal. Its mostly visible when the light shines on my nail from a certain direction. If I scrape it with my fingernail it feels rough. This is very concerning as horizontal ridging normally means theres something wrong doesnt it?

Ah well, its been a decent 3 month break but maybe I need to visit docs now. Obviously more bloods to find out the cause of theae ridges. Great.

28-12-19, 08:35
Managed to hold it together and mostly enjoyed christmas, however I’ve crashes a bit today.

The pain in my left toe has been really gnawing away at me, and its not going away. Sometimes pain in the joint when I bend it, pain at times when walking on it, pain on the outer side if I apply pressure. I also get a weird aensation where the toenail feels ‘tight’ or like theres a pressure feeling on it - like someone standing on my nail. Been nearly a month now of all these symptoms.

Also through my obsessional checking, i’ve noticed mild horizontal ridging on my toe nails - I’ve had vertical ridging for ages but not noticed horizontal. Its mostly visible when the light shines on my nail from a certain direction. If I scrape it with my fingernail it feels rough. This is very concerning as horizontal ridging normally means theres something wrong doesnt it?

Ah well, its been a decent 3 month break but maybe I need to visit docs now. Obviously more bloods to find out the cause of theae ridges. Great.

28-12-19, 10:05
Think back a few months, or even now. Are your shoes 100% fitted correctly. I had really bad horizontal ridges in my toe nail when I was working a shop floor and my shoes would press on the nail, the whole toe was painful in the same way you described.
Does your toe touch the front of the shoe at any point? Like if you kneel down or something like that? My shoes didn’t feel tight or uncomfortable but that’s what it was! It took ages for it to grow out as well.

Same goes for if you’ve stubbed it bad even weeks ago, ridges in the nail aren’t necessarily something to be considered worrying at all.

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28-12-19, 10:28
Think back a few months, or even now. Are your shoes 100% fitted correctly. I had really bad horizontal ridges in my toe nail when I was working a shop floor and my shoes would press on the nail, the whole toe was painful in the same way you described.
Does your toe touch the front of the shoe at any point? Like if you kneel down or something like that? My shoes didn’t feel tight or uncomfortable but that’s what it was! It took ages for it to grow out as well.

Same goes for if you’ve stubbed it bad even weeks ago, ridges in the nail aren’t necessarily something to be considered worrying at all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well I mentioned in my other thread that my main trainers are probably 10 months old and have worn down to almost nothing where I use the car pedals as I drive a lot. I’ve got rid of them last week, as they were bent and buckled and offered little support. I do a lot of walking as well and my walking trainers are second hand charity shop ones so not the best.

My football boots are definitely too small and feel tight.

28-12-19, 10:32
Well I mentioned in my other thread that my main trainers are probably 10 months old and have worn down to almost nothing where I use the car pedals as I drive a lot. I’ve got rid of them last week, as they were bent and buckled and offered little support. I do a lot of walking as well and my walking trainers are second hand charity shop ones so not the best.

My football boots are definitely too small and feel tight.

It’s very likely just your shoes then, I had very obvious ridges by the time I worked out exactly what was causing my pain. It’s not worth worrying about in my opinion, if you can get some shoes that are in good condition and fit better you should have less problems, it does take a good while for the pain to stop. If I’m honest my feet still hurt sometimes from the damage I’ve done while working in bad shoes and I haven’t worked in years!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

28-12-19, 14:40
Please read the below message from Admin. You are posting about a lot of different things frequently. Perhaps start a thread where you can keep all of your worries in one place.

Can posters, especially those who are posting a lot about a variety of fears please confine their posts to one thread.

This helps others to build up a clear picture of what is happening and makes it easier to offer suitable advice.

You may not see the pattern but usually it is there, especially if you are posting frequently about different things.

Your co-operation with this would be greatly appreciated.


29-12-19, 17:41
Apologies for starting a new thread, just thought it would be best as its a different topic. No problem keeping worries to a single thread.

Ive started to delve into neuropathy again. My whole nail just feels very weird at times, like someone lifting it off the bed. Also the pain seems sporadic and random - tip, side, joint etc. Not consistent with an injury imo. And when I wear trainers it feels swollen when it’s visibly not.

This is all very weird and worrying.

29-12-19, 18:43
You're being hypervigilant again. It's understandable - this is a stressful time of year because of all the expectations - but you need to focus and remember your coping strategies.

29-12-19, 19:45
Do you have any coping strategies apart from posting on here? (which isn't a valid coping strategy)

30-12-19, 01:04
Going to have to sidetrack my worries, my partner had just taken our eldest to a&e. She started saying her stomach hurt in all places earlier at 8pm, but mainly to her lower left and also between genitals and belly button, we thought it was wind. But she woke up later saying her tummy was hurting and the pain was moving around, but was pointing at her appendix area this time. When my partner was feeling her belly she said it made pain high up in her abdomen by her chest. She just woke up just now 1am in floods of tears, but couldn’t say where the pain was. We asked her where it hurt but she kept saying I dunno.

I’m absolutely petrified now, what if she needs an urgent op on her appendix, can they do that in the middle of the night? What if it’s something worse like internal bleeding...........help. Please let her be ok. After breaking her leg in the summer she really doesn’t deserve anything else.

30-12-19, 01:12
I know you're upset and worried but perhaps you should attend to your daughter instead of being on the forum. Let us know how she is once you know what's going on.

Positive thoughts

30-12-19, 05:41
Wishing you and your family the very best of luck. Remember, the NHS are good, they know what they're doing.

30-12-19, 05:51
The only reason I was on here bevause I was at home looking after the youngest while my partner took her down. Theres no signal at the hospital so I just felt helpless not knowing what was going on, and my mind was running riot.

My MIL came to stay and watch our youngest so I could go down.

Just left a&e, took 3.5 hours to see a doc after triage, there for almost 5 hours in total. In that time my daughter perked up and was fine upon examination. The doc didnt think anything serious is going on. Maybe a viral thing......

Sigh of relief, but I know she had neurofen so the pain could return.

30-12-19, 06:12
From experience, gas pain can be crippling, some of the worst I've ever felt. The hospital staff would have been thorough, so try not to worry?

30-12-19, 11:31
From experience, gas pain can be crippling, some of the worst I've ever felt. The hospital staff would have been thorough, so try not to worry?

Yes, I remember having a bad bought of gas when I was around 8/9 and lying in bed awake for hours in agony with my mum rubbing and patting my back.

Or perhaps she has a touch of IBS like I have, but her being young is more sensitive to the pain.....

We saw one of the oldest doc's there who I really trust. We took our daughter in a few years ago as she was shivering, looking really pale, very lethargic and had a temp of 41 (hit 44 in hospital btw!). He was confident nothing serious was going on, and he was right.

01-01-20, 15:25
Happy bloody new year.

Woken up today, with toe still tender and a little bit painful. Also a little bit redder than the other - confirmed by my mum when I asked her if they look different. If I press under my toe where the joint closest to the tip is theres pain, mainly on the outer side of the joint.

3 weeks of this now so I can only assume this is some sort of athritis, which sucks as I’m only 33.

01-01-20, 16:41
Happy bloody new year.

Woken up today, with toe still tender and a little bit painful. Also a little bit redder than the other - confirmed by my mum when I asked her if they look different. If I press under my toe where the joint closest to the tip is theres pain, mainly on the outer side of the joint.

3 weeks of this now so I can only assume this is some sort of athritis, which sucks as I’m only 33.

Then quit pressing on your toe and maybe it would not hurt. As someone who has toe pain, the less you touch it, the less it hurts.

01-01-20, 18:23
Well I have sporadic pains in my toe, when I walk, sometimes just throbs, sometime mild shooting pains, stiffness, and when I bend it, that joint clicks when straightening back up. Only explanation is arthritis. An injury wouldn’t linger around like this and cause such random pains and aches. Will probably be seeing a doc tomorrow. I’ve waited patiently for this to resolve, but I have football training resuming on the 9th so needs to get better.

01-01-20, 20:13
Probably old age - we all get these things as we get older :ohmy:

01-01-20, 20:46
Happy bloody new year.

Woken up today, with toe still tender and a little bit painful. Also a little bit redder than the other - confirmed by my mum when I asked her if they look different. If I press under my toe where the joint closest to the tip is theres pain, mainly on the outer side of the joint.

3 weeks of this now so I can only assume this is some sort of athritis, which sucks as I’m only 33.

Only one thing to do then....Contact Wayne Rooney (plays for Derby now) and ask him for his toe specialist's contact details. Worked wonders for Roo and you are both the same age! You could ask him about his hair transplant for when you develop alopecia..just in case?

02-01-20, 09:59
Am I missing something regarding Wayne Rooney?? Presume he had a history of foot injuries or something?! (Yeah I knew he was joining Derby, didnt think he’d be back over here after going to America)

In the surgery now, I’m seeing a new doc which Im a bit worried about. I would have rather have seen one of those I’m familiar with and those who know my history. Knowing my luck he’ll send me for bloods etc now.

02-01-20, 10:22
Been sent for an xray, as a precaution to check for anything degenerative. Great, I’ve suspected athritis for a while due to joint clicking and pains. Think I will be proven right

02-01-20, 10:29
Been sent for an xray, as a precaution to check for anything degenerative. Great, I’ve suspected athritis for a while due to joint clicking and pains. Think I will be proven right

And so what if you are? Arthritis of the toes is not some terminal disease. You learn to live with it. My aunt had it, it is not that terrible.

02-01-20, 10:43
Sorry, Mr L, but you're being kind of melodramatic here.

02-01-20, 10:45
Yes but it could be rheumatoid athritis, which is a pretty shitty diagnosis in an active 33 year old.

02-01-20, 11:08
Yes but it could be rheumatoid athritis, which is a pretty shitty diagnosis in an active 33 year old.

Do you know how rare RA is? And yes, you are being super melodramatic here, over something that is not a huge deal.

02-01-20, 11:20
RA isnt THAT rare and is one of most common auto immune conditions there is. There’s a poster in our surgery showing diagnosis numbers way above other auto immune or long term conditions such as diabetes, crohns, lupus, MS etc.

02-01-20, 11:47
RA isnt THAT rare and is one of most common auto immune conditions there is. There’s a poster in our surgery showing diagnosis numbers way above other auto immune or long term conditions such as diabetes, crohns, lupus, MS etc.

At your age and in descent health I assume, it is rare. Just because there is a poster of it, does not mean it is a common condition. Get over yourself and find some help for your anxiety.

02-01-20, 14:08
Been sent for an xray, as a precaution to check for anything degenerative. Great, I’ve suspected athritis for a while due to joint clicking and pains. Think I will be proven right

Would this make your day if you were?

02-01-20, 22:22
Would this make your day if you were?

You know.... that's what came to my mind while reading the replies. I've seen this in several members through the years... it's basically saying "You'll be sorry when I come back with a diagnosis". In the time I've been on the forum, I know of three people that actually had something serious going on. All are doing well and their anxiety took a back seat while they faced their challenges and their anxiety has remained in the backseat since.

Positive thoughts

03-01-20, 12:43
I dont think it would make my day having something wrong, tbh, little ailments freak me out these days.

Is it at all possible that my sensations could be anxiety and over thinking? My toe isnt swollen and looks fine, however when I wear trainers, the toe feels swollen and feels like its pressing against my other toes and I’m very ‘aware’ of it (it being my toe) - if that makes sense. If the xray comes back fine then Ill just think its something nerve related causing these sensations - back on the MS trail.

03-01-20, 13:48
That's your choice, Mr L. If you prefer being on the trail of MS or some other neurological disease because the xray was normal then go ahead and give in to your HA. Maybe you feel more "normal" chasing a diagnosis rather than living with a random symptom which causes you uncertainty because tests have been clear? It would probably be rather unsettling having no symptoms/sensations to worry about because you are so used to living like this?

03-01-20, 14:40
I dont think it would make my day having something wrong, tbh, little ailments freak me out these days.

Is it at all possible that my sensations could be anxiety and over thinking? My toe isnt swollen and looks fine, however when I wear trainers, the toe feels swollen and feels like its pressing against my other toes and I’m very ‘aware’ of it (it being my toe) - if that makes sense. If the xray comes back fine then Ill just think its something nerve related causing these sensations - back on the MS trail.

Or just chalk it up to pain. Why can't it be just pain? Why does it have to something serious like MS ? Again, sounds like you want to have something wrong just to say you have something wrong.

09-01-20, 18:37
Health anxiety and symptoms have got the better of me today. Just shouted at the kids during bathtime because my head is consumed with worries.

At the moment the bottom of my left foot on the outer side has been sore and aching, and I've just noticed it's also quite numb to touch! What the hell is wrong with me?! Why do I always get strange symptoms?

I've been on my feet all day doing decorating and also on my knees doing doing skirting work in the place I work, been wearing new trainers as well which haven;t felt comfortable. I don't know if that's because of the way I'm walking - i've adjusted my gait slightly because of my toe pain, so I'm leaning on the outside of my foot slightly. Could this be causing the aches and numbness?

Very worried about neuropathy and MS now. I always seem to have foot pains upon walking after getting out of bed as well.

Got football tonight after the christmas break but don't know if I should be playing with such symptoms.

Anyone here have experience qith foot issues?

09-01-20, 18:45
Yep, I just switched from my comfy shoes to my winter boots and every step hurts; it will do for the next few weeks.

09-01-20, 18:56
Yep, I just switched from my comfy shoes to my winter boots and every step hurts; it will do for the next few weeks.

Thanks BI, the numbness is worrying though don;t you think? I know you get like dead arms and hands etc if you sleep on them awkwardly, but there's no pins and needles here, just a strange numbness in about a 3x1inch section of my foot.

09-01-20, 19:04
I've honestly had boots that have left me unable to feel several toes for about a week after I stopped wearing them.

10-01-20, 13:00
So I had my xray results on my big toe back, and there's nothing wrong with my toe joint.....hmmm.......what would be causing this pain then?! I also get pain sometimes when the joint clicks......

Not sure whether to feel reassured or more worried now, especially as I've got joint clicking all over my body. Could it be something musculoskeletal, or some other disorder causing joint pains?

10-01-20, 13:17
Maybe you're just achy. Knock it off, Mr L. I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking of walking away from the site because it's too upsetting to have the reassurance I offer constantly dismissed; please don't be part of the problem.

10-01-20, 13:50
Do serial posters really want reassurance though? They appear to have a set agenda of ruminating happily about the possibility of disease and any reassurance just falls on deaf ears because chasing a diagnosis suits them better.

10-01-20, 13:52
You're right, I think. I want to help people out of the dark place I used to be, but I'm starting to think they're happy there.

10-01-20, 13:56
I'm pretty sure some people are, BI. I wouldn't waste your time and strength any further. Plenty of people on here aren't happy or comfortable with being plagued by HA and they want help and support.

10-01-20, 13:57
Thanks, Pulisa, I needed to hear that.

10-01-20, 18:37
Sorry to upset you BI, I do appreciate all your help on here.

I’m going to try and take a break from the forum. It may help me, and my relationships with people on here.

20-01-20, 17:12
I’ve tried really hard not to post about this, but I’m bordering on spiralling.

Back in May I posted about an itchy mole area on my left flank. At the timw there was an insect bite close so presumed it to be that. However the area continues to itch occassionally now, Ive tried to think its just a mole getting irritated as its a little bit raised and has a hair growing out of it.

A doctor checked it out for me back in the summer and said it looks fine but to look out for shape, colour and bleeding changes.

A local lad only a few years younger than me died last week from melanoma so I’m getting concerned about this now. Mole itchiness is a symptom of cancer so Im fearing the worst. Ive also bern feeling beyond tired since xmas so presuming that is also a secondary melanoma symptom.

20-01-20, 17:13
Just no, okay? Get a grip on yourself. You've managed before and you can do it again.

20-01-20, 17:35
It’s ok to post about things that worry you. A problem shared is a problem halved etc..
It’s what you do now that is what’s important.
It has been examined and it’s not a concern to a medical professional.

Your anxiety is still a concern though, so why don’t we try dealing with that? I’m happy to help, are you willing to try?

27-01-20, 17:06
So Ive tried to ‘get a grip’ and ignore the thoughts and symtpoms, but Im really struggling with this fatigue. Since xmas Ive had chronic tiredness, even with lots of rest and sleep. Ive even cut down on my exercise incase im just doing too much. Ive hAd boughts of fatigue before after anxiety but not this long. Had my second CBt session last week and im managing ok with decreasing bad habits like googling and checking, but I cannot help feeling this way. Each morning I wake up feeling hungover, and my eyes sting every day. Not sure if I need some more bloods incase I have a deficiency and maybe have another look at this mole incase of melanoma.

27-01-20, 20:14
Well if you’re not sure then go back to the GP.

28-01-20, 11:14
I really don't know what to do. I'm in therapy now and I'm meant to really work hard not to seek reassurance: by means of googling, talking on here, asking friends/family or visiting the doctors.

But my left flank around my mole area gets itchy at times, and all I think about is Melanoma. Even on a good day I'll get an itch there and the negative thoughts come rushing back. I know anxiety can make you feel sensations, but surely not when you're having a good day?

I'm hoping it could be underlying anxiety because there's been a lot of melanoma talk recently on news websites and on here, all of which have obviously triggered me.

Sighs, so tired of this all.

28-01-20, 11:20
It's horrible, isn't it? Melanoma is a major trigger of mine - more for my husband's moles than for my own. Honestly, though, I don't think this is something worth worrying about.

Keep practicing at retraining your thoughts, and you'll get there eventually.

29-01-20, 09:50
Thanks for the reply BI. The fatigue is whats bothering me a lot, everyday for weeks now I've had stingy heavy eyes - can't find this to be related to anxiety unlike other symptoms like palps, bowel issues etc.

I've just called and asked my mum to look at my mole again to see exactly what colour it is....I know she's not a dr, so dunno why I'm doing it.....

29-01-20, 09:52
Because your HA is flaring massively, is why.

Honestly, I'm exhausted all the time right now, but I was ill over Christmas and my depression's being a git right now. I don't love it, but it doesn't bother me.

29-01-20, 10:01
Because your HA is flaring massively, is why.

Honestly, I'm exhausted all the time right now, but I was ill over Christmas and my depression's being a git right now. I don't love it, but it doesn't bother me.

Hmm, regarding the depression, how do you feel? I don't feel like 'classically depressed' like some people describe - black clouds, sleeping, cannot get out of bed etc. But I am worried about money all the time, constantly feel like I'm not doing well in enough in life, health worries (obviously!), fatigued.

29-01-20, 10:39
That's going to exhaust you, definitely.

Don't go diagnosing yourself with depression - it's true that it often accompanies anxiety, but leave that one for a medical professional. I've been living with it since my teens.

29-01-20, 14:18
That's going to exhaust you, definitely.

Don't go diagnosing yourself with depression - it's true that it often accompanies anxiety, but leave that one for a medical professional. I've been living with it since my teens.

Is it? I always assumed that I have sort of depression. I'm sure a dr told me once that depression is the cause of anxiety, and thats why it's treated with anti-depressants.

I've always been a bit confused if they are completely separate entities.

29-01-20, 14:23
They're closely related, but separate, which is why some ADs work better for depression and some have better results for anxiety. Might be worth asking next time you're at your GP, anyway.

01-02-20, 20:37
So ive joined the coronavirus health anxiety party.

My partner had a sore throat start of the week, and some mild cold like symptoms - she is now better. I caught it Tue/Wed, however on Monday night I walked past a bunch of asian students with my dog, and now because Im still not better - stuffy nose, cough, a bit achy - the what ifs are starting.....

I don’t know from which exact countries the international students are from btw, and they may have already been here before the outbreak began. The campus and college is a mile from our house and I regurarly walk the dog past there.

I could email the college to ask but then I’d sound like a complete nutter - not that I am not one already.

01-02-20, 21:07
Did the students have suitcases with them labelled "Wuhan"?

01-02-20, 21:23
Don't be racist, Mr. L? You're definitely skirting that territory now.

01-02-20, 21:38
Just a friendly reminder that just because a person looks a particular way doesn’t mean they couldn’t even be as English as I am (very English) it’s not fair to treat a group of people with such prejudice. Also the campus would never give out personal information on their students and rightly so!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-02-20, 21:48
When I walked past an Asian lady yesterday my reaction was https://yoursmiles.org/msmile/wonder/m1435.gif (https://yoursmiles.org/m-wonder.php)...she was beautiful.

01-02-20, 22:04
I’m most definitely not racist. I went to this very college and my friend actually works in the international student dept, so I know that the college has global connections with various parts of the world - America and Asia mainly. Met many myself when I was a student too. However like I said, I have absolutely no idea where these group of students came from. My anxiety is wrong to make such assumptions, but the media is really drilling the scaremongering into the public now.

Im going to stop now before Imdig myself a bigger hole.

23-02-20, 08:52
Hello all, I havent been doing too bad recently. Ive been sticking to my CBT therapists’ goals of not googling too much, not seeking reassurance, not triggering myself by reading health articles.

But Im going through a rough patch this week. We’ve been having financial difficulties as a family and Im not sleeping well, not eating properly and im feeling stressed and depressed.

I keep feeling full after eating and feeling nauseous, also been having acid reflux and some heartburn. Could this be the stress?

I feel my bowels have slowed down, and Usually have a fast digestion system. Last night after a gig I ate a chicken kebab (2am). I rarely eat this sort of food, and thus morning I can still taste it in my burps! This is around 8am. Im starting to spiral about Gastroparesis now, because Ive got classic symptoms. Am I being a bit ridiculous??

23-02-20, 14:02
Yes and you know you are.

02-03-20, 09:44
Sighs. I'm back again.

Hope someone can help with this as I've googled this morning and now I've scared the daylights out of myself.

Basically 2 weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night gasping, having a bit of a coughing fit. I put it down to just having a bit of a dry throat, post nasal drip/phlegm and maybe stress. I won't go into the details, but me and my partner have been on the rails the past few weeks due to my anxiety and money issues, so I've been severely stressed out.

However last night, I had another episode. Woke up at around 2am, gasping, choking and had to cough a lot. I have a lot of phlegm in my throat today, and have had some reflux troubles over the past few weeks as well.

I'm frightened right now, because I've read up about sleep apnea, and how you can die from it in your sleep.

Help, is this something I need to go to the doctor over? I've always had on/off anxiety over getting enough sleep, so I could really do without worrying about this on top.

02-03-20, 09:53
It's really nothing; happens to me occasionally. It's not pleasant but it won't harm you.

02-03-20, 10:24
You really think so? I guess because I have other symptoms such as being really tired and wake up feeling unrefreshed, I'm attributing that to sleep apnoea. Also my partner has commented that I snore really loud at times, and I never really have snored a lot in the past.

02-03-20, 10:34
I went through a phase of that myself just a couple of weeks ago; pretty sure it was just the tail-end of a long sequence of colds.