View Full Version : Weird rash on both knees?

05-11-19, 07:33
Hey everyone. I've noticed that my knees have been itchy the past couple of days, but suddenly tonight they are covered in red welts and bumps. I'm unsure whether or not they are hives and I'm really concerned. It's just my knees, nowhere else as far as I can tell. I don't think I've ingested or come into contact with anything I'm allergic to either. I have been doing pilates every day and a lot of it involves ground work and being on my knees so maybe that's it, but it's still quite an alarming thing to find on my body. I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow about my birth control prescription so I'll bring it up while I'm there, but I really need someone to help calm me down right now because I'm convincing myself that I'm having trouble breathing now. I have some cream I can put on it so I'm gonna try to do that and relax, but I'm very freaked out. Sorry to post here so often lately.. you guys are just great at reminding me that I'm usually just being silly.

06-11-19, 03:40
Do you do Pilates in your own home or a gym, and do you use a mat? When I used to do it in a gym, we always brought our own mats so we could cover the gym mats because who knew where those things had been. If you use a mat, I'm wondering if you got a contact rash from something on the mat.

06-11-19, 03:43
it’s probably an allergic reaction. My sister just had the same rash on her knees 2 weeks ago. Everything’s gonna be fine! :)

06-11-19, 04:27
I have been doing pilates every day and a lot of it involves ground work and being on my knees so maybe that's it

.....sorry, but this sort of post makes me laugh, and not just from you its a general thing that we see here often related to HA. Someone writes about a minor physical issue, then lists the exact reason why its happened (pilates on your knees) but seems very concerned that it could be something else to the point of giving themself panic attacks. Could it be allergies, something you've eaten etc ? No, its just from rubbing your knees on the floor doing pilates, just as you said. Cause and effect, lots of friction on knees possibly wearing an aggravating fabric or onto a surface that is rough or sprayed with something= a bumpy rash. Why look further than that ? Why go down alternative routes with your thoughts - instead consider the factors surrounding the pilates. (incidentally I've had this on one knee, from doing some work outside for a few hours and kneeling a lot on one knee on some decking with shorts on)

By the way, I'm just interested, what happened about your visual aura and were you checked ?

06-11-19, 09:34
Are you sure it isn’t carpet burn....:D

06-11-19, 09:59
Are you sure it isn’t carpet burn....:D

Bow chicka wow wow.