View Full Version : Are new symptoms normal? (Hair loss)

05-11-19, 10:52
I'm getting hair loss (head) for the first time and i have mostly under control Trichotillomania (compulsive pulling out hair) so it's particularly distressing for me to have hair loss that I can't control. I have really thick hair so it's not been that noticible so far but I'm really worried, and don't know how to stop it. If I lose any more it's going to be very obvious and I don't think I could cope well.

But I'm 30 years old, I figured I understood the symptoms I had already and knew what to expect, but now I have hair loss. It could be something other than anxiety causing it, although that's unlikely as it started in a definite period of intense distress.
Are new symptoms common?

05-11-19, 10:57
Could this just be your normal? I have really thick hair and I shed like a housepet ;)

05-11-19, 21:05
Haha yeah me to, but no I don't think so. At first I thought it was, but it came out in clumps a few days ago in the shower and I'd noticed the front of my hairline looking unusually thin. I have really warped perception self so I wasn't sure if that was real or not. I want to go to a hairdresser for help, but I have mild excema on my head so I'm not sure if they'd be willing to touch my hair.

06-11-19, 04:00
BlueIris, LOL at shedding like a housepet! :roflmao: When I was growing up and we had multiple people in the house with long hair, I used to have a untangle the brush bar on the vacuum cleaner on a regular basis!

HalfJack, if your hairdresser agrees that your hair loss really is unusual, you might want to make an appointment with your GP. There are hormonal things that can cause hair loss in women, so a blood test might be in order. Not trying to alarm you, just thinking that the doc might be able to help with your hair loss in that case.

06-11-19, 20:53
I haven't been to a hairdresser yet, I'm really worried they won't let me in because of my skin issue.
Maybe I'm just better off going to my GP, I appreciate the warning thank you!