View Full Version : Worried about HIV

05-11-19, 14:42
Hi all,

I had unprotected sex around 4-5 weeks ago (Yes, i know), the man did not ejaculate at all but i am sure there was some pre-ejaculate in the mix.

After sex he told me that he was interested in having sex with men (i think he said that he hadnÂ’t yet, but wanted to - im not sure if he was honest though) but i am assuming he has had sex with women before me too.

Am i high risk for contracting HIV? Really worried about this, but i do have a history of health anxiety and had convinced myself also that i may become pregnant from the same event (i am not pregnant).

I also feel a bit rubbish- achey and generally a bit poorly. But nothing i would describe as “flu” just have been busy lately.

Also, if i am to be tested- where? Im in the UK.

Thanks guys :(

05-11-19, 19:57
People should always have regular sexual health check ups when they are not in a monogamous relationship.

HIV transmission between heterosexuals in the U.K., particularly whites, is a very uncommon event. You’ve said this guy may have had sex with men, which would place him in a high risk group. Most HIV transmissions in the U.K. occur among gay men.

from this ONE encounter, it’s very unlikely you’ve contracted HIV. But in future, make sure a condom is always used.

theres a lot of debate out there about the risk of HIV through oral sex. Some doctors say no risk, as there hasn’t been a documented transmission through this route, whilst others say it’s low risk with a theoretical risk. There is much information on it which you can read.

ive no idea why this post is in italics. Tried to switch it off but it didn’t work.

good luck

Edit: Yay! I was able to correct the italic text on desktop :)

06-11-19, 03:27
Anytime you have unprotected sex you put yourself at risk of contracting HIV as well as other STDS and Hepatitis. There is no way for any of us to say one way or the other if this encounter put you at risk because we don't know if the person you had the encounter with is HIV postive or not. I would say it's probably isn't likely but I'm not a dr...

I dont live in the UK so I dont know where you could go to get tested but you should eventually get tested to make sure your good and then keep getting tested every so often. I am married and have been with the same man for the last 22 years, as far as I know he is faithful but I still get tested for everything every year when it's time for my woman exam.

Your probably okay but from here on out make sure protection is used cause it's just not worth the worry and possiblity.