View Full Version : Narrowed everything down to esophagus cancer

05-11-19, 14:46
I'll try to keep this short. About 2 years ago I went to an ENT doc because I felt like something is stuck in my throat, had excessive post nasal drip, and since then I developed a chronic throat clear (I clear my throat like every 2 minutes). I'm 24 years old. My ENT told me that it's probably acid reflux and gave me PPI's, but I never bothered to use them because I found another cancer worry soon after the visit.

Fast forward to today, about 2-3 weeks ago I started spitting blood. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning, and when I spat in the sink, my saliva would be yellowish/red. I assumed that it's just my gums, but I had 2 instances of actually coughing and spitting some fresh bright blood. I went to the hospital, where they admitted me to a pulmonary ward and ran tests: chest x-ray, CT with contrast, sinus x-ray, bronchoscopy, abdominal ultrasound. All the tests came out clear. You can imagine how ecstatic it was to get an all clear, however that didn't last long. I started analyzing, and I figured that the blood must've came from somewhere. If they excluded my chest as the reason, then it must be my esophagus. I found this piece of information: "Blood from the stomach or esophagus may be silently regurgitated into the back of your throat. This causes irritation of the throat, resulting in cough". I am shaking now, I don't want to die. I immediately called and booked an upper endoscopy on Friday, that is in 3 days. I'm expecting the worst, despite the fact that between 1995 (my birth year) and 2016, only 4 men in my age group (20-24) have died from that disease in my country. I know that there are other symptoms like trouble swallowing or pain in chest, but I am pretty positive that I've got esophageal cancer and my time has come.

05-11-19, 14:53
Mostu, you know the chronic throat clearing can cause irritation, right?

I'd stake money on you not having cancer.

05-11-19, 15:12
Yes, but the throat clearing might be indicative of underlying recurrent laryngeal nerve involvment due to a mass in my esophagus. I know that I am irrational, but I just can't seem to find peace...

05-11-19, 15:13
Exactly, you're irrational. Hold onto that thought and take a breath.

Nobody who isn't a medical professional has any business using the phrase "indicative of underlying recurrent laryngeal nerve involvement due to a mass in the esophagus"

05-11-19, 15:36
"indicative of underlying recurrent laryngeal nerve involvement due to a mass in the esophagus"

Say what ? Googling much !

It could be something so so simple, like for example a minor nose-bleed which is running down the back of your soft palate and you are coughing it up or an irritated throat from coughing (as Blue said above). You are assuming, as that is the path that you are set on following, that this is from the oesopahgus. However, in following this route of catastrophic doom, you are missing all the most likely reasons for this.

05-11-19, 16:01
Yes, I'm familiar with the horses-not-zebras saying, however it's hard to follow it. I feel like every time something is wrong with me it's cancer until proven otherwise :(

05-11-19, 16:03
I feel like every time something is wrong with me it's cancer until proven otherwise :(

Well, luckily doctors don't work that way, otherwise hospitals would be full of people with minor symptoms and illnesses.

05-11-19, 16:05
Exactly, Carys.

Mostu, the only proven problem here is your anxiety, and this is what you need professional help for.

05-11-19, 22:40
I'm glad to see you recovered from your lung cancer last month!

Positive thoughts

05-11-19, 23:00
I haven't read any of the replies to this thread, so I apologise if it's already been covered.

NO. Blood-tinged saliva is not oesophageal cancer. OR any sort of cancer. It's blood being coughed up that's worrying. Same goes for vomiting blood. I vomited blood from (what we think) was an ulcer twice this year, and both times my vomit was red - the unmistakable "blood red" colour. And there was a lot of it. Ever eat a rare/medium rare steak? You know the way the blood leaks around the plate? That's what my vomit looked like.

I also had/have/had/have (intermittent) gum disease - I spit blood-tinged saliva all the time. Mostly in the mornings/middle of the night. It's probably because you're mouth-breathing during your sleep that's aggravating it.

If anything, a trip to the dentist is in order - and that's it!

You're fine. Good luck

06-11-19, 09:42
I'm glad to see you recovered from your lung cancer last month!

Positive thoughts

I was going to say the same thing.:D

08-11-19, 13:02
Having the gastroscopy in two hours. I can't describe my anxiety with words.

08-11-19, 13:39
I know, you must be frightened rigid....but once this is done you will have a clear answer and way forward. Please let us know how you get on.

08-11-19, 18:38
Okay so I don't have cancer, whew. However the GI doc told me that I have Gerd and some erosions due to gastropathy, he told me that I have signs of chronic inflammation. I'm negative for H. Pylori, he also took one more biopsy from the erosions and told me that it's just standard procedure and there's nothing oncological going on there.

08-11-19, 18:52
Well, good stuff and thanks for coming back to post an update. I'm glad you now have a definitive reason for your symptoms and presumably the chronic inflammation accounts for the bloody spit ? What treatment has been offered ?

08-11-19, 19:00
I have yet to visit an ENT doc, because the bloody cough could've been attributable to nose or throat problems. I got PPI's and a change of diet now, so I guess that it's fine

08-11-19, 19:05
Oh, so this wasn't related to the bloody cough ?

08-11-19, 19:47
Well it kinda was, because as I said, first I noticed bloody cough, went to the hospital, had some tests that checked my lungs and I got discharged. Soon after I started to wonder where the blood came from, so I thought that maybe it's from my esophagus, and I scheduled the scope. I still need to see the ENT doc, however I wanted to exclude esophageal bleeding because it's more scary than nose/larynx bleeds.