View Full Version : Starting Lexapro

05-11-19, 22:28
So, I'm taking Lexapro for the first time- my gp is starting me off on 5 mg and within in the next week moving me to 10 mgs. This is a result as me having intense panic attacks and not sleeping at all. I ended up in the a and e with a super bad panic attack. They did a ecg all good. Yet I still felt terrible and having attacks.

I had my first dose today, I had a rough stomach, I'm having some reflex now which is causing some pain and burning plus my heart rate seems to be kicking it up a notch. I sometimes I feel really dozed out also. I'm dreading any other side effects or what could make it worse.

Any tips and advice would be helpful xx

06-11-19, 00:48
Hi Louise
I've been on 10mg for years now and found it to be great.
I did experience some mild side effects but nowhere near as bad as others I had tried.
Hang in there and 10mg should work well for you.

06-11-19, 01:34
Hi Louise
I've been on 10mg for years now and found it to be great.
I did experience some mild side effects but nowhere near as bad as others I had tried.
Hang in there and 10mg should work well for you.

Hi Phill2,

Thank you for the reply- I guess dealing with the side effects at first is quite hard! I'm very aware of my body and any side effects sets me off. I guess the lack of sleep isn't helping also. I'm glad you found it good x!

06-11-19, 04:34
See if your Dr will give you a little Valium to help with the initial side effects and lack of sleep.
Mine did and it helped heaps.

06-11-19, 06:16
I ended up in the a and e with a super bad panic attack. They did a ecg all good. Yet I still felt terrible and having attacks.

By no means an usual scenario. Many of us with panic disorder have seen the insides of A&Es convinced we're having a heart attack. :ohmy:

had my first dose today, I had a rough stomach, I'm having some reflex now which is causing some pain and burning plus my heart rate seems to be kicking it up a notch.

Unfortunately, stomach issues are relatively common due to the extra serotonin activity at the beginning. The enteric nervous system (http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/23/health/the-other-brain-also-deals-with-many-woes.html), the mini brain which controls the gut is by far the most serotonergic organ of the body making about 50 times as much serotonin as the brain so can be more affected by SSRIs. However, after a while the body responds to the extra serotonin by downregulating its synthesis and expression and the side-effects usually begin to diminish.

I'm dreading any other side effects or what could make it worse

The thing to always keep in mind is that while the side-effects may sometimes be unpleasant and scary, they are not harmful. Contact your GP is they become too difficult as there are ways of easing, perhaps even eliminating some of them.