View Full Version : Pain in right side of ribs/ lower back

06-11-19, 16:30
Has anyone experienced things like this from anxiety?

Around 5-6 weeks ago after slowly tapering off medication (I'd take for 10 years) I started to feel really light headed and dizzy. I went to the doctor's and they said it's probably a virus as I'd just had a cold. So feeling anxious anyway I started taking a low dosage of my medication again.

The light headed feeling has pretty much gone now, however in the last couple of weeks the right side of my ribs, mainly the lower area feels like a dull achey pain. This feeling is there majority of the time which spreads to my lower back. If you asked me on a scale of 1-10 how painful is it would be very low around 3. It's possible I've somehow just strained a muscle but I've been worrying about it constantly for a week, but don't want to go to the doctor's again as I feel like it's probably nothing and in my head. I have literally no other symptoms which makes me think it also must be nothing.

06-11-19, 21:35
I HAVE BEEN HAVING THIS FOR A FEW WEEKS NOW! It made me fall off the wagon and suffer HA again, thinking it was cirrhosis. Thankfully my LFTs came back normal today.

It's probably muscular?

06-11-19, 21:46
Kinda the same. The lightheadness brought it back for me but this is the next thing. I read muscular strains in your ribs can take 7 weeks to get better so yes most likely muscular. Hope you're feeling better soon!