View Full Version : guilt

26-09-07, 00:15
ive suffered with panic attacks badly since i was about 18,im now 27 and in that time have had several attacks in social situations especially when meeting people and not knowing what to say and know that i have caused the other people distress.anyway i feel such guilt for doing this to people and that just makes everything worse can anybody relate to this

26-09-07, 02:22
I understand. I've had to avoid a lot of situations, or acted strangely around people due to my anxieties, and felt like I was letting people down. I don't know what else to say...except I wish you all the best in getting through this. We don't mean to have these problems...they suck...

26-09-07, 10:33
I think its always a good idea to let those around you know that you have a mental health problem. Would you hide a broken arm? No!!!! Well it would be hard to anyway.

I am not saying you should tell everyone because you may not feel comfortable with that but let close friends know how you feel. Remember one in four people have or will suffer from a mental health issues, so its nothing to be ashamed of.

What I would like to suggest is that you work on what is causing you the most difficulties and maybe ask friends what they think.

keep posting on here and let us know how your doing

26-09-07, 13:00
I agree totally with purplehaze on this one - hiding it always makes it worse, but likewise blurting it out to everyone isn't always the best way to make friends either. If it's a friend who I know I'll see regularly and so I know that at some point they're going to see me getting symptoms then I let them know. No need to go overboard but just making them aware has helped them understand and even help solve some panic attacks much more quickly than had I kept it buried.

26-09-07, 16:01

The trouble with burying things is that they have a nasty habit of suddenly jumping up and shouting 'Boo!' when you least expect it!

Don't feel guilty Paramo - if you had a broken leg or chicken pox you wouldn't would you?

This affliction is an illness just like anything else - it's just not all that visible sometimes.

Easy does it eh?

Be kind to yourself (hm, I must make a note of that myself and practice what I preach!):blush:
