View Full Version : Citalopram Diary 3rd round

07-11-19, 13:26
... maybe even 4th looking at my old posts.
day 3 of 10 mg
so far just tiredness which is mainly down to insomnia, first night was the worst one couldn’t sleep at all, last night bit better managed to sleep for few more hours. Bit upset stomach and my jaws are getting bit tighter. Heighten anxiety not too bad at the moment, but not really venturing to any places where I would feel overwhelmingly anxious.
randomly I also had bad pain in my knee yesterday, but that could have been from my Pilates class, maybe I twisted something.

Emotionally just feeling bit numb, but that’s probably contributed by the tiredness.

09-11-19, 15:37
Day 5
today I m feeling extra anxious, not sure if it’s because I m so tired from lack of sleep or just heighten anxiety from the meds.
Also had to go and pee quite a lot, it’s one of my symptoms when I get anxious so hoping this will pass soon.

09-11-19, 21:50
Also had to go and pee quite a lot, it’s one of my symptoms when I get anxious so hoping this will pass soon.

More frequent peeing is a listed initial side-effect of most SSRIs, but anxiety can also cause it so...

13-11-19, 19:06
Day 10, last night I hardly got any sleep again so felt really tired at work, my stomach gets very gassy and gurgles a lot too and at night still feel nauseas when I m awake.
I actually feel so tired I can’t almost register the anxiety anymore.

13-11-19, 21:33
my stomach gets very gassy and gurgles a lot too and at night still feel nauseas when I m awake.

SSRIs can affect the gut more than they do the brain because it is by far the most serotonergic organ of the body, making about 50 times more serotonin than the brain. It usually adjusts to the med within a week or two. The usual otc remedies should work, as should ginger and/or vitamin B6 supplements for nausea.

I actually feel so tired I can’t almost register the anxiety anymore.

I urge you to talk to your GP about this as while tiredness may be masking the anxiety it can worsen be worsening it. A small dose of mirtazapine, or other sedating med can make a significant difference.

14-11-19, 09:06
I urge you to talk to your GP about this as while tiredness may be masking the anxiety it can worsen be worsening it. A small dose of mirtazapine, or other sedating med can make a significant difference.
Thank you, my review is not till the 9 th of December so I will see how it goes till then. I remember that it was pretty bad first few weeks last time , so I guess it’s one of those things

26-11-19, 18:10
Day 22 still having problems with my sleep, so decided to switch my dose to morning as of tomorrow, now my stomach feels bit better.
Otherwise still feel bit more anxious on occasions and my bladder feels sometimes full when it’s not, probably down to heightened anxiety.
My mood has been bit better more levelled.
Also managed trip to Bournemouth with my friends ( tho I was driving alone in my car, not ready to be a passenger just yet) but less panicky to pull over to every station to go and pee.

26-11-19, 20:58
Sounds like they are working quickly for you which is great. I’m on my second time and only really noticing improvement now at 6 weeks on 20 (8 and a half altogether).

03-12-19, 21:08
Day 30, sleep is getting bit better, I still wake up at night , but do manage to go back to sleep eventually.
Still have moments of heightened anxiety and urge to pee but it’s all getting better.
Will have review with GP in a week time so possibly increasing to 20mg.

10-12-19, 03:56
Hi Keta I’m really happy for you. Not so good for me unfortunately. 10 weeks all up and8 on 20 and very up and down still

10-12-19, 21:50
Will have review with GP in a week time so possibly increasing to 20mg.

It should definitely be increased to 20mg. Taking ADs at sub, or borderline therapeutic doses for extended periods can increase the risk of the med pooping-out as there may be repeated interruptions to the neurogenesis mechanism (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3025168/) by with ADs work if plasma levels drop to below that required to sustain the process.

11-12-19, 20:10
5 weeks
Seen the doc on Monday , she was against increasing my dose to 20mg, she wants me to concentrate more on relaxation etc as tablets are no answer to my anxiety problems, which I guess she is right about.
So I will just stick to 10mg for now, I have some group therapy coming up in February as well and she said we can review again in 3 months time.
I feel bit more calmer at the moment , sleep is still hit & miss , last night I slept quite well but most nights I m up a lot.
No stomach issues apart from more wind in my stomach , lot of rumbling & noises .
Heightened anxiety has also settled now.
Other side effects mainly my sex drive has gone to nada, but I remember that got better eventually too.