View Full Version : Lump center of chest

07-11-19, 14:45
I had a cyst in the exact same place years ago and received antibiotics for that which got rid of it.

This lump isn't painful, maybe slightly bigger than the size of a pea, and it's quite hard. Had it for a long time and I'm getting really worried because it feels slightly bigger than it has done in the past.

The only health check I've had recently is a full blood count which was fine. I'm terrified this could be cancer related though :(

07-11-19, 15:29
But you said you have had it for a very long time... If you have had it for a very long time and there was no change it's not cancer.

I have a cyst on my back that is hard and has been there for a few years now. Maybe it's a cyst? If you had one in the same location before I'm betting that's exactly what it is.

07-11-19, 16:11
Sounds like a cyst - I have one on my back as well.

07-11-19, 16:24
Thanks for the replies, guys. I was always under the assumption that cysts were soft and moved freely so this has slightly put my mind at ease.

07-11-19, 17:24
Mine is a sebaceous cyst that is like a lump so not really moveable as such.

08-11-19, 02:52
Mine is also a sebaceous cyst and it's not soft and doesn't move. It got infected once and oh my was it painful so much so I had to go to the emergency room. The doctor there drained it and said he got as much of the cyst out that he could. After it healed up I thought it was gone because I no longer felt a lump but several months later the lump was back. I went to the dermatologist and he told me that if there is anything left behind no matter how small it will eventually come back to what it once was. He also said that even when they are removed they tend to come back in the same location eventually. He said since it wasn't bothering me we would leave it as he didn't want to leave me with a big scar but that if it got infected again we would remove it.
There are different kinds of cysts but it does sound like a sebaceous cyst. In fact one of the common places for a male to develop this kind of cyst is the chest.

08-11-19, 14:02
Mine is also a sebaceous cyst and it's not soft and doesn't move. It got infected once and oh my was it painful so much so I had to go to the emergency room. The doctor there drained it and said he got as much of the cyst out that he could. After it healed up I thought it was gone because I no longer felt a lump but several months later the lump was back. I went to the dermatologist and he told me that if there is anything left behind no matter how small it will eventually come back to what it once was. He also said that even when they are removed they tend to come back in the same location eventually. He said since it wasn't bothering me we would leave it as he didn't want to leave me with a big scar but that if it got infected again we would remove it.
There are different kinds of cysts but it does sound like a sebaceous cyst. In fact one of the common places for a male to develop this kind of cyst is the chest.

Thank you for the reassurance, it's appreciated :)