View Full Version : Sore legs after starting the pill, worried about blood clot

08-11-19, 14:05
A month ago I started taking the pill, to help my skin not for contraception, and after finishing the first strip I started to feel this slight ache in my calves, mostly the left one. Sometimes I feel achy in my feet too. So immediately I start panicking since a hypochondriac like me has been worrying about DVT since starting the pill.

It’s been a week or so since the pain started and it hasn’t gotten any worse, it’s very mild and more of an annoyance than anything else, there’s no redness, swelling or warmth anywhere...but I can’t think what else it could be so I am still worried. It seems too much of a coincidence for this to happen right as I start the pill. It’s worst at night when I’m trying to sleep (and when I’m thinking about it the most) and I pretty much can’t feel it at all during the day when I’m up and walking around.

I’m 23, have no other health issues, I don’t smoke...so I know my risks of a clot are extremely low but my health anxiety is throwing all logic out the window. Should I get this checked out? Next GP appointments are a good few weeks away and I’m not sure I should go to A&E for a slightly sore leg.

08-11-19, 14:09
It's probably muscle tension, especially if you're worried.

Please, don't waste your time and everybody else's going to A&E.

08-11-19, 15:53
If your terribly concerned get an appt with your primary but dont go to the emergency room as you could be taking resources from someone who has a more serious problem.

I highly doubt you have a blood clot.