View Full Version : Lump in armpit

08-11-19, 16:48

A couple of days ago I noticed a lump in my armpit. It’s under the skin and you can’t see it. I think it’s about the size of a pea, and it feels quite firm but I think it moves under the skin (although could just be the skin on top moving!) It was quite tender but I think that’s because I poked it so much, it’s not feeling tender today. I’m so worried it’s something sinister! I have recently started using a new deodorant, Mitchum, and shaved a couple of days before I noticed but I don’t know if that would have anything to do with it. One thing Google suggests is a swollen lymph node but I’ve had no injury/illness (I did have then nexoplanon implant inserted the other week but on the opposite arm to where the armpit lump is). I’m 25, and never felt this before. Feeling very worried about it!

08-11-19, 17:26
Could be a spot/boil/cyst - anything really.

Just watch and see.

08-11-19, 17:42
I sometimes get a spot/cyst in an armpit after shaving, and funnily enough almost always when my mini-pill dose has been messed about with. Could well be that, especially if it's red/sore? See a doc if you're worried, but I'm with Nicola on wait and see.

Pea Tear Griffin
15-11-19, 14:24
I have had this many times and it goes away after a couple of weeks its probably just a sweat gland.

I also have to take it easy with the deodorant since I have sensitive skin.