View Full Version : Pushed really hard during workout...scared of rhabdo!

08-11-19, 18:42
Today I pushed myself really hard during a workout. I’ve heard of rhabdo where your muscles die and cause kidney problems from hard workouts...what are the chances of this? My legs feel weak after the workout.

08-11-19, 18:58
I have absolutely no idea what rhabdo is (or didn't until you posted about it), and I honestly can't believe you just 'heard of it' in passing. So, considering that its something that ordinary people know nothing about, I would say that chances are 0.00000001 % that your muscles aren't about to die and your kidneys are going to fail. However the fact that you did a really good workout and have done yourself loads of physical good is a 99.999999 % certainty.

08-11-19, 19:29
Legs being wobbly after a good workout is always a sign of a good workout to me haha. I once worked my legs so hard I couldn't walk down the stairs at the gym afterwards 😂 Defo haven't got rhabdo, I'm not sure what that is but you're fine

08-11-19, 19:38
Someone has been googling :unsure:

08-11-19, 19:43
Have you actually got any symptoms or do you just think you have worked out too hard? It's usually connected to lifting heavy weights rather than workouts per se. I know someone who had this after months of hardcore working out (doing major weights) and he went to the hospital and got it sorted out and that was that.

08-11-19, 20:20
Someone has been googling :unsure:

Agreed!! Grrrrrrr. 🤬

I'm not going to try to console them anymore, if Google says it.. its fact.

Diagnosis: RHABDO

08-11-19, 20:29
This must be a candidate for most ridiculous (made up) fear of the day.

08-11-19, 20:42
Well apparently, it does exist.....I GOOGLED (seeing as I don't have HA and don't do enough heavy-duty exercise for it to ever concern me lol....)

Its a pretty 'out there' concern though from a work-out that has made your legs ache.

08-11-19, 20:52
Think of it this way - it's rare, working out isn't. How many people work out to failure and don't get this? With weights working out to failure is standard if you want to add muscle so if this was common it would be much better known. And yes, we've even got threads on here where someone had it and was successfully treated for it.

08-11-19, 22:45
I only know of it as a rare side effect of some medications, having dutifully read the PILs.

08-11-19, 23:26
[QUOTE=MyNameIsTerry;1905786]Think of it this way - it's rare, working out isn't. How many people work out to failure and don't get this? With weights working out to failure is standard if you want to add muscle so if this was common it would be much better known.
So true. I've done workouts where I physically can't lift any more. It's not an unhealthy thing (within reason) and helps build muscle tolerance and strength as Terry said

08-11-19, 23:59
Today I pushed myself really hard during a workout. I’ve heard of rhabdo where your muscles die and cause kidney problems from hard workouts...what are the chances of this? My legs feel weak after the workout.

I had to google too!

and in my googling I can answer your question... I read that 10 in 100,000 ever have it and I read this quote too ... “The pain was so excruciating that it contributed to nausea,” Weindruch recalls. “It was unbearable. The worst pain I’ve ever experienced.”

So with your 'weak' legs the chances of you having it are zero.

09-11-19, 01:34
I think I read about this happening once, in some guy who did some kind of challenge run up a mountain in extreme heat. It's really super rare. I only know a little about it because it sometimes occurs in horses. You definitely don't get it by hitting the gym too hard.

I got a good story about weak legs after a workout. When I was younger I took ballet lessons. One day in class, we worked on our leaps. It was so much fun! We jumped over and over. When I got home, I was explaining what we did in class. and I tried to demonstrate the leap we learned in the living room. I landed in a heap because my legs were so tired!

09-11-19, 07:22
Trust me u won’t have Rabdo, the people who are most at risk of this are people like CrossFitters - watch the CrossFit games - see the limits they push themselves to and how they look after and then see if you worked that hard lol your fine honestly ! It’s not common!

09-11-19, 10:21
I tried CrossFit for 6 weeks,gave it up it was to hard and my legs were that sore I could have used my daughters wheelchair,crikey some people come up with some shite.lol

09-11-19, 10:27
I don't think its fair to call it 'shite' Quinn. One fear in the HA arena is no more logical or illogical than the next to be honest - all the HA fears seem bizarre to me to be honest from the brain eating amoeba to the Rab-whatever to the liver cancer. I get your point, you were saying it was SO unlikely, but they are all a symptom of the same catastrophic thought processes.

09-11-19, 10:32
Hi Carys:Dyep I know all about how the HA mind works and know what you are saying,but it’s still shite.x

10-11-19, 01:55
but they are all a symptom of the same catastrophic thought processes.


10-11-19, 07:23
Rhabdo sounds like some new model of car. Maybe we should pitch it to Subaru.

10-11-19, 10:18
It does have a car-type name to it Vee :roflmao:

10-11-19, 10:38
Don't worry, you'd know if you had Rhabdo, as someone else wrote, it's so increadibly painful there wouldn't be any doubt and you'd be rushed to the hospital.
I read somewhere that it's a badge of honor in the Crossfit community :scared15:

11-11-19, 16:17
Hey there. I had rhabdomyolysis in April from doing way to many pull ups. It’s most common with eccentric exercises. I workout a lot and have been sore many many times from working out, but the only reason I knew something was wrong was because my arms were swollen and I could not extend them. It was also extremely painful. I went to the ER that night and got pumped with IV fluids and I was fine within a few days. My kidneys are also fine and working as they should :)

22-12-22, 13:27
what are the chances of this?
